Runs a tech YouTube channel without internet in his apartment for two years

>runs a tech YouTube channel without internet in his apartment for two years

Other urls found in this thread:

botnet ISP's

He said went to the library whenever he needed to access net.

>distrohops like a bitch
>still refuses to acknowledge that he is just as autistic as the average arch poster.

definitely /ourguy/

His videos about vim and LaTeX are pretty good though

>uses a 10-year-old Thinkpad as his main machine

who dat

Core 2 Duos hold up pretty good today. I don't see a reason to upgrade either.

A dumb frogposter, Luke Smith is the name.

Anyways, he seems decent enough, however I would just shave my head.

Why are his hair and beard so fucking unkempt?
Dude should apply some fucking gel on his head and trim the ""bead""

not everyone is latent homosexual.

Please do not do this


As I said, he's balding so what's the point, just shave it off, breh.
The beard could stay if it's trimmed, but perhaps our dude Smith believes that taking care of your image is botnet or something, sacudo mi cabeza.

>goes by without taking shower for 2 weeks


I love him, he /ourguy/


Hey guys Luke here


My 7 year old thinkpad works fine today... Thinkpads ages well. Thinkpads are the Christina Applegate or Paul Rudd of computers, it's difficult to see that it has aged 10 years at first glance.

You're not Luke; I'm Luke.

How do you create a section in LaTeX then?

Goddamn... get a haircut and a shave fucking neckbird


\section{Section Name Goes Here}

PS, I've decided i'm really a woman. My new name is Lee-anne, she/her pronouns, shitlord.

Omg fine I believe you are Luke senpai

install gentoo

More videos soon? I even tried your autistic i3 config.

Good enough to get shit done.

Posted from my 2009 MacBook Pro


someone post link already

seconded, post link

Prob this guy, no idea.
there you go faggots.

i would too

thx senpai

Guys can I install gentoo on any computer?

I have an old EeePC with Intel Atom and I want to install Gentoo on it but I previously tried to install some other distros and I got an error during the instaltion because the hardware was not campatible or wtv.

So should I remove the current distro (Xubuntu was the only one I could install) and install Gentoo on this?

>inb4 spoonfeed
stfu and answer the fucking question

Thanks bossman

Ey this dude's legit, 10/10 would develop secret handshake with.

Yes. Set up distcc in advance for cross compilation, this will save you a lot of time. it will make you happy for a short while, but soon that deep dark empty void will come crawling back.

Is that Wagner Moura?

He is definitely /OURGUY/.

Luke Smith is the personofication of Sup Forums as a board.


Metrosexual is the word you were looking for, autist.

You would now fag

>looks like shit
>Schizophrenic avoidance of modern necessities

Definitely /ourguy/

So closet faggot instead of faggot?

Does he have a girlfriend?

My 7 year old T510 is more than enough to get shit done, whether it be programming or shitposting.

no bully

Do you actually gel your hair in 2017?

all you really need for shitposting.

long as you have like 4gb ram and an ssd

>does videos about linux
>actually is a language professor