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>>Sup Forums

lol, so, you fags still claim US is white country??

I never cared about history. Were there really that many black american inventors? Or at the very least - are these really the most significant ones?

And lol@the only white guy there being one of the absolute biggest frauds in history

>he trusted google
You don't have to pretend to be benevolent anymore when you're a borderline-monopoly with deep ties to the state and various alphabet soup agencies.

>Were there really that many black american inventors
Black "inventors" are literally called inventors for the most trivial shit, because niggers and the media have no fucking clue how patents work.

>#1 - guy who "invented" a bunch of peanut recipes that no one used
>#2 - guy who "invented" a stoplight, that wasn't the first stoplight, and wasn't even really adopted anywhere
>both of these people apparently higher ranked american inventors than Tesla and Bill Gates

I usually hate the Sup Forums leakage coming to this place but this is a significant issue that has to be addressed. Maybe keeping cold hard copies of history and uploading them at an interval would preserve the history as it is? Blockchain history, maybe?

"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past."

Will Ahmed one day be known on google as one of the greastest american inventors of all time?

Yes, he invented the digital clock.

programmers aren't inventors

>Tesla is American

Why not? He was an American citizen when he died.

The most prominent black inventor is the inventor of peanut butter.

Fucking peanut butter.

Obviously more important than the invention of alternating current.

well I disagree, but then what about the guys who invented the transistor? Probably a little more important than inventing peanut butter

>he thinks niggers invented peanut butter


>Not knowing who GW Carver was
I shiggy diggy

>being a parroting retard

>Contrary to popular belief, George Washington Carver did not invent peanut butter. He was one of the greatest inventors in American history, discovering over 300 hundred uses for peanuts including chili sauce, shampoo, shaving cream and glue. He was a pioneer in the agricultural world and many refer to him as father of the peanut industry. His innovations also increased the legume’s popularity and made peanuts a staple in the American diet.

>The earliest reference to peanut butter can be traced back to the Ancient Incas and the Aztecs who ground roasted peanuts into a paste. However, modern peanut butter, its process of production and the equipment used to make it, can be credited to at least three inventors.

>In 1884 Marcellus Gilmore Edson of Canada patented peanut paste, the finished product from milling roasted peanuts between two heated surfaces. In 1895 Dr. John Harvey Kellogg (the creator of Kellogg’s cereal) patented a process for creating peanut butter from raw peanuts. He marketed it as a nutritious protein substitute for people who could hardly chew on solid food. In 1903, Dr. Ambrose Straub of St. Louis, Missouri, patented a peanut-butter-making machine.

The 300 peanuts bit is likely what I confused with, shit

You're a moron OP.
Go to ddg image search and type in the same term. You'll see the same exact images.
If you spent just a few seconds on thinking why this happens, you would realize the answer.

Go back to twitter gabzy


Google is censorship.

>Go to ddg image search and type in the same term. You'll see the same exact images.

Because Duck Duck Go just uses Google results, you moron. Did you think about what you were saying?

>It's a faggot posst an screencap of a news article without posting the source, so people can read it in it's whole context, episode.

I have only heard of one of those black inventors

mediocre quality bait

3/10 made me reply


>rabbi watcha doing?

Almost none of these guys are even american

>actually all of them are American
Go educate yourself weebnigger.

You made this thread already


He didn't even build the clock. He just took an alarm clock out of its housing and put it in a pencil case.

Musk is African.
Tesla and Einstein were European.


most of them "invented" something that had already been invented. you'll hear niggers spouting off that when they wuz kangs n shiet they invented refrigeration, ac, all kinds of shit. but really one dude just made a design "improvement" in a long list of designs. we don't call those people inventors if they are white.

>invented putting peanut butter on your ass and letting a dog lick it off

this nigga done changed the game

wtf i used to like goodle >:(



South African


American "Education" at work

>tries to build an IED, fails
>gets celebrated nationwide for his courage in the face of adversity

he happens to come from the right side of the apartheid

>go to wikipedia
>Citizenship : Citizen of the United States
Weebshits' first argument.

anime website

Came to post this, but would add
> Guy who invented the production line and revolutionised manufacture as we know it is 25th
> Behind Tesla

We /pro-immigration/ now.

>mah aliens

There's no wrong side of Apartheid.

are those not inventors? Seems like they are to me.

By that logic, all those people that hold citizen-ship are americans, which alt-reich doesn't seem to agree on

>hurrr I don't know how to use a search engine

> monkey shills peanuts
ya don't say

>people that hold US citizen-ship are NOT americans

are the black inventors triggering you or what?

why don't you post 8 white inventors that deserve to be in that google search if you know any better? oh what's that, you don't know any? well duuuh, back to Sup Forums with you

Not "alt-reich" but I have never seen anyone say that.

The closest I have ever seen is that giving particular people/groups citizenship was a mistake, but they are indeed citizens.

god fuck i lost it

This is the best example that some direct, manual tampering of search results is going on.

Just let the algorithms do their fucking job you god damn commies.

>alexander graham bell
>born in scotland, 1847
>raised, educated in scotland until he was 23
>moved to canada 1870
>semi moved to USA in 1872, worked in Boston as a professor and went back to Canada the rest of the time
>patented the telephone in 1876
>became a US citizen 6 years after the patent, in 1882

>somehow this is an american invention by an american

But-but-but Dave Chapelle is always joking about how racist whitey is and holds the black man down. There can't be any black inventors in America except for maybe one.

>became a US citizen
>not an American
What nigger logic are you using? Are you high on jenkem again, jamal?

My dude George Washington Carver invented the computer out of a peanut. A PEANUT.

Being an American citizen doesn't necessarily mean you're American. You either need to be born here, or be born to Americans in order to be considered one.

>inb4 Sup Forums
I'm not even white.

Remember when this board was about technology?

>I'm not even white.
You're just stupid.

>obama comes shakes your hand and gives you his kenyan birth cert
>all of Sup Forums applauds
bravo that was funny

Wrong. This is why amnesty is such a problem for so many Americans, including immigrants who have gained their citizenship.

Go cry there

>the nigger literally liked peanut butter and tried to use as an alternative for everything
>some of those worked

Google is not wrong, you searched for American inventors and those ARE American inventors.


only in america is it possible for a bunch of immigrants to start hating other immigrants due to a weird competition of american-ness

My point, which you seemed to have missed, is that you classify the telephone as an American invention when it was invented by a non-American who spent almost all of his life outside of America. He only got offered a job in America because he was already a specialist in that field working on it.

To top it off, he became an American citizen 6 years AFTER the telephone was patented. He was working on this shit before even setting foot in your country. I didn't realise we can just grant people citizenship years after their work and claim glory for our country

>search for "american inventors"
>wonder why the algorithm finds more results with "african american inventors" than those with just "inventors"
>Sup Forums is this retarded