I'll start
Public Tracker Appreciation Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
fucking kek
>One of my 32 cores is over 50% use
to be quite honest with you family this is still better that ads.
>One core
You tried.
I actually didn't have a chance to use torrents in ages
>netflix and hbo go have all the movies and series I need
>spotify just works
>embraced the botnet
>wouldn't ever use pirated software anyways cuz pussy and I pay for my photoshop and other shit anyways
>not playing games
honestly I don't even have torrent client installed right now and see no need for it
Unironically this
Don't use public trackers anymore anyway though
I wish I could get in the piracy game. I actually download films and such for use in my classroom, and finding safe places to download things is not exactly easy.
Used to use IPT but got banned. Now I just use rarbg, 1337x and TPB and it does the job.
What can you even mine if you browse the site for three minutes?
If you ask me this is a decent idea as an alternative to ads for high traffic sites, as long as they don't decide to use 100% of my CPU. They should be transparent about it though.
>It's actually real
Does Zeronet have a clone of tpb yet?
TPB is the number one torrent site in the world, 3 minutes by 1 million people a day is roughly 50,000 hours, that's major.
>running public js
ty op for telling me
>as long as they don't decide to use 100% of my CPU
On a modern browser that script with its current settings uses 80% of 4 logical cores by default/
To be quite honest with you family this rapes the mobile device battery.
>this rapes the mobile device battery.
FUCK mobileshitters
They shouldn't be on a torrent site anyway
Is it though - there is surely a minimum unit of work, which considering BTC difficult even 4 year ago, is likely more than 3 minutes of a single core on a lowend shitbox or phone that is allowing the JS to run.
Maybe I'm wrong, they're trying it on anyway, so maybe some idiots leave it on long enough or something?
The average desktop CPU with 2 threads generates about ~20 hashes a second using this system, the result is negligible for smaller sites but TPB is a pretty big site with high traffic volume. According to their statistics a site with 10-20 regular visitors would make ~$30 a month at current rates.
>on a torrent site
These js miners will spread like aids everywhere tho.
>it will become impossible to use the web without joining a bitcoin mining botnet in your lifetime
it's a brave new world
Fair enough then.
Bet on it.
Even better. Every cancerous normalfag browsing any site from their phone deserves death.
>not just disabling js
is it so hard - actually, wait, don't...
>you must enable javascript to use this site
If there's a reason to use noscript, this is it.
I don't see it...
True, but real talk this is going to actively hurt the planet a lot for a few chinks gains
>Be me.
>Be destitute
>Can't qualify as NEET, tried.
>Dead end job that pays barely 10 an hour.
>No options.
>Can't spare time or even bother with Ratios on private trackers.
>Have to use Public trackers for ebooks for self education
It's either public tracker or nothing. I can't afford actual books. I can't get on a private tracker.
Should I just kill myself? Serious question.
Go to browse, it's not on the frontpage
Assuming 500,000 people visit TPB a day and use it for 3 minutes, you still have 25,000 hours of work a day which probably balances out. This is of course rough numbers, I don't exactly know much about it. I'd mine Ethereum instead due to no ASIC competition, if possible.
Browse or search for anything
>having to do thing
I'm entitled to having it Just Work™.
Don't use the site, simples!
That or just stop eveything after it's done rendering.
Unless mozerella removed it (wouldn't put it past them) the STOP button kills all running JS and GIFs too...
Let the page load then STOP.
I can see this replacing stuff like adfly for download portals as ads become less and less profitable
>calculate X hashes before proceeding to download
They can't keep getting away with it!
Well I even forgot my own fucking setup!
So it must of been a while ago (maybe even 3.5>3.6?) but FF did remove the stop button for the combined stop/reload button, which effectively took away the normal stop behavior.
You can restore it with an extension which I already had.
The extension will stop working with FF57 though apparently, so mozzarella really are killing it once and for all.
extension: addons.mozilla.org
I was annoyed upon first seeing this, but the more I think about it, the better a solution it seems.
>better than an annoying ad
>better than harvesting private info and sending to russia
>better than promoting specific content/endorsing shady VPNs/whatever
They have to make money somehow. I actually love TPB (huge selection, trusted user system, lots of comments and general activity, minimal design apart from all the ad code) and would be happy to pay a small monthly fee in exchange for an ad-free, mining-code-free, generally-bullshit-free version of it.
wait, doesnt it stop whe you hit 'esc' ? fucking jews
>10 years on the future
>"Top 10 reasons why using NoScript is literally thievery and killing the internet as we know it"
Wait, why is that not showing up anywhere in my HTML source? thepiratebay.org right?
ublock/privacybadger don't see the link and Chrome network manager has no outbound traffic to the link (it's not in source either)
>I'm a normie, look at me!
what's even the purpose of your post?
It's not on the homepage.
it's thepiratebay.org/browse
It's there, just not the homepage
This shit is going to spread like cancer
blocked bitch
books are very small
libgen, booksc's sister site for books, etc. are better than trackers
Is this the future of the internet?
Will Hiro implement this on top of the malware here?
Just went on thepiratebay.org and didn't get any of this
What am I doing wrong, I wanted to see it too
>libgen, booksc's sister site for books, etc. are better than trackers
>better than Bibliotik
uhm, no, sweetie
>screenshot clearly says thepiratebay.org/browse
>thepiratebay.org right?
fucking retard kys
>One of my 32 cores is over 50% use
Is there a way for an AV or extension to prevent this from happening?
>Not just using the qBittorrent search enigine
The best video,music,game client /store on the planet
The internet was a mistake. Fuck you people for spreading your asshole wide and thinking this is acceptable and a good alternative to a(i)ds.
Are you fucking serious?
There must be a way to fight back, corrupt the mining results or something.
get a faulty cpu, one of those FDIV bug ridden ones
>I cant read
Doing this without the user's knowledge or consent is shady as fuck, but it's an interesting concept.
4chins could add an opt-in to start the script, and just have it run while you browse.
People spend hours here so there's more potential.
No, force it. But only on the NSFW boards.
Great, so we get 19 seconds of mining before they cum and close the tab.
what happens when all the coins is mined?
I've looked, not great selection. I want Physic's textbooks, Chem and Planetary Science books. I need to learn because I can't go to college...
Kill myself it is
Not just a tracker but a search engine digbt.org
>Kill myself it is
Not all are long for this world, user. I had made a post on Sup Forums about it, it was quickly deleted.
And a drunk user on an anonymous user board announcing it is equivalent to a single tree in the forest announcing it's demise. A short, punctuated thud. The only noise that will be heard among the others.
This shit is great.
Everyone and their grandma will be embracing their inner jew and forcing this script to run with 100% CPU utilization, killing everyone's battery and forcing their fans to go into leafblower mode. You won't be able to block it either because people will just host it on their own site so people can't just block the coin-base.com domain.
People will get mad and finally realize that all the slowness they experience on the web, and the reason why their iPhone CurrentGen-1 feels like its 10 years old, is because rather than the hardware getting older, websites are getting more bloated. And they will all blame Javascript.
A new trend will arise where websites competes in who can make the lightest, fastest website with the least amount of Javascript, using CSS instead for animations and fancy effects. Javascript will be seen as something from the 90s, and something used only for backend like Node.JS and the likes. Apple will eventually remove Javascript from Safari just like they did flash.
Javascript kill when?
>not using private trackers
jesus christ
Im not gone explain bitcoin to you user, but lets say that mining will always make money as long as bitcoin have value.
This? Chrome auto-blocks it
Same thing with /browse if you fags are being nitpicky
How would a script on a website be able to maintain usage of a site visitor's CPU/GPU?
>What is x32
Zsolti, menjél aludni
what are you even doing on Sup Forums, did you get lost?
Heh heh, not a problem for me.
Just block it in the router/hosts file faggot. NoScript won't protect your other devices
What's a no nonsense VPN with 10TB/mo bandwidth
What about your family?
Oh wait, NoSrciptkiddies don't have families
This is getting progressively stupider. I tip my nonexistent fedora to you, good sir and I bid you a goodnight.
*wooshes away*
Join MAM, it's really easy and it's pretty much effortless to get ratio since they have a karma system. If you want I can give you some points to start out
yes reddit, you should kill yourself after a post like that.
Bib has shit selection for textbooks too, even worse than libgen.
It's relevant to the discussion and provides a unique insight?
>being a normie
>unique insight
Newfag here. Is peerblock an effective way of hiding my torrenting from my isp? If not, whats the safest way to torrent
>inb4 "dont torrent"
>hiding my torrenting from my isp?
lmao no, you tard
Mind explaining to me what you think peerblock does?
I thought it blocked other ip addresses from seeing what your doing