Welcome to 2015, Apple

Welcome to 2015, Apple.

Galaxy s6 isn't water proof

what's the deal with these anti-apple images and the kerning or the font choice or whatever being so fucking awful? do you guys have to read text like this?

> Kapeesh


a pajeet being familiar with android phones from 2015? what a shocker



It's Italian for 'understand'

t. I live around plenty of pajeets

lol okay.

Yeah, because two languages cant share the same word. Google the origin of the word shampoo, or karaoke.


lol okay

>People don't use common slang as online handles
>People making a comment on my unrelated criticizim must be delusionally defending this whole image.

the "

>oh look we had it first!

being first doesn't mean best. muh specs mean shit when you wallow in the android,google, touchwiz quagmire.

>16MP 2160p camera
>12MP 2160p camera

4k recording at 30fps vs 60fps, and 1080p at 60fps vs 120fps

can't be bothered to look into the specific way the OP was lazy and inaccurate about the other pieces

And yet, whenever there's a "first" for Apple devices, the drones flock to it and call Android a copycat, even when functionality has been improved. What's up with that?

It is, more than the X given it's IP 68 cert.

because android devices haven't made any effort to establish themselves as credibly innovative. anything that seems to have been on apple products first looks derivative

no, the s6 is not ip 68, nor 67. I know this bc I fucking have it

>t. iToddler

Sure thing, kiddo.

are you telling me that you think samsung or LG or HTC have a well established reputation for being innovative?

go give out a survey asking people to name 3 innovative tech companies. i'm willing to bet you'll hear "apple" in the top 3 from everyone.

you showed him

>not even using the actual iPhone X picture
>specs make the phone
>specs make the experience

Do you retards not understand? Apple isn't in a race with anyone. Android manufacturers are, with each other only. iOS is the only thing that matters. I'd rather use an iPhone 5 than the Galaxy S8, because Android is garbage. Its like you don't even comprehend what technology is, or what its for.

>asking normies about tech
What do you expect? But yes, I do actually think that both LG and HTC are innovative. Not with every released phone, but that wasn't the point.
Enjoy your Apple device and keep believing the things you spout. One day you'll grow up and realize what a dumb fanboy you've been.

He showed himself.

i didn't ask if you think they're innovative. i said that they haven't established themselves as credibly innovative. the whole question here is why people look at android advances as derivative and copies of apple products, but not the other way around, and the answer is that people don't think of android manufacturers as innovative.

take a breather and stop acting like a frothing zealot.

>the whole question here is why people look at android advances as derivative and copies of apple products, but not the other way around
The answer is: marketing.
You're welcome.

you mean capisce?
this has to be reverse psychology done by an apple fag to make android users look retarded


Why is Apple, who use standard ad agencies able to magically sell and convince people of anything but other companies can't? Do you think Apple are magic? Are you that autistic that you can't admit they make things people like that gain influence?

are you actually denying that apple whole success revolves around its image?

The galaxy s6 has no IP rating officially but it does hold up well against liquid according to water tests. It survived 20 minutes underwater, speaker stopped working but device was still running and able to charge after drying.

>are you actually denying that apple whole success revolves around its image?

Yeah, because it revolves around the PRODUCTS they've been MAKING and SELLING before you were even born you dumb fuck. I asked you to tell me why Apple alone is capable of doing this and you have nothing to say, instead you confirmed my suspicion that you're an autist and cannot comprehend the fact that this 40 year old company actually makes things people want to buy.

>speaker stopped working
There. Not waterproof.
Q. E. D.
t. S5 and then S7 user

first, stay civil
second, I'm not the user you were talking to
third if you can't see what anyone else can, then you're a retard and I can't (nor want to) help you

Just put your galaxy s6 in a secure ziplock bag, now it's waterproof. Use Bluetooth speaker and blast some porn while you're in the shower.

you're retarded

Haha. Apple is literally all about marketing. Remember when they didn't do good marketing and their sales crashed so they got Steve Jobs back into the business to help them? Yeah. That's what marketing is capable of.

Correct it with the iphone 8 to galaxy S7 and then you'll have it

Apple is a dead meme