How deep in the botnet are you, Sup Forums?
How deep in the botnet are you, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
HTML botnet? CSS botnet?
Java botnet?
perl botnet?
>chink botnet
>closed source adware browser
java is definitely a botnet
lurk more, newfag
F2P games
Too lazy to edit the picture since I'm phoneposting.
Opera is a closed source Chinese software, so it's definitely a botnet.
Brave builds profile on their users even if they opt out of ads. So, they're literally mini-Google. Botnet.
I'm honestly surprised I didn't get bingo.
>the dev puts a banner on his website to malware
>with every update of his software, you get redirected to his site so you can get infected with malware
I don't fuck with any of it. The most normie thing I have is a job...
>escaping the "botnet" by closing a tab on a site I've never spent more than 0.5 seconds looking at
I have installed Ubotnetu on one of my PCs. Never bought anything from Amazon, though.
more like
>escaping the botnet by getting rid of fake "security" software that by default doesn't do shit and will get you infected with malware
>not part of the botnet
There is only one CPU manufacturer that will rule them all.
How about you both escape the botnet by killing yourselves
>Antivirus other then FalsepositiveAV
>Not a 5x5 grid
>not fucking based
>closed sores shitware
>it's not open source
>it's a botnet
keep digging your hole m8, but I already know ur a tard
No one needs a botnet to get your info OP when you throw it all out there on the chins. Enjoy hiroshimoot selling your IP and all text logs associated with it
>windows 8.1
>panda av
so let's use a terminal from early 80s instead shall we? literally nothing can run on it.
Do you still telnet BBSs op?
usenet, baby
>torrent clients should be closed source
Are you literally retarded? Torrents were made with the idea of open file sharing. You have uTorrent as an example of how you simply cannot trust closed source software, even if it's not freeware.
This is what normie me would have gotten back in the day.
I never said that, but keep digging
You'd get a bingo if you used an android then.
Not very
Foobar2000 is botnet? Really? Please elaborate.
>noscript is botnet
>uninstall that shit
>install Ad nauseam instead
>a program that clicks every add automatically
>generating revenue for ad companies
>opening the door for you to eventually contribute to every ad company ever
dislike a program that stops scripts, love a program that doesnt remove you from the botnet, instead makes you more active in it.
but you dont see adds, so its ok
People were shilling against noscript before adnauseam was made. And no, it's not the alternative. uBlock Origin as an adblock and script block, and uMatrix as an additional script blocker are better alternatives.
I've been sticking with adblock+custom filters for a long time
>How deep in the botnet are you, Sup Forums?
how far the mighty fall with a single update.
I have an Intel processor, use sites that use HTML, a private torrent tracker account, and use Noscript. That is about it.
No bingo, that's surprising...
Some of the shit on this bingo is fucking gay.
There is no way HTML is botnet (or at least simple HTML).
>a programming language
>foobar2000 is bad for you
I don't have any of those, except Intel which I'm not counting since I only use a librebooted X200.
Also, why is using VPN a botnet? That seems like a way to avoid the botnet, especially if it's a no logs VPN.
>private trackers
>script blocking plugin
>programming languages
>open source browsers
Choose one and only one
Using a VPN is like using a black box. You will never know if your VPN provider does what he says.
Youtube and a little hangouts
Only botnet on my computer is Intel
kill me please
You forgot to put linux on the list.
I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/LInux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
Am i safe?
No, Google is the ultimate fucking botnet
Like 4 of these, need abobe shit to put bread on the table.
It's easy to cut out nost of these, though.
That's a pretty big botnet considering the (((Intel ME))) is a backdoor into your entire system.
Kill me, now
I was stupid and used Chrome for pornography only
Obviously, but its not like the NSA would let amd be any better
I've never heard anything about foobar being botnet, is that real?
How's life with complete autism? Must be nice
Sauce on the napster-alien looking guy?
oh forgot to check google
Of course, the (((AMD PSP))) is just as bad. Only libreboot can save us from the chipset backdoors. Also Talos II looks pretty good, can't wait for that to come out.
>Sup Forums not included
kek, enjoy your botnet
What if he meant Linux the kernel and not Linux the OS?
Just stop this maymay already
if opera is a botnet than what browser is fucking left to use?????
god damn, that browser looks 12 years old
way too old for me
You can't spend a couple minutes configuring software you use daily to your preferences?
>everything is botnet
the absolute state of Sup Forums
This has to change
Install GNU/Hurd
normies doesnt even know how an email functions so they want to be contacted on a dumb-friendly platform
>web development languages
what did he mean by this?
>windows 10 enterprise ltsb
prof banned me using linux on class because he doesnt understand the interface while in fact i can still outstand everyone while using windows
>utorrent 2.2.1
remote is comfy
I have a free as in freedom laptop, but the rest are botnet computers since I need to interact with people to make money.
Personal computer:
I am mostly safe from the botnet.
CSS & HTML are botnet now? What the fuck are you talking about?
so nobody ITT use tinder?
how surprising
>needing an app to get women
balls deep
>app gets bottom 80% of average looks average success male users the bottom 20% of female users.
>app has top 80% of female users scrambling for 20% of male best looking most succesful male users.
>is botnet
if your relationship material just go to church and if your not just go to bars. at least you won't be another number in the data mine blob filing cabnet
pretty hard to get bingo
how is Telegram botnet?
That's cause it's a fucking 7x7 grid
>t. freetard
Well, most of those are bullshit.
Only ones I would like to get rid of is Netflix and WhatsApp, but WhatsApp isn't my choice.
How is kik a botnet? Chat messages get purged after a certain amount. In fact if you log out you lose all your chat history.
Newgaf here
How do I get my ass out of that botnet trap ?
Seem that crashing my pc is the only way
plz halp
why the fuck is noscript on this list
Popular != botnet