>While Apple expanded its iPhone lineup today, a software update delivered for iTunes on Windows and Mac PCs is slimming things down a bit. Once users install version 12.7 they will no longer have access to the App Store from the desktop. As described on Apple's support page, a focus toward "music, movies, TV shows, podcasts, and audiobooks" means that you'll usually need to use your iOS devices to manage the apps installed on them. What it adds in this update is the ability to sync with devices running iOS 11 and social music sharing for Apple Music subscribers.




you should go outside and stomp around for a bit

if you're installing an app for iOS, you'll need to do it from the device now.

i hardly ever heard of anyone using iTunes to install apps except in the rare freak occurrence of some website begging you to install their app. and even then people seemed to hate it. it's such an unexpected way to install an app on your phone or tablet that people would just make a note of the name and go look it up on their phones. they know visually where to glance for things like whether it has in-app purchases, average rating, etc... (it was all in the iTunes UI, but in an unfamiliar setting).

but, really, go chill.

>if you're installing an app for iOS, you'll need to do it from the device now.

Why would I want to do that?
It's way faster to do it from my PC with faster internet connection and bigger screen for comfortable usage of appstore. And on top of that I can just charge the device while it's connected to my PC, sync and backup all my data.

Fucking idiots from Apple are really turning me off lately. Losing every reason to buy a new smartphone from them.

>Losing every reason to buy a new smartphone from them.
I'm losing every reason to buy a new smartphone in general

Found your problem.

>Why would I want to do [install software from the device on which it'll run]?
i... i mean i don't know, op. this question sounds insane.
>It's way faster to do it from my PC
it never worked that way
>with faster internet connection and bigger screen for comfortable usage of appstore.
what were you using to connect your device that was faster than WiFi?

>And on top of that I can just charge the device while it's connected to my PC, sync and backup all my data.
you can still do all of that. it probably won't charge as fast, because laptop USB ports don't usually do quick charge (as far as i know), but these have always been options.

but you could also sync your devices over the wifi network while your devices charged with dedicated USB adapters that give upwards of 20W.

That's what I'm feeling too. My galaxy s3 still works fine. It was the first android generation that was not maddeningly slow. Every smartphone generation since has offered nothing additional but meme gimmicks.

>what were you using to connect your device that was faster than WiFi?
Is this a troll question? A fucking cable. Ethernet + usb c is much faster than typing on a touchscreen and downloading over wifi. Also did you conveniently not see the part about the bigger screen?

>faster to install from pc

Let's see about that:
>want to install app at 12pm
>wait till 4pm when school/work ends
>go home (0.5-1.5 hour commute)
>go on PC, download app, plug in iPhone, transfer it over (3 mins)

Oh wow, it just took at least 4.5 hours to install an app from your pc. Meanwhile the guy next to you could have done it in less than 5 minutes by using the device's app store.

How come I still have the App Store? I've installed the latest iTunes update a while ago.

usb C is the connector type. you probably mean USB 3.0, but as far as i know none of the apple peripheral devices transfer data at USB 3.0 speeds. that leaves USB 2.0, which maxes out at 480mbps

if you have a decent wireless network, you can outdo that pretty easily with 802.11ac

there's nothing that gets data from your computer to an iPad or iPhone more quickly than 802.11ac would. even if you could transfer at usb 3.0 speeds, it would still be bottlenecked by the gigabit ethernet, which has a lower specced speed than ac's 1.3gbps.

this isn't a troll question. i just wanted to see what level of familiarity you had with the subject before i got too technical for you. now that i know you have a pretty superficial level of knowledge, i can calibrate my language appropriately.

>i can calibrate my language appropriately.
this better be a troll post, your autism is off the roof.
>not him

It didn't remove the macOS App Store, it just removed the iOS one from iTunes.

lol okay

that's better

Oh, I don't have an iPhone (yet), but is it that big of a deal? I use iTunes for Apple Music, so I'm enjoying this update.

no, it doesn't matter. my hunch is an infinitesimal proportion of people were installing iOS apps from their desktop operating systems, so this just lessens the surface area of stuff they need to support.

So you're fucked if you use a pc?

this is either bait or a new level of retard

You're retard.

>So you're fucked if you use a pc?

Yes you'd need wifi and / or waste your internet traffic on phone to download / upgrade your apps now instead of fucking downloading everything fast and for free on PC.

Now you literally HAVE NO APPSTORE on PC and look at this thread, brain dead apple drones are even defending it because LESS IS BETTER right.

>cant use app store from phone for some idiot reason
>cant seem to get phone connected to home wifi or even worse doesnt have home wifi
>thinks installing a phone app is such a long process that he need to be "comfy"

so setup wifi you idiot its actually so simple a 4 year old could do it

i'm not an apple drone or even an apple user. there's just this subtle thing i like to think about when i criticize apple, where i ask myself if i would give a fuck about the thing in question if apple wasn't involved in any way.

too many people on Sup Forums seem so miserably desperate to shit on apple for absolutely anything that they'll run blindly into criticizing apple for the most retarded shit imaginable, like this. they undermine the credibility of other critics of apple's stupid shit by making our entire camp look like idiots who get wound up over this kind of nonsense.

on balance, does this either A) matter to you, or B) even make things worse for people it DOES matter to? my sense is that it doesn't matter to me (or any other intelligent person here), and even if it does affect you, it has no meaningful effect whatsoever. it's closing a door that nobody was using, because every other way of getting the job done was better anyway.

How can you get THIS butthurt about it yet still be on the apple platform? THIS is the straw that broke the camel's back? You are an absolute retard.

so just patch the new one, then

It amazes me that Apple can treat its customers with utter contempt and yet Sup Forums is still sucking their dongs mindlessly.

>brain dead apple drones
t. guy with an iphone complaining about unwanted changes in freedom-denying software

that's really cute

>How can you get THIS butthurt about it yet still be on the apple platform? THIS is the straw that broke the camel's back? You are an absolute retard.

I've been using it longer than you live and only brain dead 3rd world mongoloid like you would refuse to see how worse Apple gets every year.

I was really happy with Iphone 4-5 and now it's all turning into shit.

Also I'm not even buying new phones and my sister just tosses old gen ones to me after she gets the newest one.
Might as well toss it into a trash can next time because I don't need Apple shit anymore.

>toss it into a trash can
sell it to some dumbass and buy yourself a more sensible phone

tbqh there was really no point it being there in the first place. fuck you can even get by without even using itunes anyways.

>if you're installing an app for iOS, you'll need to do it from the device now.
What? I install and manage Android apps on my PC all time.

i wasn't aware that itunes could browse the idevice app store

Sup Forums's full of idiots who go into conniption fits whenever apple does anything. you seem to be reading measured responses to that as some kind of sexual thing. it's easy to criticize apple for all the stupid, inhibiting stuff they do, but getting worked up like a kid with down syndrome over this shit makes everyone look foolish.

this is retarded. getting worked up over it is retarded. get a grip.

okay, well, if you're installing an app for iOS, you'll need to do it from the device now.

>no phone jack

Into trash it goes.

Pretty clear in my post I'm saying you're retarded enough to use apple but you give a shit about this?

what are you talking about?

There are like 15 threads about iPhones and you managed to stumble into the one about iTunes.

>custom ringtone
if your ringtone doesn't sound like an actual phone, you need to grow up

>with age you should get boring and unoriginal tasteless retard

Yeah no. Enjoy hearing my GANGSTA RAP

adults use the default ringtone (which often doesn't sound like a traditional phone)


What's the point of having the iOS App Store if you don't have an iOS device to use it from?

What does he mean with this?

I have apple smartphone you dork.
What's the point NOT TO HAVE APPSTORE on PC?

Galaxy s7 here, expecting to run it for like 4 or 5 more years at least.

Many people were complaining of iTunes being too bloated, so this will help slim it down. Everyone who needs the iOS App Store already has it on their iOS device, so why have it in a media player too?

GOOD point

An App takes half a second to download and install, why would you even bother connecting to a PC to do this?

it's faster on the device anyway. iOS devices only transfer at USB 2.0 speeds, but they all support 802.11ac, so you'd be better off downloading it straight through your wifi network as i said earlier.

the OP is just being one of those brand zealots looking for something to bitch about.

secure and reliable, made by professionals that not even the FBI can hack
insecure and unreliable, made by code monkeys and it shows with the countless exploits

>Many people were complaining of iTunes being too bloated, so this will help slim it down. Everyone who needs the iOS App Store already has it on their iOS device, so why have it in a media player too?

Are you dumb? Operating on PC with keyboard and mouse is much more comfortable compared to using a fucking smartphone to search for apps and dl them.

Jesus, apple users are actually fucking stupid. Tim is ruining everything that worked perfectly well for ages.

also worth considering the motivations. apple is a snake oil salesman that wants to convince you that the stainless steel case and ceramic blah blah blah is worth $1000. but the con is pretty much upfront.

google, by comparison, wants to rope you into their ecosystem so they can do data mining and ultimately advertise to you. there's no way to buy out of that relationship or anything. the deal is just that you become a source of data for them.

as little as you can trust companies in general, a company that has longer term plans for monetizing you is fundamentally less trustworthy than one that just keeps selling you overpriced shit.

this is reasonable if you're doing a lot of app downloading. people aren't installing apps en masse, though.

everything is arguably more efficient with a keyboard, command line interface, etc... but if you're going to install software onto your iphone, you might as well do it from your iphone. that's the mental model most people have adopted, anyway.

Just how fat are you that typing 10 letters to search for an app is a task too Herculean to perform with your thumbs?

not him, but it's always going to be some amount faster to search for and install software from your laptop. you have a full keyboard and all that shit.

the issue with his argument is the significance of that difference, though. people aren't installing lots of apps in one sitting, and if they typically don't use iTunes in the first place then opening up that program just to tell your phone to install something is a lot more work than opening the app on the phone itself and doing the same.

this is one of those stupid criticisms that has no real bearing on anyone's life. brand zealots just like to shout at anything that moves, and this is a thing that moved.

Meanwhile on Android you don't even need to install bloatware on your PC.

Google market is bloatware itself though.

Do you need to install anything on your computer to access it? Is it absolutely necessary on Android phones?

no, don't worry, google will add it to their information about you whether you do it from a browser or from the device itself.

>implying you don't use Google services
If that's true then good for you. For the rest of us they already know everything there is to know.

>i might as well give them everything
lol what feeble apologist horseshit.

>you'll need to do it from the device now
Funny how you can install apps from your PC on Android

>REEEEE iTunes is bloated
removes bloat
>REEEEE iTunes removed muh feature

kys famalam

Fucking hell and I just got my iPhone 7 Plus after hearing about #notchgate.

yeah haha

I never complained or cared about "itunes being bloated", you imbecile.
I never even used it as media player or gave a fuck about anything but appstore.

>option to install apps from PC
>or from device itself
>remove apps install on PC
>wow man feels great haha epic win apple

apple brain dead fags are this stupid