Is anyone else content with what they have and see no need to upgrade constantly? The last thing I bought was a GTX750

Is anyone else content with what they have and see no need to upgrade constantly? The last thing I bought was a GTX750.

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No reason to upgrade if you don't feel the need to. I had to get a 1060 recently because my 680 wasn't cutting it anymore for modern titles. But still using a 2600K.

I'm good with my 3770k, there just isn't anything that is able to choke this processor.
I was good with my HD6870 which has lasted me for almost 7 years but new gaymes proved to overwhelm it. I got a 980Ti which should last me next few years, I hope.

im on a 8 year old pc with that exact CPU clocked at 3.2ghz. i can play most modern games on high or high-med settings still with an 8800. i dont see myself ever upgrading unless the rig breaks.

if you're a brainlet then sure.

> Not wasting resources on something that would give no more benefit
> Brainlet

well you can still upgrade since the core 2 quads and xeon mods are cheap as fuck. i modded mine and use an e5450 clocked at 4.2GHz on air

I'd need a new videocard since my 6950 is not enough to run anything beyond minimum, but unfortunately videocard prices are completely fucked due to each company having monopoly in their separate fields (NVidia on gaming, AMD in number crunching).

Actually I was looking for a new card for the past 5 years already, but the 7970 was too little of an upgrade for its price, the 200/300 series was physically too large and power hungry, the 970 was a joke, and the 980/1070/1080 are way too expensive.

Fury Nano would've been perfect but they made the price retarded.
470/570 would have been near perfect, but miners bought up all the stock.
Vega Nano might be interesting if they can get the drivers working but it'll have retarded prices too. Maybe by the time Vega 11 is out (the midrange version), prices will have normalized.

On the upside, I have zero reason to upgrade my 3570k for a long time.

did you flash the 6950 to 6970 already? it's not hard apparently and lets you squeeze the most of the GPU

also, look into used 980s or 980tis, I got the latter myself for 1/3 of the price of a new 1070 and the 980ti overclocked can get you 1070 performance
also 9xx series was shit for mining so it's not like they're ridden to death

Mine's been at 3ghz stable on air for 10 years. The only things I've upgraded are the ram and gpus. Originally it was an XP box with 4 gigs of DDR2, but after the original mobo burned out I upgraded to DDR3 now it's got 16 gigs of of the stuff with windows 7 installed.

Modern games just dont appeal to me. The last thing I liked was GTA5 but only for the single player and my GTX750 handled it just fine @ 1920x1200. I also dont like 16:9. I prefer 16:10.

>did you flash the 6950 to 6970 already?

Yup, I had a reference cooler version bought in December, with the "cut corners" on the power connector. I got the full 6970 bios first, then later switched to the one that only unlocks the shaders but keeps the memory at normal levels (6950s used slower chips that can't always run on 6970 levels). It was one of the times where being an early adopter did not screw you over.

Also, slapped a Scythe cooler on it, now it runs noise free. I only have to remember to turn the fans up when the card is under high load, just in case (it's hooked on to a manual controller).

There aren't many used cards available where I live, and using ebay would mean that the card gets held up at customs and I end up paying more for them than an original card. And 980s still hold their prices up well, so no go there.

I'll just see if a 570 will be available at proper prices, or if Vega 11 will be good or not. If they can do midrange card with HBM2, so the card has a very short size like the Nano, then I'll be sold.

I used to have this a server / Media center PC but it was idle a majority of the time so I swapped it to an Athlon 5350 the whole system uses half the power now since I didn't need a discrete video card

My 4690k @ 4.7 is great but my GTX 960 2GB does leave some frames to be desired

An i7 or i5 from the first gen costs like 30$. A complete i5-i7 second gen can be bought for 100-150$.

I would replace this q6600 with that - I had it for a while and then a first gen i7. The difference is tremendous. Going between Core generations? Not so much.

I'm not buying another 14nm CPU. Intel can delay and milk cucks with rebadged shit with minimal perfomance upgrade all they want I can't wait for ARM desktop/laptop cpus.

If it's so barely used, you could just buy a MicroServer and have a proper NAS. Or just buy an Atom/Celeron board that eats 15W.

Looked into this back then and now with my second PC i7 950, but meh, the gains are too minuscule. Yeah if you buy the strongest Xeon you get 6 cores for example, but they don't go for cheap either.

Like what games at what resolution and at what framerate?

I have x5470 and I am content. Only problem is power draw really

You can buy a GTX780TI or 980 soon used for great prices. I bought my 780 like this, it was great.

Yeah he must be playing old games and maybe CS 1.6.

A first gen (like mine) i7 eats 130W. Buckle up.

Still rolling q6700 8gb ram with a solid state, runs everything just fine. Play NS2, team fortress and CS GO at 1680x1050 medium to high. Office and Windows is fast as anything modern, so wife doesn't care.

Ran a Q9550 myself until Ryzen.
I never got Jewed on sockets and skipped DDR3 entirely.
775 was a sweet fucking socket man, that shit lasted like 6 fucking years.

The motherboards die though. In my 15 years of PC experience things break/die in EXACTLY this order.
>GPU; 3 years
>Fans; 4 years
>PSU; 4 years
>Mobo; 5 years
I've never had a hard drive or CPU die ever.
When the mobo dies for an old chipset its a fucking problem, finding working 775 boards just became a hassle.

What the fuck? My second rig ever had an E6600 and two 8800 GTX's in SLI. I replaced it with a Q6600 beginning of 2009. I haven't even touched that rig in years and you are able to play stuff on it still? At med to med-high? I call BS man, I was noticing my rig slowing down bigly.

>775 was a sweet fucking socket man
Not like the 2xxx or 4xxx series Core CPUs age any worse. They have fucking A performance, they are reliable as fuck, and have iGPUs even.

Seriously if you buy a new Core series CPU they will give you top-notch / decent performance for 5 years at least.

Ryzen will work too, hopefully after 15 years we will get threaded programs and games. The things that we were promised but never given.
I still hate the industry, shills and the media for making me buy a Core2Quad, then an i7.

yeah, I'm still using the same computer I was using in 2007, with the same processor - core2duo overclocked to 2.8GHz.
I've been thinking about building a new system with ryzen, but it seems like it'd be a lot of work and Im not in a hurry since my current computer still does everything I need.

With socket 775 I started with a cheap $100 duel core and then grabbed the $250 Q9550 at the end of the sockets lifespan. OC'ed it was even better than the early i5's.
It lasted until I couldn't find working 775 mobos anymore. It could handle every graphics card until late 2015. It was a fucking legendary warrior of a CPU and imo the best value CPU Jewtel ever made.

I replaced it with a Ryzen 1600, which just like the cheap duel core I will replace with a high frequency 8 core CPU for the AM4 socket in a few years time.
>tfw 'Smart upgrading' for low value, big gains while keeping up to date.

Me. I5 2320 and gtx760. This machine will last another 3 or 4 years until 4k 144hz is the standard

'modern games' is a stretch since quite a few games need POPCNT now ('technically' part of SSE4.1 but it's int, not fp and it's not on core2 where the rest of SSE4.1 is
POPCNT is nehalem or newer.
iirc It's Bullslowzer on the AMD side.

I have a 2600K at 4.6GHz and don't see myself upgrading any time soon. It is paired with a 1080 now though, as GPUs have continued to progress rapidly.

2600K @4.6ghz would have to be like ~250-300watts for CPU alone...
I guess if you've got cheap power, more power to you.

Hard drives, especially in the early 90s were a lot less reliable than 2000+. I remember having to manually spin start drives because a motor gave up or trying to reconstruct fragmented data from a corrupting drive.

I have only ever had 1 motherboard die from non-stupidity and it was a laptop. I'm currently running an 11 year old computer and have had to replace 2 sticks of RAM (3 and 7 years respectively), 2 video cards(4 and 9 years), and a PSU (6 years). CPU cooler still works great, motherboard hasn't given me a problem.

Really, you shouldn't have problems wiht motherboards as much nowadays since the supply chain has weeded out that batch of flawed capacitors the infected the market 15 years ago. Things were so bad that when building a computer for a friend we had to RMA 2 motherboards because they wouldn't POST.

Also, if a CPU ever dies it's because the person did something stupid or something else failed catastrophically.

Nice meme. Total system power at the wall doesn't even reach your lower estimate, and they're using more voltage than me (1.37V vs 1.325V).

Not to mention that's with Prime95 load. Actual power consumption in gaymes and such will be way lower.

I have a Q9550 that I bought for $40. Its been working for years even with modern games, and the only problem so far is it struggles with video recording. I see no need to upgrade, it works great.

I'm using an X200 with libreboot as my daily driver. No plans to upgrade any time soon. I might look into the Talos II system when it's available since it's completely open hardware.

>Not to mention that's with Prime95 load.
So if you used linpack / IntelBurnTest, the power usage would be 50% higher.

>Actual power consumption in gaymes and such will be way lower.

True but that's cause games barely use more than 2 cores.

Its usually the hot weather that screws up the solder in the GPU PCI interconnect that kills my boards.
You can bake them in the oven for a 50:50 chance of a reflow.
On my new Ryzen mobo the PCI interconnect is decked out with steel. I don't know when they started doing this but its great because that's where my mobos always fail.

Fucking fantastic value CPU. I remember people were going nuts chasing them at the end of 775's lifespan.
Everyone had the same idea, upgrade to Quad core and be future proof.

>high or high-med settings still with an 8800

Most modern games require DX11 or higher, not getting that with an 8800

The 8800 was a good value GPU, never bought one myself but I seem to recall pretty sweet performance from a $150 'GT' version.


I'm on an old Core 2 E8200. My issue is the power draw and SATA II limitation. Other than that, it's still fine. I don't really play games anymore except for old emulators.

>I don't really play games anymore except for old emulators.
congrats on growing up

I'm still using a Phenom II x4 955 from 2010 as my main rig. Combined with 32GB ram, I've no complaints. I don't play newer games, just older titles. I think far as release year goes the "newest" game I play is from 2004 (UT 2k4). My ASRock mobo has SATA III & USB 3 and a shit ton of SATA II so I'm good for a long time.

>Is anyone else content with what they have and see no need to upgrade constantly? The last thing I bought was a GTX750.
>Picture Related
Have same cipu and a GTX 730 I think can't remember.
Only problem seems to be pop in which I think is because I have shitty old hard drives

My q6600 c2q was $12 including shipping feels good

The Q6600 will struggle with modern games, but a 2500K is ok still.

I thought my 2500K was giving me problems with Witcher 3, but I switched to a stronger GPU and the problems were solved. I don't think Divinity 2 will be giving me any troubles either so I won't be upgrading for a while.

>I think far as release year goes the "newest" game I play is from 2004 (UT 2k4)
I remember buying that for $10 when I built my first ever pc and played the shit out of that with my terrible GeForce 6200 card. Gud tiemz.

Is there a newer UT game than that? I know there was one around 2007 that no one plays anymore...

i only upgraded because my last boss was throwing out "old" computers.
my company was throwing a ton of stuff out today.
i asked if i could take whatever was already in the bins.
i just googled the computer.
apparently it's only 2 years old.

I'm planning on selling my current computer and just dust off the old e8500 and 8800gts since I don't play much vidya anymore.

>the old e8500 and 8800gts
But can it run Cuphead?

i5 2400


I bought a old hp elite 8200 and added a second psu (proprietary psu mobo connectors) and then added a 660 ti and I play older titles all day.

You need Ryzen 7 1700 and a Vega 56 in your life

I have one i3-3220. I must have an i7-7700.

5 years now this little tablet is still trucking as a bed time browser

The basic and fairly accurate formula for power draw of an overclocked CPU is as follows:

Stock TDP * (OC speed / stock speed) * square root of(OC Vcore / stock Vcore)
Taking user's 2600k as the example:
>95 * (4600 / 3500(the stock all-core turbo)) * sqr(1.325 / 1.25(average stock Vcore of a 2600k))
>140 watts
>1.37 vcore = 150 watts

As well the chipset of a Z68 board will draw ~50 watts idle, depending on configuration and accessories.

They didn't disable turbo which would allow stability at lower voltages and likely had C-states and downclocking enabled.

I have a i7 4770K but would like more cores because my gameplay can get a bit choppy at times when shit is going on iun the background (usual windows bullshit).

4790k @4.4GHz across all cores, 16gb ram, r9 390x. never thought about an upgrade however i do feel my gpu always runs to hot >_

>mfw my i5 4690 was 100% almost 100% of the time couldnt stream/play games at the same time and multitasking sucked
1600x here im set for another 4 years


>at the end of the sockets lifespan
ah I bought mine at start. but then again as we talked about it, it lasted a fuckton of years, so.... I don't mind.

buying a CPU once is cheaper than changing motherboard, ram, psu and whatnot each fucking year.

2600k was one of the most future proof CPUs ever produced. I murdered mine by spill beer into my PC because drunk. On an old 875k now which still does me right. I just feel like the slight bumps in fidelity from my overclocked 875k and 4gb GTX 670 are hardly noticeable. I have a good job and could but a new rig if I wanted but why bother?

Back in the day upgrading was exiting, 50% increase in performance was considered bad.
Intel does barley 2% per release and nVidia is hovering around 15% if even that.
AMD doesn't even count.

Go back to /ovg/?

Still going strong.

get a used 980 ti

i bought that cpu 10 anyos ago but sold it 9 anyos ago

kale sorbet is teh good shit

I've wanted to upgrade for a couple of years, but always just felt like I should keep waiting for a substantial leap. Thought Coffee Lake could be it, but of course Intel doesn't want to give customers the double whammy of more cores + IPC improvements.

>nVidia is hovering around 15% if even that

The jumps from the 680 to 780 Ti to 980 Ti to 1080 Ti have all been around 30%. Pretty much to the percentage point, based on TPU's averaged summaries. Nvidia tightly control each leap, but 30% per generation isn't bad for the flagship card (excluding Titans).

What were the "old" computers used for and what were the speccs?

Don't buy into the lies of consumerism.

Only upgrade when you feel you need to(lagging hard or non-functional). Otherwise, its all a factor of status symbol, nothing more.

290x owner, get an accelero x3.

Q6600 is shit though. Even the cheap FX CPUs are better.

>i can play most modern games on high or high-med settings still with an 8800.
Nice bullshit faggot.

That's a shit list. Your 15 years of experience probably relate to 15 years of fucking shit up so they brake.

A HDD might die with 5 years, but a non-OC GPU or Mobo? Fuck no.
Fans and PSU? Sure, then it's also the PSU fan usually that goes and usually way longer than 4 years running 24/7, unless you use some cheap chink shit.

>i can play most modern games on high or high-med settings still with an 8800

I gave my old 8800GTX a test a few moths back and most modern games wouldn't even start because of DX11 requirements.

Others like KF2 and BF4 had to run in 720p on low-med settings.

The only games it would be good for now would be light e-sports titles like LoL, CS:GO and the likes.

I recently bought a ThinkPad T420, because I'm starting uni next year, and I wanted a laptop that wasn't complete crap and that could stand little abuse should that happen.

My old HP Pavilion DV5 without any upgrades is still my gaming rig. I can't even think of modern demanding titles I'd want to play.

So, I've upgraded to Sandy Bridge as a work machine, and I'm still using a Core 2 Duo (and a laptop one at that) for video games.

Got this PC in ~2013 sometime for around 120€. Used of course.
The SSDs where free addition a few years latter.
Sold the old case and motherboard and went for a smaller case and board a few years ago.
Sold the old GPU around a year ago (6970) and bought a new one.

I haven't had any other reason to upgrade as it just works fine.
It _literary_ runs modern games like Doom (Ultra 1440p 80FPS to +100FPS) and GTA V (High 1080p 70 FPS), etc.

Posting this from an AM2 system I built in 2008, which was a re-guts of a P2 I built in 99. I've churned through more than a few HDDs, but this one ran Ubuntu from then until this year when I cut over to FreeBSD, but I just switched it back to Ubuntu because I was sick of rolling packages.

Anyway works nice especially after I finally switched to 640bit, and it even plays games I like.

are you from the future?

Last thing i bought was a second handed r9 270x (because motherfucking nvidia drivers bricked my gtx 460).

If i had a Q6600, i would probably upgrade to a modded Xeon 771. As for my current configuration, it's done, nothing will be upgraded.

I schedule to change rig (hoping onto ryzen) by next spring.

10 years old Motherboard, case, PSU and soundcard.

10 years old is also one of the monitor s(2232BW), i just recapped the thing. But it's going somewhere else, i already know i want an ultra-wide monitor.

I need top of the line parts all the time to stay ahead in online sports like Overwatch.

Lag kills...

>Enermax Liberty ELT500AWT
Hell yeah niqqa, I'm still running one of those.

disgusting underage normie

Well as move on to better screens like 1080 IPS you will run into problems, I have to spend a little time on a for it's time nice TN panel and the eye strain is real, so glad I am back on my 1440 IPS, but listen don't upgrade untill you want or need to, but the 775 socket is kinda dead for anything but basic use.

>Using Intel TDP to work out power consumption
Intel TDP's are made up imaginary figures...

It's cucumber

Dual 8400

I'm rocking a i5-2500k and will be upgrading to i7-8700k, so no. This is needed for my work and gaymen.

UT4 is in open alpha

>AMD doesn't even count.

FX8350 to Zen was something like 2x IPC and 2x core count. With Threadripper the core count is even larger. granted, it did take them five years, but still.

>get a used 980 ti

funny thing, I just saw a used 1070 mini itx for a very good price, that would be perfect for me. But chances are, it'll already be gone by the time I can raise the money for it.


i5-2500k until the end of time. I'll pass it down to my children.

I'm on a Q6600 and it works just fine for what I do on my PC

>tfw wanted in on the Q6600 meme years back but ended up finding a used Q6700 for a lower price
>tfw 2.66Ghz instead of 2.40Ghz
>mfw still on Q6700
>mfw every time someone mentions still on Q6600

I put my c2duo to sleep last week, I gave it to my brother some years ago, the whole rig. I've sold him my fx6300 8gb ram and mainboard so the c2d had no place anymore, amazed it still did everything without any problems.