Sup Forums can you redpill me on SailfishOS?

An user in /spg/ told me that I have SailfishOS going for me, since I have an Xperia X Compact, pic related.

However I think Sony has only officially licensed the regular Xperia X, and not the Compact model that I have.

So, what is the benefit of using SailfishOS instead of regular botnet android?

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I fucking love that phone. Phone design done right.
just wanted to say that but I don't have an answer to your question OP.

now that is a sexy phone.

what a nice phone, simply beautiful

it's bot a botnet

Yeah, I like it a lot.


That's a fine 'I can't afford an iPhone X' phone right there OP

Love my z5c but damn does the xc look and feel good. Wish I could trade my beautiful piece of hot garbage for it

>Many of you have been curious about us supporting other Xperia devices like Xperia X Compact and when would be the right time to get a suitable target device. For now we want to focus on getting the Xperia X project out (..)
Not even 2 minutes

>fuckhuge phone

>For now we want to focus on getting the Xperia X project out (..

Fucking losers.

Sailfish is a meme. Why would you PAY for a meme when you can download OFFICIAL AOSP for free? And sony is the only non-google oem than's offering project treble smartphones RIGHT NOW.

>yfw you get slammed on this board for not buying a phone from the future


Sailfish is free


Lmao my dude.

Looks a lot better that the icuck X

Most of the phones do.


It's quite nice to use as there's no button and everything's done by gestures, and it can handle calls, texts, email and web browsing without issues.
For the issues, there's very few applications, so you have to use the browser most of the time, which can be a pain if you're used to having plane or train tickets in the app. If you're using android applications, the three buttons are added at the bottom, costing you display space.
I used my jolla as a daily driver for 8 months before going back to Android, mostly for comfort.

It's a really good phone: solid battery; solid screen except mine has a little scratch and amazing speakers.

Oh yeah? Well... Form isn't everything.

Sailfish is essentially fedora (the Linux kind) for phones.
Terminal is included in the default applications and there's a simple switch in the settings that lets you enable the superuser account.
You'll have native ssh and can remote to your phone.
You can write your applications in most any language instead of just java.
It's Unix-likeness isn't hidden away.

This is fucking stupid though.

Uncluttered slabs with no overdesigned memes.
Can't get any better desu.

>This is fucking stupid though.
They aren't going to survive long as a business without charging for something. Especially not when they have to pay for Android application compatibility.

>non-removeable battery
into the trash it goes



What's up with all that Xperia X compact circlejerking in this thread?

You're paying for the official Jolla-supported build with Alien-dalvik aka android support.
There are/will be free sailfish-builds with android support.

builds without android support*

I love when the finnish try to speak english.

Wait so I can tunnel a texting app and reply to messages on my desktop?
That's cool as fuck if true

I use Jolla1 for 2 years, and no regret. But.
I use it only as a pocket PC, and rarely as a phone. So, the main instrument there is browser+proxychains to have SOCKS. As proxychains work systemwide you have an easy access to your inner networks by various programs, if you need it.
If you're going to use it as an normie everyday device, I would not recommend it. Runing Watsapp and shit in virtual machine will drain your battery fast.

Solid advice, thanks.

Ask your answers if you interested in something particular.

It's one of the only small androids that's any good.
If you fall for the 'small screen meme' than you'll probably like it a lot.

This, my next phone is either an iphone se or xperia x compact, whichever gets updated first

I fear they are just making it 5.2" and call it close enough and slap a compact or mini sticker on it like the rest of the industry.

The XZ1 Compact is releasing soon, you should take a look at it.

Do Sony phones generally have good support for lineageOS and rooting?
I doubt it, the compacts have been relatively the same size since the original one was released

>Do Sony phones generally have good support for lineageOS and rooting?

Yes, almost all of them have LineageOS support.

>Openness is important to Sony

Recently I finally ditched Samsung/Apple and got an XA1
I don't know why I didn't join the Sonygger party earlier, this phone is beautiful.

>Do Sony phones generally have good support for lineageOS and rooting?

Imagine being this ass-wrecked.

I can't decide between Silver or Black.

Apart from the FUCKING XZ

Seriously, we manage to get AOSP Oreo in a manner of days, but nearly a year on and there's still no Lineage port of any kind? It's not like the sources aren't available or anything.

based japs

>no notification LED

that alone is why all iPhones suck, forever

lol iphones don't have a notification LED? I never knew that. So Applecucks need to leave their sound notifications on all the time if they don't want to miss something? LMAO

>So Applecucks need to leave their sound notifications
Fun fact: it doesn't even have sound notifications, like on Android where it can beep for a missed call/message for hours if you set it so with an app or whatever.
Apple users have been complaining for years.
Well, there's a "workaround" that some iOS apps use: launch the app before leaving your iPhone and leave it unlocked. I laughed when I read that.
Apple really loves to fuck with their users.

Now I understand why some of my family members take so long to read and reply to a text message. They leave their phones on silent for most of the day so they can't tell they got text unless they switch on the screen.