How do you feel when everyone else is busy at work and you really don't have much to do??

How do you feel when everyone else is busy at work and you really don't have much to do??


Bored, I guess

Could use some more Wendy's lewds pls

Like I'm in a Dilbert cartoon.


WTF! Gooks are subhumans!


frogposters are sub-sub-sub-sub-humans and the frog thing does look kinda appetizing desu.


Kind of disappointed in these posters

Do you not care if you have less work than others?

Do you not compare yourself worth to everyone else?

>he thinks life has value and meaning

>there is no reason to work on projects unless your slavemaster forces you too

I find something to do or ask my coworkers if he has something I could help him with or get started on.

Then who/what is giving you work. Ask them for more or find something to do.

>I work remote
So? We have plenty of remote people that we talk to literally every day in chat. They're not disconnected from the rest of the company.

I have not worked (well not properly) since 1993. It's not all it's cracked up to be.

>Clearly Japanese moonrunes

Care to explain/go in detail?

Eh, getting a steady paycheck, benefits, and working on stuff you like is pretty nice.

Good cuz it's time to shop and shitpost

more More MORE

Story time?

This thread is getting interesting.
Here is a bump.

>implying japanese aren't gooks

time to browse Sup Forums


>This thread is getting interesting.

