Any good email services (servers)? I am feeling like using gmail is not a good idea anymore.
Other urls found in this thread: is your best bet.
Despite Google's potential for shenanigans...
Gmail, as a service, is the absolute best service available. Nothing really comes close in terms of features and reliability
It never fucking was. Don't use anything made by evil google.
>Gmail, as a service, is the absolute best service available. Nothing really comes close in terms of features and reliability
fuck off jewgle shill.
This. I have 3.7GB of work email. is compromised, protonmail only gives have a gig free, and tutanota only 1GB free, sure, they are great for neets, but not for me.
postfix and dovecot on your own server, fuckhead
It's the best service if you are already part of google's ecosystem.
it is also very much so a ad & info-metric based revenue model so keep that in mind.
Woah, cock in my email, I'll take that, thanks a lot. They also give a nice selection of adresses which is neat.
>mail encryption
Check out they state that any encripted email can still be read-able for the host, so it's just waste of time and resources.
B-but muh botnet. It works well and all but since it's intergrated literally everywhere now it is really easy to become dependent on Google's services.
> is compromised,
Do you mean that he complies with law enforcement when he absolutely has to?
cockli is ok if you are gay
protonmail is honeypot
gmail literally reads your emails
tutanota is honeypot
there is no good email, pick the one that suits your risk model
but then I need a server with a good uptime (and know how to maintain it)
>trying to connect office365 mail to google mail app
>everything is ok but just asks for 1 more permission
>pic related is what people accept without reading
stop automatically believing any unsourced shit people say on Sup Forums. Rather go to and read his transparency reports
My phone Samsung phone has preinstalled shit that I can't delete with permissions for everything.
It annoys me quite a bit. But I don't want to install a custom OS at this time because I don't have a backup phone.
>not using highly advanced steganography through club penguin
Thoughts on
gmail is shit. delays on sent emails. no support. missing sent emails. Changing UI. Atleast the spam filter is good.
>But I don't want to install a custom OS at this time because I don't have a backup phone.
then back up your phone mong
Looks like a honeypot. They probably sell data or whatever.
This is because of Exchange. Gmail only applies what Exchange need. Microsoft part, not Google
no company behind it
just use airmail or firemail domain if u dont want to look like a fag
no use in overthinking
email is shit anw
>>mail encryption
>Check out they state that any encripted email can still be read-able for the host, so it's just waste of time and resources.
You must be joking.
What the fuck do I do if I forget my password?
I did not believe, that's why I was questioning what he pointed out.
fucking botnet and a scam
You FORGET passwords?
Are you dumb?
I remember passwords from the 90s.
YTINRETE was a super cool password I had on my computer at the time.
I bet you use Keepass. baka.
sup guys
with Yandex you may delegate your own domain and leave to us all the heavy-plumbing & maintenance - for free.
With your Yandex account you'll have 10 GB additional Yandex Disk - for free. Heavy attachments may be automagically linked to files uploaded to Yandex Disk, if you decide to use webmail.
IMAP, POP3 and all kind of apps for any platform are available.
DKIM, SPF... all automatically configured.
You may use your DNS hosting (for free) or copy-paste the mail settings to a different DNS hosting.
No practical limit in aliases, number of addresses...
Spam handling is efficient and Western Pigs' Court orders will be used as toilet paper.
Hope to see you soon!
Gmail's IMAP servers are slow as fuck.
>using web mail
>.io -> no whois
>hosted by Fastly in Cali
>no info about who's running it
>allegedly it's run but "TrustCor Systems S. de R.L"
>twitter account with one tweet with blatantly bought followers
>Panama & Canada, two literal who are the team
>Trying hard to push their their CA in Botnetfox, eventually succeeded
100% botnet
>with one tweet
*4 tweets this year
Whys that? I thought they looked alright.
someone advocated for violence using their email account and got shut down. Pretty reasonable thing imo.
t. perennially butthurt PIDJ
>the admin reads all your email
It isn't it's just butthurt pol/tards/. Some white nationalist group got banned for putting a protonmail email in their advertisements. They aren't any better then your average tumblrfags and they know even less about technology.
msgsafe . io
Protonmail gone full honeypot. A failed experiment of political thought policing. Banning people with SJW labeling tactics. It was blown up across Twitter and Reddit but the shills are doing a good job trying to pass it off as "violence speech" and blaming the victim when Protonmail can't even get their facts right. Check out their shitty blame game
It doesn't make them a honeypot. If you put a big neon sign in front of your house saying your a drug dealer and the police arrest you it isn't because they have cameras in your house.
I've been using this for a few years now. I've been happy so far
These guys are genuinely sjws that should be avoided unlike protonmail.
Care to elaborate?
Look at their terms of service. It's full of red flags. They aren't even good communist. They put identity politics above everything else including your free speech.
>the police arrest you
Yeah exactly, playing thought police means you have a political agenda and you have no problem with hit jobs like this. Maybe trust them for encrypting your not important emails but prepare to get fucked when they want to play again.
>"Hey, what's your email"
>Literally marketing a email for Antifa
no thanks
I've used Tutanota for years without complaint.
a. If they didn't create the emails, they literally blogged about someone else's private email address just because they want to virtue signal. Privacy much?
b. If they did create the emails, they literally created some fake emails just for the sake of a virtue signalling blog post.
Fucking Tutanota. They are also in Germany, that means zero privacy.
I'd say KolabNow. Take a look at their reason for not providing encryption.
>email supposed to be open platform
>so many "spam reduction measures" that it's infeasible to run your own email server at home
Okay fuck it. I can use Linux and have a spare desktop pc. How hard would it be to set up my own server without all my emails going to spam?
It never was a good idea in the first place.
If you're in the western world, go with or yandex. They're russian services, which have been politically hostile since the cold war. I don't see that changing anytime soon, so they should be safe for now.
fastmail would be perfect if it had labels and not just folders
>kgb nigger
live mail doesn't require any phone number
Also, the classic NeoMailBox if you can pay. It's not expensive, it has encryption and you can use your own domain.
I don't get the KGB meme. Who gives a shit if Russian intelligence has your info. They don't work with your home country or give a fuck about you. It's the best scenario.
That's why I use a dirt cheap VPN based out of Hong Kong. They aren't actually all that private, but I don't care if China has my info if I can get great VPN speeds for ~1.55 per month.
What do people think of citadel (the groupware suite)
Or zentyal?
Use your own email server.
Net-im orLlibreFffice with Dropbox/ implemention
Careful with mac address with dropbox.
I recommend Linode, but basically any VPS will have sufficient uptime to be used for this.
Maintaining it is easy. Initial setup can be difficult, but not prohibitively so.
Chinese VPNs do work with American law enforcement. The proxy services didn't use to so they were truly anonymous in the late 90s and early 2000s. There are a few Russian vpns but they are extremely expensive and shady. So I've never tried one.
If you put a big neon sign in front of your house saying your a drug dealer and your landlord expels you it isn't because they have cameras in your house
Maybe you should also mention the "big neon sign" is just your imagination with obvious assumptions and prejudice. It was a picture on Tweeter. One single picture. It was not seen anywhere else. Internet common sense would tell you it is easily a fake. But Protonmail obviously can't let go of any chance of virtue signalling, so they played thought police and judge and called it hate group and ban them without investigation because that would be great marketing material amirite?
Either way Protonmail is honeypot but so is many others, they just do it in the open and actually use it as marketing.
>hospitalize your local antifa scumbag
>you will not replace us
yeah sure it's only my imagination user
also stop using the word honeypot when you so obviously don't know what it means
yeah but you need to give it a mobile number (not during sign up, it bugs you a bit later, i think to send mail?)
I It's like the rep said in your Propaganda image. It's not like the email was [email protected] . It was the slogan a white nationalist group was using. So it was fairly obvious it's one they were using. They don't want their email associated with seedy stuff. It's not like their banning other Nazis or drug dealers. Just ones publicly using protonmail's name.
you gotta pay to remove the advert in all email footers
no mailfence
Use mailfence
You said hate group slogan, except it wasn't.
You said it was illegal, except it wasn't.
You said it was definite proof, except it wasn't.
If you go to any courtroom in the whole world, the judge will laugh at you and Protonmail's arguments.
Their political agenda is showing. They killed their only strength in the market. This is what you get when you play political branding games and not just do simple emails.
>You said hate group slogan, except it wasn't.
yes it is
>You said it was illegal, except it wasn't.
under swiss law it is
>You said it was illegal, except it wasn't
No I didn't.
>You said hate group slogan, except it wasn't.
It clearly is to anyone with half a brain. That's thing about your propaganda image to anyone that isn't a brainwashed Sup Forumstards it's really clear that it was being used be white nationalists who normal people view as members of a hate group.
Start a Email service yourself.
I would really use for some spam mails, register forums etc., but they are bound to disappear suddenly at one point without notice. There is definitely less probability that Gmail, or any other service will do that
Swiss law requires them to log your IP and emails for six months.
>QoL fix
>muh privacy
>Use mailfence
based in Belgium. BE is a member of the EU. BE is under NSA's umbrella. BE is under a constant terror threat from islamists so they have tough laws.
Yeah, no thanks.
It's very simple: if you're in the US/EU, host using Yandex or They both have support for custom domains. And no western court can subpoena your email.
why are so many people advising to use yandex or any russian-based mail service ?
it's not like russian privacy laws are any better
or kgb is any better than nsa
simply quit doing illegal shit
Because they're are hostile to western governments. Meaning that if you're an US citizen, they're not gonna share information with US three-letter agencies.
ok, but seriously I don't care if it's russia or the us, I just don't want no one to spy on my mails
Mail-in-a-box + a cheap VPS is what you want my friend.
> this app requires you to give up control over your own device
pajeet pls
only if you want 2FA
This is a good option.
>"hey, what's your email?"
>"[email protected]"
Russia can't throw you in jail.
Western courts have literally ZERO pull in Russia.
Russians don't give a fuck about you unless you're trying to overthrow their gov.
Not hosting in Russia is stupid.
Snake oil, nothing more.
lol. A multi-billion dollar company, that has the best and brightest developers, equipped with the most modern server farms, and you think using some no-name shithole email provider with shoddy code and nothing to lose is a good idea to switch to?
Nigger enjoy your identity theft battle in court.
>All these retards thinking Russia doesn't cooperate with other countries in criminal cases much less when it doesn't even involve Russian nationals
If your name gets on an Interpol red notice you can bet your ass the Russians will hand over your shit unless you're doing some wikileaks/snowden style espionage stuff.
Russia extradites national and foreign criminals all the time.
>Russia extradites national and foreign criminals all the time.
No, it literally doesn't. They more than literally don't give a flying fuck about your Court orders. Russia literally has no extradition treaty with US and it's literally forbidden in Russia to extradite their own citizens. Moreover, Russia never handed over data to Interpol. Russia, Iran and China are the three countries with the worst relationship with Interpol.
Nice try, NSA.
Apple mail is the only right answer.
>The Russian Federation has bilateral or multilateral international treaties aimed especially to regulate the issues of extradition, with 64 states.
Nice try, NSA.
Yes, and China and Iran are member of Iran too; and still this doesn't mean jack shit, and still they have the most controversial relationship with it. It's all a facade, they never extradite anyone and never complied to any Court order and I double dare you to find a single case in which they cared about a French or Canadian order or something. Jesus, NSA, at least try. Next you'll tell me that since once they gave a puppet to France after the terrorist attacks in Paris they actually share any intelligence with Paris. Jeeeez