I need you to share!!!!

i need you to share!!!!

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imagine spending all your time thinking about phones

Calm down pajeet



Post that shit on twitter, make official looking sheets (Apple TheftStop) that identifies the common faces of thieves to protect your device

A stolen phone shouldn't be easy to unlock

Nothing will ever turn people against Apple, not even racism

imagine being at computers

Buying an iphone x right now.
It's the only phone stopping blacks and islam simultaneously.

This happens with every facial recognition system when it first comes out. The outrage will quickly die down.

any ideas on how to share?

here discrd
REPLACE ddddddd with discord

holy cancer

Boy you said it Chewie

Fucking retard

yo Sup Forums, my iPhone X wont unlock anymore via face unlock. What should I do?

t. jamal

Way better idea than the recent WaveCharge successors. DO EET


enter your passcode

iphone has no good Sup Forums app

I need you to fucking die

Bruh they can if theres a browser

yo dawg, I forgot the passcode..