What is babbis first tiling WM?

What is babbis first tiling WM?
I have a headless linux machine currently running xfce but tiling looks like a better solution.
Problem is I don't have time to learn complex setups ... hence the question. What is your advice Sup Forums?

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What font is that? Details please.
>Post Xresources

i3-gaps :^)

Ratpoison works out of the box, type "Ctrl-t + ?" to see the commands. Anything starts with with "Ctrl-t".
Want to open a terminal? Ctrl-t + t
Want to open a menu? Ctrl-t + .
Want to quit Ratpoison? Ctrl-t + : + quit
See the info pages
info ratpoison

>What is babbis first tiling WM?

To be honest, I realized that the time spent context switching between windows is like

How is this supposed to be efficient?
>all those windows open
>one is just showing system information
>another should be closed as soon as the tests complete
>another one dedicated to showing memory usage
>one for irc
>one for music
>one for actual programming
The majority of those windows should be closed and the rest should be unfocused. Have a bunch of tiled windows just seems like a pointless distraction. I swapped over to a floating wm and usually just keep one window full-screen.

>..and usually just keep one window full-screen.


>info page

They still exist? Thought everyone just used 'man'

Anyone know the font?

That's a nice config, I just hope Gentoo doesn't destroy it after an update

Info was supposed to deprecate man pages with a simpler markup (i.e. not troff) and hyperlinking.

workflow of tiling WM is incpomarable to any floating system.

and i say it as proffesional network engineer and administrator of few hundred servers and more than 3K switches.

>What is babbis first tiling WM?
xmonad w/ dmenu & xmobar

Real men use RHEL 7 default install


It looks like terminus

Use AwesomeWM.

>workflow of tiling WM is incpomarable to any floating system.
As in tiling is better?

Yes, obviously. Tiling WMs like AwesomeWM give you the best of both worlds too, since it's exceptional at tiling AND has a float mode. There is no reason to use a float-only WM.

Just use Byobu in X, you try-hard, dipshit.

i3wm (with gaps because it looks good)

First? i3
Current? bspwm

i3 is a pointless recommendation. It's less capable than AwesomeWM, and no easier.

how do you make your gentoo look like that?

Looks more rounded than terminus. Maybe roboto or inconsolata?

No it's a bitmap font.
I think it might be gohu actually.

Does anyone have experience with bug.n on Windows? I've tried using it for work but I can't double click inside programs because after one click my mouse resets to the center of the screen.

Thanks. I think you may be right.

Install Gentoo.

Any time.
Here's a good list of bitmap fonts in case you want to find something else.

I personally use lemon because small res screen on my laptop.

Will do, but I need more help with a current quandary

that image is intended for showing off a bit...
mw enables you to customize your keybindings in easy manner so that particular setup he has would be hidden in a desktop space and the actual work place would be setup in a different manner where you would have your editor occupying half of the screen and some terminals on the left for easy acces.
Also it makes it much easier to move windows around without worrying about the mouse. If you use a tiling wm you will end up noticing that having programs closed was stupid and its much faster to have them always open but hidden behind something

It always amazes me that anons can't see the use in something beyond what is being shown to them
>hurr why is a TWM useful when all it is used for is showing your weeb chats and your system specs?

they aren't really attacking TWMs more they're just attacking the faggot tryhards who typically use them (or a strawman of them) instead

which I don't really blame them, I enjoy using i3 but I don't really think it's anything special and I'm not going to shitpost about it or show it off

Started with xmonad in 2010. Currently using i3wm.