Can you extend to handle other cases at runtime? It looks like your conditions are hardcoded into the function definition, just like any C imperative code monkey would do. What about fizzbaz? fizzbar? buzzbob?
Hudson Watson
Also having a separate case for "FizzBuzz" is silly
You asked for a fizzbuzz but it's obvious how you can extend it if you can read the code.
Can you read the code, brainlet Pajeet?
Michael Walker
>He didn't read the quotations
Lel, you are below subhuman, in fact using the word human to describe you would be an insult to the rest of humanity. You are just trash.
Ayden Howard
>at runtime
Landon Price
You still didn't explain why you have an explicit case for 'FizzBuzz' either. That's just sad.
Ian Rivera
bampu pantsu
Robert Smith
div5(X) :- 0 is X mod 5. div3(X) :- 0 is X mod 3.
fizzbuzz(X, Max) :- (div3(X), div5(X), writeln('FizzBuzz'); div5(X), writeln('Buzz'); div3(X), writeln('Fizz'); writeln(X)), !, X < Max, X1 is X+1, fizzbuzz(X1, Max).
fizzbuzz :- fizzbuzz(1, 100).
Robert Phillips
Elijah Edwards
>separate condition for 'fizzbuzz' ummm try again sweetie
William Anderson
This is you, right? It was just something stupid I put together in a language not meant at all for shit like fizz buzz. But it's real cool how you think you're a hotshot coder cause you only write optimal fizzbuzzes. You must be able to get any job you want, 300k starting.
Christian Wood
You sound mad honey. Hit the books and come back to us when your ready...
Jackson Cox
Please DO NOT post my wife, Ritsu, on this FAGGOT webpage. Thanks.