If I type "How to make meth at home" into google, will I be put into a list?

If I type "How to make meth at home" into google, will I be put into a list?

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Doesn't matter what you type into Google. It keeps a list of everything and so does the NSA.

asking about it on Sup Forums probably got you on more lists.

also, no, you're not anonymous here. you're just anonymous to other users.

I didn't ask how to make meth, I'm asking whether I'd be put in a list if I did.

CIA can't touch this.

you seem to think that the CIA has to run you through some sort of judicial process before putting you on a list.

you look at them funny and they start monitoring your activity. you're fucked.

"Assassinate the President of the United States"

boo, so scary

I bet they'll catch me in the airport when I illegally immigrate to the USA.

if you actually want to make/use meth you got more problems that being on a (((list)))

god, are you retarded or something?

saying the words out of context won't get your home raided. asking "hypothetically" whether you would attract LEO attention if you went and did something certainly would make them keep an eye on you.

you're like the dumbest fucking faggot on this board right now. the world doesn't operate in black and white terms. you can say something that's moderately incriminating and that can cause LEOs to take moderate interest in your activities.

edgy 14 year old

there are "celebrities" on twatter calling for the cheeto assassination since being elected

Congratulations, you have become subject to the fearmongering thought police, the oppressive cultural zeitgeist has followed you into the privacy of your own mind.

You are afraid, which means you are already under control.

Watch me, I'll go ask quora how to make meth.

this coming from the fucking idiot who started a thread asking if he'd end up on a list for searching how to make meth. jesus, it's like you're schizoid or something

link to quora question

I am.
Why do you think I need meth for.
My cunt of a shrink refused to give me the drugs I need and tried to put me on erectile dysfunction jew pills and retardifying neuroleptics.

Use startpage instead

One time I was at a Dollar General store and I saw a piece of paper on the floor. I picked it up and it was detailed ingredients and instructions for making meth with ingredients you can get at the dollar store and wal-mart.

I tell you, modern psychiatry is a fucking psy-ops in cahoots with CIA, refusing medication to the ill so that the pharma doesn't cut into their business.
So they feed us ball shrinking placebo SSRI and anti-psychotics to turn us into mental retards.

I have a frontal lobe deficiency god damn it, I need drugs to prevent alzheimers, not accelerate it.

Really Roarks my Howard.

and meth is gonna help. right.

if you aren't capable of finding drugs because you are so much of a loser, there is no way you are going to go through with successfully making them. you have nothing to fear because you will never succeed.

What kind, my nigger.

>"finding" drugs
Uh, huh, and give CIA their cut? Nah faggot, I won't be part of the system.

Contaminating your material world is as bad as contaminating your psyche.

Lol wait do you have ADHD?

>self-medicating with meth
what could possibly go wrong

are you sure schizoid is the right term?

I would tell you the diagnosis, but psychiatry evaluates mental illness by behavioral symptoms rather than in terms of neurochemistry, a tactic to reduce the dialogue into the social and moral paradigms, contaminate our language with false semantics.
The dialogue then shifts from the realm of neurology into the realm of social standards. From "patient has such and such malignancies with his physical body" to "patient acts non-accordingly to current social standards".

From the shitty literature I've read, in their terms, I would put it in the category of schizoid spectrum, with some cyclothymia and executive function malfunctions mixed in.
But it's all muddied water anyway, these terms are meaningless.

"ADHD" doesn't exist, it's a meaningless semantic definition, it's as much a diagnosis as "pain in the abdomen" is. Psychiatry isn't science, it's glorified voodoo magic.
There is too much sympomatic overlap between malfunctions of the frontal lobe to classify them as different illnesses.


Intense beliefs. Have you tried other TAAR1 activating compounds or just regular enzyme conversion modulators?

There's also pharmaceutical meth that you can get if you play towards your psych.

DSM literally defines mental illness in terms of social expectation and failure to meet them.
Then, when their flawed methodology doesn't work, they append "treatment resistant" to the diagnosis.

How about considering the fact that since medication is the only way we have in affecting the black box of neurochemistry and observing the results, an illness that is "treatment resistant" to a particular medication is a different illness altogether? Or perhaps the medication doesn't work because the patient was misdiagnosed in the first place?

This is logic 101 god damn it, if you feed identical input into two systems and they produce different results, it must be the systems that are different.

In fact, I propose a more useful semantic construction - one that puts the only tool we have at the center of it - medication. So mental illnesses would instead be defined as medication deficiencies. If SSRIs don't work for your "depression", perhaps you don't have serotonin deficiency, but something else.

And as the only person qualified to diagnose myself, I hereby declare myself as having a crippling condition I will dub "meth deficit disorder"

I don't disagree. I've been toiling away at my trace amine system to find compounds that make me able to realize my goals and every corner of modern medicine has failed me. I only suggest trying other sources first because it can be easy to mislabel silver bullets before trying them out, when a more convenient and less drastic solution is likely nearby.
>And as the only person qualified to diagnose myself, I hereby declare myself as having a crippling condition I will dub "meth deficit disorder"
Your call to make.
>If I type "How to make meth at home" into google, will I be put into a list?
Likely a passive filter that collects info and alerts LE when too many flags are raised. Such as buying ephedrine, red phosphorous, hydriodic acid, lye, and hydrogen chloride together, with your credit card, or in places with CCTV.

You seem to know what you're doing.

Me, I am simply looking for realistic solutions with my limited capabilities, gathering info and putting it in the backburner in case less drastic measures fail me.


Then I recommend you do it all in one burst. Save whatever info you think might be valuable and offload it somewhere for later. ML profiling uses time as a ranking of relevancy. If you Google "How To Sic Semper Tyrannis" now, it'll raise less flags when you decide to buy a rifle years down the road.

Today I was wondering, what would it take to "invite" FBI to my home while using botnet.
Would be interesting experiment to try.