Start a hastag prayforcook on twitter
>ok but why should I listen to you? What would I get in return?
A taste of 4chinz in its glory days and the satisfaction of trolling normals and making it to news
Start a hastag prayforcook on twitter
Use this
t. Happy Merchant with AAPL shorts
It's easy to make the news these days all you have to do is be a racist
>tim cook said the n-word before pass awaying from cardiac arrest
Now that's a trending hashtag
Too bad it's fucking midnight
If you can get this trending enough some trading algorithm might pick it up and spark an APL sell-off.
It is where you are, its 10 in the morning in my shithole
bumping with anime. this is important
lmao how deluded are you?
Sup Forums hates this book
Jokes on you my parents dont let me leave until I can get married
t.not a pajeet
this is not that far fetched from reality
he is not healthy slim, but keto slim
>no muscle mass
>no test
i hope he gets better health
>he isn't actually dead
I thought it was real. happiness is a lie.
Same here. I was about to get up and do a GNU/Dance of joy.
Holy shit, all three of the images posted so far look awful. This is not difficult to do, you guys.
Fuck me, it should say September 18. I'm not gonna change it.
These are terrible. Headlines aren't in past tense and news outlets say "dies" not "passes away".