/hpg/ Headphone General

>Headphone purchase advice: pastebin.com/fYZLW7Ub

Please put some effort into your requests and questions.

If you dislike a suggestion, explain why and try giving a better suggestion to whomever asked.

For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in >Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php?title=Headphones

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I'm stuck in juror assembly and didnt bring headphones with me.

start singing songs you know off-key and as loudly as possible until you are asked to leave.

Slightly rewording what I posted last thread.

United Kingdom.
Phone, strongly prefer wireless.
>Type of headphone
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
Comfortable, but ready to sacrifice for better sound quality.
>Sound signature
Neutral, but warm/bassy would be ok too.

Currently, I'm considering between either the Sennheiser Momentum Over-Ear Wireless or the Bower & Wilkins P7.
Which should I get between the two? Feel free to share some suggestions too if my choices are crap.


Taking more detailed comments on headphones. Drop some comments if you've owned any of these. The suggestions and notes from the Sup Forums wiki have been merged in.

Calling something a meme headphone makes your website a bit of a joke.

In all honesty, I would avoid writing paragraphs concerning sound and maybe stick to a few select words or phrases that reflect sound signature such as
>imaging (either good or bad)
>Soundstage (narrow or wide)

this way people can just glance over a particular headphone and get a quick summary without feeling like they're being shilled to.

>Sennheiser Momentum Over-Ear Wireless or the Bower & Wilkins P7.
First one is shit, second is not comfortable at all.

Got the X2s. Breddy good.


Did they ever fix their QA problems?
I tried them a year or so ago and thought they were horrible, but it might have been related to the manufacturing problems.

>nigger bass

What kind of headphones are pic related and are they good?

AKG K701 never heard em

Looks like akg701/702 or akg712s.

Yeah they're pretty good.

Good to know. Could I have a suggestion then?

Can someone tell me their thoughts on fidelio x2s? I've got some shitty headphones atm and trying to upgrade. I was first looking at Beyer but people said they are bright and I can't really handle that. Are x2s decent? Is there something better for less buckaroos?

They're good. A bit dry and a little lacking in bass, but I like them.

>are they good?
You could do better than those. K702 is basically the same, but has a detach cable. And there are way better options than the k701/02 at its price

>Could I have a suggestion then?
Don't buy wireless headphones

>with bass rolloff
Extremely misleading. It's sub-bass rolloff, and it's a feature of every open dynamic.

Not sure. Mine are pretty good. They are bassy but are more of a complement to other analytical headphones I own.

What's a better v shaped headphone: Fidelio X2 or THX00?

Want a fun pair to complement my 600s, I'm open to other recs

Use EQ and spend that money on something EQ can't do for free. To do anything else would be illogical.

>try and add bass to something that has 0 bass

sure user, sure

Hey, you're the umifag? I have 600s too and bought the X2s because I found them dirt cheap. Good and they don't need an amp. A lot of midbass, gentle V shape - they're not aggressive at all. In comfyness levels: a bit heavy on the head, not light like the senns so I wouldn't reccomend for extended periods of use unless you use them laying down. I can't give my opinion on the X00s.

X00 for sure, they have a real nice looking FR. X2s are a roller-coaster in the treble and have worse distortion.


>way better options
any recommendations?

Probably X00s, even though I haven't tried them.
When I tried X2s the bass was nice, but the soundstage was small and sounded like it was 30 feet away.

K7XX on massdrop or
K712 - Which are very similar but with a bit of bass.
You might want to try them first if you have the chance, because not everyone likes the AKG sound signature.

>doesn't know how EQ works
Your inaccurate shitposting aside, EQ doesn't boost any frequencies when properly applied. It only lowers frequencies. All you need to do to make an HD600 V-shaped is lower the midrange response.

>any recommendations?
I would say the HD600, k712, he400i, and adXXX are all more enjoyable to use. DT880 has the same dry analytical sound, but has way better build

K701 has a non detach cable and is now 100% china made plastic

DT880 is very different from the K701, they're both bright but the 880 is bright in the upper treble and recessed in the upper mids while the K701 is bright in the upper mids and lower treble.

What are good lightweight open back headphones?
I have the AKG Q701 and am looking to upgrade, but everything else on the market seems to be significantly heavier.

Is 235 grams exceptionally light, or are good sounding headphones just heavy?

MDR-MA900 if you can find one at a reasonable price. tamayatech.com/ seems to still have them for $208 USD.

>What are good lightweight open back headphones?
if low weight/comfort matter more than sound to you: sony ma900

they didn't need my panel, so I drove home. I was trying to listen to jazz in my car but the bass made me want to puke, I need some subs

>buy speakers
>constantly buzz when plugged into my desktop
>even moving my mouse creates creates an additional lower pitched buzz
I should've fallen for the external DAC meme desu.


this dude is selling his ma900. I can confirm that ma900s are the shit. better off buying there than trying tamayatech

>if low weight/comfort matter more than sound to you
They sound pretty damn great too. A teeny bit dark/warm, similar to an HD650. Unfatiguing. Would be a nice tonal complement to a bright Q701.

Tamayatech seems low risk since they take Paypal.

Try disabling CPU thermal throttling, C1E, S1/S3, etc. in bios

$50 more vs possibly waiting a month or two and end up dealing with a claim.

oh dude, i braided my cable on the ma900, it's so much better

buy this and tell if it works so I can also buy it.


just add $6 optical cable

didn't notice that it comes it with one wowzers

Neat. It is a really long cable. I just let my excess cable rest between the PC and the wall. If they ever stop working I'll detachable cable mod them.

best anime headphones. I may end up getting an hd800 as well

>Tamayatech seems low risk since they take Paypal.
It's also on amazon for $270. Another user said he would get the ma900s on tamtech a few threads ago, so they may not even have them in stock anymore. I would call first

Thanks, these look good. Do you have any other recs for a second and third choice too?
Getting my hands on these seems like a hassle in itself.

This site looks sketch. I've only ever bought from Amazon or in person, can you tell me more about other online vendors?

Is the Sony MDR ZX770BN good for a cheap bluetooth headphone?

>This site looks sketch
see just register an account on headfi and pm the seller, you won't be able to post on the thread because you'll be new. or you can wait, I got mine for $150 a few weeks ago
>Do you have any other recs for a second and third choice too
not the user you are responding to but eq'd and modded HD800


I found that, too. And there is a used pair on Amazon for $270

If you want another lightweight pair of open backs: the ADXXX series. Good if you don't mind the wing flaps

make an offer for $150 and I bet he'll sell it to you

you could offer $250 for this one new and the seller *might* accept: ebay.com/itm/Sony-Japan-Open-Air-Stereo-Headphones-Head-Phones-MDR-MA900-Sound-Music-/172861865292?epid=114798383&hash=item283f5ebd4c:g:i~oAAOSwJblXAEpZ

So tempting


Nice job so far, user, cheers.

Any other headphones that have the opening slit thing like the MA900?

HD 579 vs HD 599?
which one is better?

only akg k1000

oh theres the other sony that came before it, i forget the model

>literally earspeakers

Any clues to find the name?

sony mdr-f1, there's also the MDR-SA5000

Oh fuck, new IF compensation curve. It makes the 600 look a lot more neutral.



Damn, why are all of these all discontinued?
Do they sound like shit or do they break or something?

the bass rolloff on the hd600 always cracks me up

sony is known for making incredibly stupid decisions

Poorly-sealed measurement. Nice to see an improvement in IF's curve, though.

The blue channel is correctly sealed, which shows 35hz at the same level 1Khz, and the dip in the upper mids not as pronounced.

Just ask about jury nulification and they'll kick you out

>Poorly-sealed measurement.
the headphones are designed to not have a strong seal: they use velour. to get a proper seal you want pleather or leather and it will make it sound completely different (not neutral). the measurement isn't wrong

Blue channel is still slightly poorly sealed.

Semantics. Whatever you want to call it, seal, whatever, there is sound leaking from between the earpads and the dummy head and this is resulting in an inaccurate bass measurement.

I don't think so, unless you're meaning to suggest the HD600 is a niggerbass headphone.

no, it's accurate because that's how sennheiser designed them. why do you think they went with velour instead of leather?


That makes no sense, why does it matter if it shows more bass when properly sealed if it doesn't always seal well? Seal problems can affect what people hear are much as it can affect dmmy heads.

because it doesn't make sense and the circlejerk surrounding the hd600 means no one will accept many of the obvious and inherent flaws of the headphone (poor build quality, bass and treble roll-off, high distortion).

Should I get a SHP9500s for $85? Im not from the us btw.

>adjusting my headphones to be higher on my head made the volume louder and clearer
what is this sorcery? it does feel alot tighter now so idk if i can get use to it.

I know, right?! I mean, we used to have the same talk here about the K550 a few years ago and everyone seemed to be fine with it, it doesn't always seal well, check that before buying so you can get proper bass.
With HD600 however is "it doesn't seal well, and that proves the bass is there when it does".

i don't even dislike the HD600, but shills could at least try to make sense.

>Seal problems
the reality is that giving a proper seal on the hd600/650 would make the sennheiser veil even worse

What equalization settings do you guys use for your Etymotic HF5 on Poweramp?
I'm using:
32 Hz: +7 dB
64 Hz: +3.5 dB
128 Hz: +0.7 dB
4 kHz: +2.1 dB
8 kHz: +2.1 dB

How can you make something that doesn't exist worse?

>32 Hz: +7 dB
>64 Hz: +3.5 dB
Loli-flat bass is Etymotics' greatest strength.

it's relative, as in you won't notice it if you've heard other headphones that are better than the hd600, because you're new, but once you go back to the hd600 you realize it suffers from it

>he confuses extra cost and excessive treble for detail

>confuses a budget enthusiast with someone who actually has an experience opinion

It still lacks a bit in the sub-bass. You can't hear some details in the bass without those settings.
What about the treble boost?

>headphones that are better than the hd600
>no mention to price or "detail"
Seems like you are the one fixating on those things.

>he confuses rolled off treble and lack of detail for accurate treble

>It still lacks a bit in the sub-bass.
Not really. It's -1 dB at 30 Hz and -2 dB at 20 Hz, and this isn't audibly different from perfectly flat/accurate.

You can test it yourself that this is not the case with bass heavy music. Detail is actually the lost, so the graph is misleading.

remember: if it doesn't show up on the FR graph then you are lying, there's no possible way for variables to exist outside of a FR graph that may change the way something sounds

There are two explanations for your subjective experience:
- You didn't insert them deeply enough;
- Your name is Zebulee

>Detail is actually the lost

Maybe a psycho-acoustic model that shows that sub-bass is heard quieter than other frequencies at the same pressure?
Even then,

>You didn't insert them deeply enough
I get a perfect seal with incredible isolation. It's not the case.
>Your name is Zebulee
I don't like bass heavy music, but if you can't hear the sub bass then it's the earphone needs to be adjusted with some equalization settings.

Do you guys even listen to music with bass? Even in genres like Jazz the bass will sound very quiet, and that's not normal.

>Your name is Zebulee
would you consider something a nigger for being a bassist, or being able to listen to bass guitars/double bass/drum kicks?

>bass guitars/double bass/drum kicks
These are objectively exactly as loud as they should be with Etymotics.

I didn't ask that question. You seem to be the dude that thinks people are niggers for liking bass. Would you consider someone a nigger if they were a bassist and wanted to hear the bass better because that's the instrument they play and care about? Do you consider bass players to have shit taste in musical instruments?