/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


echo $PS1 in this thread right now

install Source Mage

Install GuixSD

tcsh >


C:$(pwd | sed "s:/:\\\\\\\:g")>

any help?




where do u download linux? is ophcrack a linux? i got it from hackforums to hack computers

Install void

cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v4.x/linux-4.13.2.tar.xz thank me later and make sure to use proxies

%{%}%n@%m %B%{%}%/%b %{%}%%


zsh is such a nice shell, pretty sad that 90% of the userbase are faggots.

Install a convenient botnet.

Yeah, I know what I mean. I think the first time I learned about ZSH, it was from a literal tranny who was ssh-ing into her FreeBSD vm from MacOS and raving about how amazing oh-my-zsh is.

I love ZSH, but I don't blame people for the stigma it gets. It's a shame, because it's such a wonderful experience, too. And it definitely has its use cases, even if they're not as universal as BASH

Is there an icon theme in Linux that
>is complete with icons for most mimetypes (damn it adwaita)
>doesn't include ugly application icons like in attached picture
Seriously, I mean no disrespect to the designer of said icon themes, but who thinks that taking a high quality icon (firefox is just an example) and reducing the colors and making it look like a deformed glitch or putting it in a square frame and cropping it is a good idea?




I think it's mostly icon themes being made for Unity. People want a uniform look for the application icons that show up in the launcher.

I don't know if anything is "complete" though because it seems icons are another are of GNU/Linux that really needs to be more standardized.
Just yesterday I was trying to fix up a theme that was missing icons and having to make like 10-20 symlinks for various different naming conventions that sofware uses.
(e.g. "audio", "application-audio", "audio-x-generic", "gnome-mime-audio", "media-audio", etc..)

So I don't even know how you would really gauge if anything is "complete"

>trying to do the simple task of deleting a user
>gui doesnt work (this has apparently been a problem with ubuntu since 09), reappears after i click delete
>look up how to do it in the console
>million different commands, half of which people say dont work


>permission denied

What is the best way to convert a picture to ASCII with the best possible quality?

sudo userdel

How the fuck can I make Powerline display my hostname and time on Bash.

That's all I want for now. I realize Zsh is more flexible, but I don't want to spend more time.

I just want [Time]User@Host: ~

PS1='$(date +%H:%M) Lain: '

Long time ex Linux user here. I'm so happy I bought a fully specced T440s for cheap (cashed in my MacBook Air) and installed Fedora on it.
Wayland is a bliss, every time I installed a GNU/Linux distribution on it, I removed it after 15 minutes to avoid getting eye cancer.
I have to say I'm pretty impressed. Gnome3 is pretty gud (I know most anons on Sup Forums will hate me for such a statement), I installed a few extensions and that was it.
I can see how the GNU/Linux desktop is moving forward and offers a very nice user experience.

Hi, where is the server running now if not in a virtual machine? It is the first time that I made a Linux server. Steps which are irrelevant are not mentioned:
> I started a VirtualBox with "vagrant" and added an user.
> I gave him sudo rights.
> Gave him Key Based Authentication.
> Forced Key based Authentication by changing: /etc/ssh/sshd_confi.
> Restart sshd service.
> enabled all outgoing ports with "ufw".
> diasbled all incoming ports with ufw.
> enabled specific incoming ports with ufw: 22, 2222/tcp, 22/tcp.
> enabled ufw.

Everything has worked fine so far and I could connect to the server by typing: "ssh user@ip-address -p xxxx -i ~/.ssh/keydirectory".
But now to my question:
> Before I did the last steps I always had to halt, start and log into my virtualbox by typing vagrant halt and so on.
> When I try that now the terminal tells me " default: VM not created. Moving on...".
> I can connect to my server with ssh like my intention was but I am trying to understand which step exactly caused this change. And where is the server running if not in a virtual machine now?

I have 2 usb controllers on my pc. Where can I find out which one corresponds to which port? There's nothing in the damn manual, nothing on google either. It's an Asrock x370 killer sli, trying to do some windows passthrough shenanigans.
Also same question for the SATA controller, of which it also has 2, but I suspect the second one is for the nvme drives so that's not important as I don't have one anyways.

I worry if it's going too fast sometimes though, and it's motivating a lot of crap software like systemd just to rush things along

>linux terminal

You don't need powerline, all you need is a font with the powerline glyphs, then copy paste that shit in your PS1.

That said, powerline is for faggots.

Well, I've never been much of a system administrator and the switch from SysV Init to systemd has little to no impact on my life.

Yes, I do have to manager 2 servers at my office, but my interaction with the init system is almost zero.

man -P 'less +/^PROMPTING' bash

>powerline is for faggots.

I have ubuntu downloaded in my download folder.

What do I do now? I'm serious

Download rufus.

Is "surf" from suckless a secure browser?

So I have this old HP craptop, works fine other than the battery is of course long dead, installed Ubuntu MATE 17.04 on it last night just to see what hardware support was like for it. Seems fine, wifi and everything works out of the box, just not sure what to do with it. I was thinking about fucking around with some distros I haven't tried before or recently like maybe void

2.16 GHz Pentium Dual-Core T3400
Intel GMA 4500MHD @ 1280 x 800
wifi (b/g) + 10/100 + 56k modem (wew)

what should I do with this thing besides install gentoo and/or smash it with a baseball bat

I'm so glad this is a friendly thread.

Thing is, Powerline by default only shows my username. If I don't include it in the .bashrc then the prompt gos back to user@host

So what are the main differences between Bash, Zsh, Tcsh, etc? ELI5

Bell Laboratories

Murray Hill, NJ (dec!ucb)wav!research!rob

It seems that UNIX has become the victim of cancerous growth at the hands of
organizations such as UCB. 4.2BSD is an order of magnitude larger than Version
5, but, Pike claims, not ten times better.

The talk reviews reasons for UNIX's popularity and shows, using UCB cat as a
primary example, how UNIX has grown fat. cat isn't for printing files with line
numbers, it isn't for compressing multiple blank lines, it's not for looking at
non-printing ASCII characters, it's for concatenating files.

We are reminded that ls isn't the place for code to break a single column into
multiple ones, and that mailnews shouldn't have its own more processing or joke
encryption code.

Rob carried the standard well for the "spirit of UNIX," and you can look
forward to a deeper look at the philosophy of UNIX in his forthcoming book.

zsh has nice colors and an vi-like keys for people who don't know about readline, xd, or fzy
bash is the powertool where real work is done

Probably runs hot and loud. Sell it whole, or just take it apart for spares.

The biggest reason would be that bash is made by gnu AND made by a nigger.
zsh is the superior option

That's bullshit, I just installed zsh and ls is not even color coded.

fag detected

bash can be configured to have colors, too.

A pretty good list of differences is here
(does Sup Forums hate quora?)

So, for instance, although bash does have colors, its prompts are nowhere near as fancy as zsh's can be -- not that this is necessarily a good thing, though.

I have a problem with having dups named "JPG" and "jpg". I've tried using various dup finders but it dosent pick up on them.

What command would i use to try and find these copies and keep the one that is larger then the rest?

Hopefully this is an ok place to ask about this. I use Ubuntu 17.04, and can't get Steam to run on PlayOnLinux (4.2.12). When I tried to launch it, Steam downloaded and installed an update, then crashed. In each attempt since then it has crashed immediately upon launch. Here's the debug log from the latest attempt:

[09/17/17 19:45:37] - Running wine-1.7.53-steam_crossoverhack Steam.exe (Working directory : /home/luke/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/Steam/drive_c/Program Files/Steam)
fixme:ver:GetCurrentPackageId (0x32e490 (nil)): stub
fixme:process:ProcessIdToSessionId Unsupported for other processes.
fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl SIO_GET_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_POINTER: unimplemented DisconnectEx
fixme:ntdll:server_ioctl_file Unsupported ioctl c8000006 (device=c800 access=0 func=1 method=2)
fixme:winsock:server_ioctl_sock Unsupported ioctl c8000006 (device=c800 access=0 func=1 method=2)
fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl unsupported WS_IOCTL cmd (_WSAIORW(IOC_WS2, 6))

Syntax / builtin command differences, thousands of settings and so on.

ZSH generally went with a "tweak / fix everything" approach, BASH / fish are taking the middle road, and busybox sh and csh and such go with very little stuff.

finally got this installed. what next? should i convert my toaster into my case for this?

fuck me

the problem with zsh are in part thanks to its users, is all fancy display but is not oriented for real work while bash is


I'm having some trouble with i3-gaps. It's not making gaps, even though its in the config file.

Any ideas?

update your software grandpa

Uh, you mean they are not exact duplicates but visually similar? You need a program (or better program your own rule engine thing) that does one or many of the visual similarity algorithms like phashes.

Personally I generally use Hydrus with its strongly manual operation.

do whaever you want



Allow me to interject for a moment, what you refer to as GNU/Linux is actually Wine/Linux. Wine is pivotal in making Linux a fully functional system. You can't play all of the games without it.

that post isnt even good enough for Sup Forums humor

Sorry, they have identical names just different exensions, one lower one upper

I've tried fdupes and it dosen pick them up as being a duplicate

>and it dosen pick them up as being a duplicate
Then they aren't duplicates.

You can search for visual duplicates with "findimagedupes" if you want to do that.

made me smile though

get used to it

I have visually opened them and they are indeed duplicates, the exception is one is larger then the other and the extension is uppercase.
It is like this for a large amount of folders otherwise id do it manually

I tried findimagedupes but it never seemd to work properly, it always listed files there were visually different from each other, and named differently too


play with the --threshold flag

I have a Macbook Pro with 2012, should I stay with the lastest MacOS or switch to GNU/Linux with a random distro? If so, which distro?

Why would anyone ditch a fucking UNIX system?

lol yep, that was definitely the problem. Looks like PoL was using a specific version picked by the installer, but I was able to install 2.0.2 and manually tell it to use that instead.

How come when I search the web for "sexy linux wallpaper" I find thousands of random "erotic" pictures with distro logos on it? Who is doing this and why? Why would you randomly slap a distro logo at some erotic wallpaper?

I am trying to install linuxmint from a bootable usb I just made

>boot from usb
>'launch linux mint' - crash
>'launch linux mint compatibility mode' crash

what am i missing

install ubunut

>ubuntu mate
>using it to browse internet while listening to spotify in background.
>like a normal person
>get tired of music, go to plank to open spotify window and change song
>here's no indicator that it's open
>music still playing
>open spotify again but its a new instance and I can't control the music already playing
>literally can't stop the music
>can't close spotify now
>can't close firefox
>use the force close widget on the panel
>doesn't work, force close widget also freezes
>press ctrl-alt-del
>shutdown dialog appears, thought I'd get some kind of task manager
>shutdown dialog is non-responsive too
>watch 30 second countdown to computer turning off.
>clock and show desktop panel items keep crash on startup.

How do I prevent this shit without buying a Mac? I have no idea what to even Google for.

ohhhhhhh, now I understand why the zsh shilling

go sell your shit somewhere else

>using spotify

You sure could write a shell script to just keep the larger one.

"for"all filenames without extension, filter them until only "uniq"ue ones remain, "rm" the smaller (or move the larger to a folder of bigger files) - that thing, in bash or zsh or whatever you use

Install GNU/Linux

>missing interpunctation
solid 9/10


y i dont want amazon spyware

That woun't unmeme you. Nice try.

what is the best distro for beginners?

Firstly, bash can be configured to have nice colors in exactly the same way as zsh, so don't be so full of yourself. Furthermore, you can emulate vi in bash, too. The real reason you might want to use bash is because of autocompletion (bash supports autocompletion, too, but it's an incredibly primitive form of autocompletion that really doesn't hold a light to that of zsh) and plugins like syntax highlighting. Just make sure to avoid oh-my-zsh like the plague. Also, zsh is bash compatible.

to answer your question, zsh and bash are comparable to bourne shell; whereas, tcsh & co. are c shells. The shell that you're using makes very little difference, really, when you're only ever in interactive mode and just writing one liners, so long as its robust enough. The big difference is syntax and scripting. And also licensing, if you're one to split hairs over different free licenses.

What is the best distro for experts?

can I install ubuntu onto a fresh SSD from windows or do I need to make an Ubuntu boot usb?

the ONLY other shell for GNU/Linux, the rest are redundant


install gentoo



>falling for the UNIX meme
lmaoing @ ur life

pclinuxos is the worst distro name ever

yep, good distro though