post your fuckin desktops
Post your fuckin desktops
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>inb4 that one "girl" posts "her" desktop
>inb4 followed by 20+ replies
>inb4 Is this the new deskto thread? owo
iz dis da new deskrop thrrread???
Edgy kid
From all the possible choice you had you took this distro.
>tfw im a real girl (not trans) in computer science with a desktop messier than my room
our best one in cs class is a girl
Shiiit yeah boys
>2284 - 267
>this piece of shit still won't autoalign desktop icons other than at the left
Hmm, it's almost like there's software designed for this sort of shit
Look at my desktop though I don't give a shit
wait is awoo supposed to be the sound a dog howl sounds like? If so I never noticed.
windows 8.1 classic shell master race
lmao this screams of college age loser desktop
where's macfag? did (s)he died?
EEEEEWWWWWWWW white terminal...
I-I also would like to know. i hope we didnt bully her too much ;_;
jokes on you i'm a middle aged loser and this is a laptop
i think it fits the theme better :(
that's uh...very gentoo-y
It's obviously a laptop, that doesn't mean you didn't post a desktop.
Regarding your age - haha. You're middle aged and can't afford a nice laptop or an upgrade to Windows 10?
Its very old iconset. I found it on waybackmachine. The OS is not Gentoo but Debian.
>pass user since 2012
>calling someone else a loser
lol at upgrading to Windows 10. also, this laptop can play GTA V it's nice enough, probably nicer than 90 percent of Sup Forums's laptops. Also has gnu/linux installed on bare metal so you can't play that card on me payfag
So comfy right now.
How can it be nice when it only has a 1080p screen? Even my bedposting machine has a 4k screen
Idk, I don't talk to oWo guy. :/
post pape nigga
it's good you know, but only if you stick to cinnamon and xfce. All other "flavors" of mint eventually break.
how do you know my bedposting machine isn't 5k display? this is my toilet computer
Using a computer at the toilet is just sad and gross. You're the worst.
you actually did a fucking poster of your different desktop configurations
Sup Forums will never cease to amaze me
how do you deal with the Minty theme having a different shade of green than the X button on your menubars?
>not experiencing the joys of literally shitposting
girls are actually really good at coding.
i still don't if they are good at handling big projects though.
this one is nice
owo is this the new desktop thread
MMm----::-://////////////oymNMd+` Kernel: x86_64 Linux 4.8.0-53-generic
MMd /++ -sNMd: Uptime: 1d 3m
MMNso/` dMM `.::-. .-::.` .hMN: Packages: 2157
ddddMMh dMM :hNMNMNhNMNMNh: `NMm Shell: bash 4.3.48
NMm dMM .NMN/-+MMM+-/NMN` dMM Resolution: 1366x768
NMm dMM -MMm `MMM dMM. dMM DE: Cinnamon 3.4.3
NMm dMM -MMm `MMM dMM. dMM WM: Muffin
NMm dMM .mmd `mmm yMM. dMM WM Theme: Linux Mint (Mint-X)
NMm dMM` ..` ... ydm. dMM GTK Theme: Mint-X [GTK2/3]
hMM- +MMd/-------...-:sdds dMM Icon Theme: Mint-X
-NMm- :hNMNNNmdddddddddy/` dMM Font: Noto Sans 9
-dMNs-``-::::-------.`` dMM CPU: Intel Celeron CPU N3060 @ 2.48GHz
`/dMNmy+/:-------------:/yMMM GPU: Mesa DRI Intel(R) HD Graphics 400 (Braswell)
can I have some illya chest?
>current state of Sup Forums
install windows
i might just have a heart attack
illya is so hot
n-nice desktop
who is
My first distro was manjaro
Now im on debian
Think about it user
This is a journey, don't pick meme distros
I don't like apt or systemd
Manjaro uses systemd
What is wrong with apt, newfag???
Can you post artist I can't find this for some reason
what is openrc?
hey ben
eat shit and die
Are you fucking kidding me?
i took that picture of my gf illya and she told me not to give it to anyone
Doesn't bother me at all. Close enough that I never even noticed the difference until you pointed it out.
thank you bro
then get autism like everything else here, then you'll notice everything and won't enjoy anything anymore
reminder that this is the guy who almost singlehandedly got desktop threads banned from Sup Forums with his spam
Good start on the i3 dude but config that shit. Your bar looks like crap