Would Sup Forums users prefer to have a setup like Linux PC + Gaming console, or just Gaming PC?

Would Sup Forums users prefer to have a setup like Linux PC + Gaming console, or just Gaming PC?

FreeBSD PC + bicycle.

rmbr + PS4 is the only sane option

"Gaming PC" is an antiquated concept.
Get a work horse desktop specced to do whatever you need (which for most peyote isn't much), and you can get an xbone and a PS4 for less than a gaymen pc

dumb phone poster

Arch Laptop + Xboner (botnet edition)

I have linux pc ang gaming pc

Gaming is a degenerate mindless escapist activity that I do not engage in... So I'd just stick to the Linux PC.

In my experience, people who don't like pc games are people who are 50+ years, or youngsters who think they are cool if they decline playing games.

I have linux gaming pc in my bedroom with a linux htpc on my 50inch. I do steam streaming between them.

I find that I don't really have enough time for video games anymore. I mean, I could play them but the genre I typically enjoy playing (CRPG) is just too much of a commitment for me to take on.

Linux gaming PC with wine and a PCI passthrough for virtualized wangblows for games that wine fucks up. I'm building this setup in a year or so, gotta save up a bit.

>Gaming is a degenerate mindless escapist activity
I know. We need that shit banned.
Along with tv! And radio! And the printed letter!

I'm 32, but I realised how much time money and energy I was wasting with gaming instead of being productive, so I formatted my machine and installed Linux... yes I know there are games for Linux.

So instead of playing games I now browse Sup Forums to avoid doing what I need to do.

nigger cattle detected
go play your video games, little boy. you don't need a computer to shit and eat. fucking mindless pig.

life + health

Linux gaming PC.

>Autistic racism triggered over a purchase from someone they will never meet

This is the power of white?

Linux/Gaming PC + Gaming consoles
poorfags please leave

Yes, I will buy a second computer that is locked down to exclusively play games, in addition to my existing computer, which would be perfectly capable of running games if it didn't have a hobbyist OS on it

>Instead of being productive
In what way? Wage slavery, or another "hobby" that contributes just as little to society but fills your looming midlife crisis?

Your queer.

I would prefer Linux workstation that can power Autodesk/Adobe soft over any gayming crap. Thank you very much.

I use a Linux pc for gaming

Linux PC with a Windows VM for gaming plus a PS3 and a 3DS.

Have shittons of old games to play in the backlog, all the new games that are on PC too works perfectly fine in the VM so don't feel like buying a PS4 or XBone is going to do jack shit.

n o g a m e s

>when you are an engineer who uses a lot of CAD software and forced to use Windows by work
Whenever I need to upgrade or something, I just buy the most powerful things within reason. Current build is a 780ti, 4770k, and 16GB RAM. Debating on if getting another 780ti will be worth it or not.

>hobbyist OS
>no I want this other one because I don't have time for a hobbyist OS, I need to play games
>no games aren't a hobby mom, you don't understand
There must have been a situation where someone had even more poor choise of words, but I just can't think of any.

Linux PC + Gaming Console

Gaming platform with full screen exclusive mode linsux vm when not gaming

>linux vm
wtf...why don't you just dual boot

>Have a duel boot system:
>Windows for vidya gaems, programming in with Visual Studio/.NET, using Office or using other Windows-only software.
>Use Linux for all other programming and productivity tasks.
>Have a tablet for paying good mobile adaptations of board games, i.e. the only non-garbage mobile games out there.

Best setup ever.

Linux PC with a vm using GPU passthrough for games.

MacBook Pro, ThinkPad, desktop and console.

Just Linux PC
I don't have much against gaymers, but I don't find games fun anymore

the only correct answers

no need to let windows run free on anything save a VM

>le anonymous racism is bad


Powerful gaming PC + Linux laptop