Sup Forums i have a question

Sup Forums i have a question

I have two processors, paid no money for them, an i5 4430s and an i5 4570t. I already have a socket 1150 system to throw one of these in. My question is, which would be better for a tv streaming general use shitbox?

As you can see the 4430s has more cores but is clocked lower. However 4570t has less cache. Wat do?

I will be selling one or the other. Which to sell, which to keep?

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Give them back, Jamal

>tv streaming general use shitbox
its just not that demanding of a task


Sell the entire setup, and upgrade to Ryzen/Coffee lake

ur gonna need a threadripper for what op wants

No need, but at least go for a 6 core in case there is a need to repurpose that machine(that is something that is very likely to happen)

look at the turbo boost

i have a i7-7700t it runs at 36/3700hrtz 100% of the time just like a normal 7700 except its using only 35watts

The one that better FFMPEG performance.
Test them both encoding 4 different videos on different settings on each of the encodes and compare times.

>I have two processors, paid no money for them
Give them back, Jamal.


On the note of selling CPUs.

My 3570k system died (mobo ded) impossible to find 1155 motherboards anymore so I just bought new system. But now I have a perfectly fine 3570k with no motherboard to go along and 32GB of DDR3.

What could I realistically sell these for? Or should I just give them away? They're of no use to me.

this but be sure to do a multiple simultaneous encodes (at least 3) so you can get a feel for how well it would function streaming to multiple screens (assuming you go with something like plex which can dish out streams to multiple screens at once)

just hang onto them. you can certainly get a lot for the ram since ram prices are super inflated right now. if you can chance upon a 1155 mobo for like $50 and you have a spare psu and old mid range video card you can probably spin the setup for $400 or so. though i would probably sell at least half the ram now since that's a guaranteed $80-100

if you just want to sell the CPU, $80 would probably be a fair asking price.

user, i was looking for the exact CPU to upgrade my i3-2100 shitbox.

made me chuckle
you'll need an i7 for proper 60fps streaming

Where do you live?

user, respond.
If you want to buy it from me I'll only make you pay shipping costs.


I'm in Europe too.
Give me an email or discord name or something and let's talk.

discord: yuropoorland

Yuropoorland is the name? I need a number too.

channel: yuropoorland
channel #: 359472160538099722
channel link:
myself: czc

Quints of truth

This isn't working, just message me instead.
Courier_ttf#2397 - can't message you directly for some reason

Solder them together to get an I10-9000ST for a 2300 socket.

Oh bugger off, cultist