/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:

launchpad.net/~madnessmike-deactivatedaccount/ archive/ubuntu/madnessmike/ build/2457574

install Source Mage GNU/Linux

Uninstall Source Mage.

How's ubuntu+pantheon?

Install TempleOS.

> Short GIF/Video Wallpaper Guide

You can use mpv or gifview from the gifsicle package to draw to the root window (the screen sized desktop space underneath everything else where the wallpaper is drawn).
You also need a compositor like compton (if you use a DE you probably have one running already) and xwinwrap to make it work with the compositor (see this thread for more details github.com/chjj/compton/issues/226).
You can download the xwinwrap source code here launchpad.net/xwinwrap
There's also
- a PKGBUILD in the AUR: aur.archlinux.org/packages/shantz-xwinwrap-bzr
- a deb package in some PPA repo: launchpad.net/~madnessmike-deactivatedaccount/ archive/ubuntu/madnessmike/ build/2457574
- and an rpm package: fedora.pkgs.org/25/rpm-sphere/xwinwrap-0.3-2.2.x86_64.rpm.html

mpv command:
xwinwrap -ov -fs -- mpv -wid WID --loop=inf --no-osc --no-terminal /path/to/video
gifview command:
xwinwrap -ov -fs -- gifview -w WID -a /path/to/gif

Put the command in a startup script (.xinitrc if you're using `startx` to enter a graphical session) and end it with an '&' sign (to put the process in the background).
Although you can use mpv to play GIFs, it might be better performance-wise to use gifview instead, but that might require editing the gif to fit your screen nicely.

TempleOS subsystem for Linux when?

Is LightDM a security risk or is it just a meme? Debating whether I should just install Arch and start X manually

Tried this too a while ago. mpv --wid=0 did the job but I had to kill compton first. Will xwinwrap make it work without killing compton?

>Will xwinwrap make it work without killing compton?

Nevermind, just clicked the issue link.

New to this
Installing i3-gaps on debian, where should I compile it to? StartX doesn't seem to work in most directories.

>where should I compile it to?
what are you trying to ask here?

startx works in the directory with the .xinitrc file, aka ~

exec i3
in your ~/.xinitrc if you haven't already

What are some fun terminal commands?

while :; do eject; done

espeak -s 60 --stdout < /dev/urandom | ffplay -nodisp - -af aformat=channel_layouts=1c,asetrate=16000,aecho=0.8:0.9:1052 2>/dev/null

stdbuf -oL xinput test 10 | awk '/ press / { system("espeak beep >/dev/null 2>&1 &") }'

jq '.videos[].url' output.json | cut -c31-39

command line pastebin (termbin.com/)
cat ~/some_file.txt | nc termbin.com 9999

holy fuck thankyou

Suggestions for a Linux distribution centered on music production/performance? What about KXStudio?

Any software to check into? I like software that enables drag-and-drop customization and midi support (a-la FL Studio), and it would be nice to have something solid and free that I can drop my own VSTs/etc. into.

>Inb4 Sup Forums wiki, you and I both know it's never up.

Should I kms for not being able to install arch properly?

Yes, even I could do it and I'm a retard.

there's also ix.io/
that works like
cat ~/some_file.txt | curl -F 'f:1=

Have any of you installed Arch anything outside of a VM? I couldn't tolerate having to follow a mailing list to maintain my system, to be honest.

>having to follow a mailing list to maintain my system
lol what


don't install Arch, install Void


Arch and the spinoffs suck. Honestly. Do yourself a favor: if you want an OS that follows the Arch Way™, KISS, etc, unironically install gentoo.
plus portage package manaement is GOAT.

I've been using Arch for 2 years and don't do any of that shit.
I only had to check the site one or two times when something had to be changed manually after an update (pacman complained about something I think, so, knowing that I'm not at fault I checked the site and followed the instructions on the front page).
It'd be nice to read the news at least once in six months I guess.

I've been trying out wmii and this 9p filesystem gimmick is really neat.
The tiling kinda sucks though because everything is in columns and also the floating windows are borderless.
It'd be nice if there was a more modern wm with a 9p fs control interface.

Installing Arch is piss easy for anyone who can read, getting a usable system that doesn't constantly break or require hours of reading forums and articles to get shit working is the hard part.

I was thinking of using an ssd for linux, but does it matter what storage device I use? pic related

I recently started using emacs and it's pretty great, but no tabs, line numbers, or filesystems kinda sucks. Anyone got a basic config file I could have?

Linux and BSD fly on anything that's not trash, and a few things that are.

It's emacs, you should program it yourself.

I switched from Ubuntu to openSuse because of audio crackling and tearing,
then from openSuse to xubuntu because KDE just flat out stopped working (but YaSt had been pissing me off anyways),
and now I want to switch back to openSuse because I miss KDE.

On top of that, my "x" on the keyboard stopped working properly and I have to press really hard to make it register a press.

Just fucking kill me.

I've been using Xubuntu for 11 years, I don't know your feel.


I've been using Arch for 3 years.
I've been using Xubuntu for 12 years.

I've been romantically involved with Xubuntu.

for h in {-4096..4096..200};{ for g in {-8192..4096..115};{ x=0;y=0;for((i=0;i

Oh, terminal should be a larger window.


Theoretically yes because it forces the X server to run as root because it has to handle user credentials. Gdm doesn't because it uses logind for user authentication. But all that is theoretical, I don't know of any practical attack against X server running as root so you will be fine, it's mostly a meme.

On the other hand not having a display manager is a nice experiment and will make you install a bit more minimal so maybe go for it

So, I installed fedora GNU+Linux on my ThinkPad.

I can't sync my iPhone, it doesn't run MS Office, it doesn't have a WhatsApp desktop client and the touchpad is almost unusable.

Why would i not switch back to Windows?

I would always use kernel mode setting if possible.

Use it if it's enough for you
Use the web interface
>touchpad on a thinkpad
Use the trackpoint, it's better
>iphone sync
I have no solution for you

I have had penetrative sex with Xubuntu.

Maybe you should go back, proprietary slave

Distributions aren't bound by a single DE, so this whole ``predicament" that you've put yourself is incredibly absurd

Just remember to enable TRIM or whatever's applicable for your filesystem

>Distributions aren't bound by a single DE, so this whole ``predicament" that you've put yourself is incredibly absurd
Every time I've switched from the default DEs, I've run into bugs I just couldn't fix.

Holy shit this is a keeper. I'm going to have to learn how this works and see if I can actually get it to recurse to deeper levels and make an animation out of it

echo 'Tenet C is a basis, a basic tenet'|rev

>switching distributions for the tiniest bit of issue
Man, you should stick to one distro
No distro works perfect out of the box and most have issues, you could easily work out most of them if the base distro is good and stable

About the audio cracking and tearing it's probably something with the glitch free audio


You can also check the kernel messages for possible issues with the sound drivers
$ sudo dmesg | grep -i 'audio\|snd\|sound'

It's not worth switching distros for tiny issues like that if the base is good

Want to see something really cool? Perl wizardy incoming:

Somehow I can't post it, so here the source:
curl 0x0.st/7OG.bin

Shitz animooted.

Literally any distro


good ol' perl

>Shitz animooted.
How so? It just prints this screen and exits

Works on my machine.

Oh, I thought you were talking about the other one.

fucking perl wizards, some day I'll learnt that shit

I don't think the guys who do this stuff are perl wizards. They are probably math majors or cs students that got sick of using java and c++ as their professors told them and they prototype everything in perl

Perl is nice, you can do lots of usual awk, grep, sed unix stuff with just perl alone. Was pretty popular back in the days, like python is today.

python is ok, but forced whitespace grinds the gears, but I guess thats part of making things easy
perl on the other hand is more for programmers, I've read somewhere, when perl was written, every time when people hat to choose between "convenient for beginners" or "efficient for programmers", programmers won. the end result is something where you can hack like a motherfucker, but when you read it as beginner, it looks like brainfuck

How do you fix a "broken" arch/manjaro?
I've refreshed the package list without upgrading the system, to install a package several time.
Will simply running pacman -Syyu do the trick?
The system is currently working fine, but I haven't updated since 2 years.

installed manjaro in a VM, total beginner. what do I do, where do I start? I was trying to install nightly instead of firefox, but I have no clue how to do that, or anything really. I've tried to Sup Forums wiki but all that really goes over is the terminal

Install a working browser and then read the documentation, you retard

finds a package:
# pacman -Ss package
installs a package:
# pacman -S package

Yes, pacman -Syu will work, but expect things to break and/or be quite different. I don't understand why you'd use a rolling distro but not update it regularly. That just seems like a waste and like you're asking for trouble.

manjaro != rolling release
arch is

>but expect things to break and/or be quite different
Shouldn't updating bring every package to the latest version?
>I don't understand why you'd use a rolling distro
Because I didn't use the machine during that time.
Would that mean it's more "stable" if I run pacman -Syyu

Manjaro is rolling release, though. I don't know where you heard otherwise.

In vim with the help of :help. How would I figure out what something like the "&" sign in "if &somecommand" means?

quads = checked

It will bring things to the latest version, yes, but with everything being new, you might see things not being configured well together. So, while it's easy to do simple maintenance and housekeeping of a system and fix small errors, once you get a buttload of small errors and weird behavior in one sudden shift, it might appear as if everything has broken.

:let &options = 'something' is the same as :set options=something
so when you :set tabstop=4, &tabstop would equal 4
:set tabstop=4
:echo &tabstop
:let &tabstop = 8
:echo &tabstop

>forced whitespace grinds the gears
>perl on the other hand is more for programmers
>choose between "convenient for beginners" or "efficient for programmers", programmers won
That is some revisionist history. Unless by "programmers" you meant "hobbyists" and by "convenient for beginners" you meant "easier to maintain".
Just because python is easier for beginners doesn't mean it is only for beginners.

>it might appear as if everything has broken.
In what way broken?
Can't boot up?
And there should be some of heads up in the manjaro/arch forums to fix the issues, right?