Who /intel + nvidia/ here?
Who /intel + nvidia/ here?
I am, but only because that's the cheapest second hand shit you can buy from the interwebs.
amd + amd
Amd + AMD here :P
Me Never had problems with them. My last amd/ati build was athlon 64 and radeon 9700.
>Buy AMD stock card
>97 celcius
>Literally a heater
A miracle it lasted 4 years.
Me! :3
AMD Ryzen7 + AMD RX 570 reporting in
intel+intel just werks. gaymers go back btw.
Screw you lol
AMD+Nvidia master race.
Intel is finished after Ryzen.
Pretty much just picked out scraps, A6-5400K @4.2GHz, [email protected]
I picked up a combo of a 6700+mobo+16 gb ddr4 for a great price, so I went with that instead of Ryzen. Might hop on the second generation though.
i5 6600k
16gb ram
Looking at all those 6's makes me feel nice. I could have gotten a 1070, but nah the last time I played video games was almost a year ago when I actually built this thing.
Should I just sell this and use my work laptop at home? Or use the money to get an ok laptop that will play Ragnarok?
i7 4770k
24 gb ram
I can't get a 7 on RAM
mein negger
Here. Seriously considering switching to Ryzen though.
Better dead than red
r7 1700 + gtx 1080 ti ftw
>r9 290
Still going strong, I'm surprised by how well the 290 holds up at 1440p.
Who Ryzen X GeForce here?
Christmas colors bitches.
Ryzen 1600
Works well enough
made it about halfway through this thread before I read your post realized that ok wasn't asking intel + amd graphics
>R5 1600 + GTX 1060 6gb
Best pair.
>j-just wait™ for Vega
nice red harring
Better red than jewed.
Me but I wish threadripper was more ready for passthrough. It works but there is shit to work through.
Soon. Threadripper version 2. Then I can leave jewtel. Also hopefully they keep up the gains on the gpu side. I want to be free of nvidia as well.
Amd + Nvidia
AMD+Intel reporting in
I use Linux, so unfortunately AMD CPUs and AMD GPUs are both not viable.
Idk about AMD gpu driver support but doesn't AMD cpu have almost identical instruction set these days?
Was Intel + AMD.
Now AMD + AMD.
>feel when poor
All AMD CPUs (Ryzen, Threadripper, and even older ones) are bad with virtualisation because of a ~10 year old bug to do with NPT. Threadripper has even more issues with virtualisation.
AMD's latest GPUs, the RX Vega ones, have an issue inherited from Fury where rebinding doesn't work. That means you can pass them through to a virtual machine once and only once, then you need to reboot.
i7 2600 and 650Ti Boost reporting in.
pretty old box but works like a charm
Pretty overblown FUD. Yes it takes more work but that's really nothing new on *nix systems anyway. The only big issue now is IOMMU support on sTR4
Takes more work? It doesn't work at all. Those issues can't be resolved with effort.
VM performance is excellent with npt=1 so this is not a big deal for workstation tasks and actual work.
I'll wait for Volta and whenever the 8700k is showing up
7700k + 1080ti here.
My whole system is an rgb meme, but I had the money laying around.
I am Intel+AMD
Gonna be AMD+AMD soon
1070 Mini
Sell it to me you wank
AMD+AMD and AMD+Novidya
Checking in. Really didn't have much more than $265 to spend so the best I could do was an i7 4790/16GB/GTX 970.
3.5. Sigh. But for some reason I don't feel memed.
Ryzen 1700x
Zotac Amp 1080ti
Feels pretty good man
Ryzen R7 1700 + 1080 Ti = Comfy
Did you get a decent overclock? I'm getting 3950 on stock volts, my board was bretty cheap
Intel + AMD right now. Once I build my new desktop (Lemote + AMD) I'm upgrading this to Intel + Nvidia
Why would you ever buy AMD knowing how terrible their drivers are?
I ditched my 6700k for a 1700x
And my two 1080s for one 1080ti
I've genuinely never been happier with the performance. I have more cores to play with, identical gaming performance if not smoother (except for some games like fallout 4 or rising storm two that bottleneck the CPU), I don't have to worry about SLI support anymore as I know I'll get 40+ fps at 4K instead of the awkward 30 ish that a single 1080 would give me since it's in a weird performance area, my ram speed actually gives me major benefits, etc
Ryzen 1700 + R9 290 here
Feels good
Was running a FX8350 before I upgraded to my 1700
wish I could throw around money for some marginal upgrades every 2 years
Are there any specific cases where AMD's performance is terrible?
intel + nvidia here, but that's only because I got a good deal on the GPU. I've been on the AMD train since Athlon 64 but I didn't buy into bulldozer. Waiting™ for zen2 so I can justify the upgrade.
Into 1700+290
Lifelong AMD + NVIDIA here.
Every single time I want to buy a AMD graphics cards, something happens and I end up with Nvidia.
That's exactly why I always ended up with Radeon
My nigga
Initially 4770k + 780Ti, then that Gigabyte piece of shit died on me only 2 years in.
Now 4770k + 1070 and works like a charm for what i do
Did she kill pepe and is wearing his skin?
i5-6600K + 980 TI. It works, but my next system is going to be ryzen for sure.
An after market card would heat your room more than a stock card.
>tfw hd4870x2
I got the 1080s for my 989tis I bought two years ago, EVGA bro tier
I sold everything else too so I didn't lose any money I actually gained a bunch
Also, jumping from 4 cores to 8 cores 16 threads isn't marginal, that's a huge boost in my work pipeline
On which OS r u and driver? Got a single 4870.
I7 2600k at 4.6ghz, GTX 1070, 1440P
I am set for the next 4 years.
oh talking about the webm
reporting in
i5 7500
gtx 1060 6gb
>inb4 baby lake
I get it
>AMD+Nvidia master race
I remember when this was "oh shit nigger what are you doing" tier.
Intel + AMD here. I unironically got a RX Vega 56. :)
Yeah that is what it looks like to Twitch and Youtube viewers when you stream using Intel shit.
Pentium + 1030 poverty-box checking in. Put it together for less than $150, able to push three monitors. Can't complain.
Wich Pentium got a g4600 here