Best hierarchy edition.
Best hierarchy edition.
epic meme op
>Few butthurt members trying to bring down HDB
>Doxxing and posting memes in every thread
Stop all this motherfuckers. If HDB went down, you know what you will loose.
Other than a few internals I have no idea if anything worthwhile actually comes out of HDB
fuck off and let us in then, i'm not uploading 200 movies to PTP
nice education you have there
>Other than a few internals
they'll start encoding for ptp, so nothing will be lost
HDB + AHD + BTN are content generators. If you break any of them, community will break. Various others trackers are not consistent compared to them.
Faggot, there are various other routes.
where is there doxxing itt?
people are content generators, not sites
>they'll start encoding for ptp, so nothing will be lost
wew... are you sure desu? Many encoders do like sharing their content to PTP
>Faggot, there are various other routes.
>AHD king
>uploading 20gb to BIB
fuck you cunt faggot, those aren't routes, just a deterrent to scare people off
Doesn't BTN steal everything from MTV?
>fuck you cunt faggot, those aren't routes, just a deterrent to scare people off
Then ask your friends for an invite
>Doesn't BTN steal everything from MTV?
Let it burn.
>Then ask your friends for an invite
This is one of the most >implying posts I've ever seen
Don't cry for me /ptg/
Note to Shebang
Please revert back the old rules,the tracker stopped to a dead halt.
Or fund better internal staff that will upload regularly.
I could care less for 1080p and 720p public releases that are uploaded in abundance and I can find on
get fucked chipmunk
open up recruitment or we'll keep fucking with you
I'm quaking in my little chipmunk booties.
I'll cry with laughter when someone finally posts with the LB06KEK tripcode that we were searching for a while back
you better
I want to build a seeding computer that i can leave on 24-7.
What do i put in it?
Ok, I'll invite you. What's your email address?
Search "DIY NAS 2017" and read senpai
>hehe look mommy, i posted it again, hehehe
>the absolute state of poo in the loo
They finally figured out how to fake their stats properly
can't wait for this to finally hit reddit so people can start grasping for straws
>b-but how can they fake stats if the admin is missing???
all me
Who wants to buy an alt account?
wow, the pajeet power of poo-land
They never fake the stats for number of request fills or other irrelevant stuff, only, first, dead torrents and now number of users
>now for number of users
See that steep cutoff? They didn't prune users for that period of time.
Guys doxxing is wrong. The right for fat cucks to pretend to be chads on the internet must be protected at all costs.
reposting from last thread
Can somebody check if there's a torrent for Factory I/O on any private software trackers?
How do we know LB06's doxxing isn't just trolling?
Yeah it's there. GGn has a torrent for factorio, but GGn is down now.
The 'monthly active users' stats were showing over 100% and when we looked in to it the numbers were wrong. We refreshed the cache so the numbers that are showing now are what are in the DB.
We don't know what caused them to stop being counted but for whatever reason we were loosing numbers even though there were no accounts being disabled.
You can see that there were a steady drop in enabled users being reported even though the monthly active users was staying the same.
result #4
8ch dot net/baphomet/res/123946.html
is this the source?
This is retarded, it may have been anyone else with the same nick chosen in 2000 lol
>it may have been anyone else with the same nick chosen in 2000
LOL, are you stupid? Read the information in the archive you posted.
Just another random guy with the username LB06 that lives in Tilburg? kek
*into, i.e. looking into it
*losing, i.e. losing numbers
Speak English, you illiterate cunt.
The only connection I see between that guy and the LB06 from HDbits is the same nickname from a forum registered in 2000
Thanks. Where is GGn recruiting?
>lives in Tilburg
>is Magento developer
try asking garym on p2pnet if you need further proof
How do we know LB06 from HDB is in Tilburg and a magento developer?
he said so himself
Don't waste your time with GGn, it's fucking dog shit. Get in UGC.
t. shill
How hard is it to be on both?
How should I know who is garym and if he can confirm and prove that about LB06 from HDB?
Does UGC have Factory I/O?
What the fuck is it?
you seem to know nothing about LB06 at all, so how can you be in a position to confirm anything?
UGC became irrelevant the second GGn became ratioless to good users
I really don't know, I never said I did. I doubt the credibility of the doxxing which from the public info posted is ridiculous.
3D PLC training software. My father asked for it and I want to help him out but I can't track it down.
Doubt it as much as you want, but it's accurate.
Everyone in IRC has seen him check the weather in Tilburg, talk about where he lives and what he does for a living.
I don't understand why that would be on a tracker for games?
I'm not personally on UGC (isn't it down ATM anyway?) but, I checked GGn and CGpeers. Nothing.
It's a longshot but CGpeers is open reg and has a request system. Or, uh, I think you can request software on the music trackers for some reason?
Luk sure is getting desperate.
Damn, this ruse me?
At this point it's looking like I should use my shitty cracking skills and try to crack the trail myself
No factorio is a real game.
Makes sense. I need Factory I/O though
Is it normal to have an IP from leeching one of your torrents from a private tracker?
no it isn't
fuck this shit I'm not seeding that torrent anymore
lmao, you baka guy was one of the autosnatchers on WCD too
What do you expect from ARCHIVE dot org?
does that mean that drizzy wap has been archived for eternity?
yeah nice try
I'm not going to jail for a few MBs of buffer
Heh. Your loss.
But really, does get a bit of government funding.
>Doesn't BTN steal everything from MTV?
jesus christ, how neon can you get?
This seems like a terribly ineffective way to archive things
Shucking cheap external drives and running them in raid 6 is actually a very cost-effective way to store data
>there are people in ptg that failed the red interview
They're cheap though. Isn't that an issue if you're going to archive things?
That's why you use raid and have backups
So it's not cheap or effective is what you're saying
You have to do those anyways fucktard
RED recruiting to HDB in TM forum. Recruiter is MM.
I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't fake stats but just re-enabled all of their deactivated accounts
How to build a ratio on
1) Have an Apollo account.
2) Upload some shit you found elsewhere on Redacted.
3) Boost your Apollo account using rm or some shit.
4) Make a request on Apollo for the exact thing you uploaded on Redacted.
5) A retard will grab it on Redacted to take your request.
6) Do it again, again, and again.
7) Your retarded account is now PTM with 50TB uploaded.
It also works on everything you're soloseeding on Retarded
I wouldn't be on ptp now without this method. It does work, but now that it's been posted here (and apooloo staff do visit these threads daily) apl users will probably be more circumspect about filling requests and will be on the lookout for users abusing this system.
Why would APL care? The user filling the request is happy for free buffer.
buffer is worthless at apl. the economy is broken. no one needs buffer there.
screenshot or bullshit
ptg is mostly neon and curry
user, we have a phrase for that
It is cheap and effective which is why backblaze does it and in turn provide us with useless failure rate statistics that serve only to meme about company A or B having shitty drives
Fucking liar
I would prefer not to /mark/ myself.
It's true. Thread opened less than 24 hours ago.
Why does PTP staff hate the KG?
>mark with a screenshot
come on, just hide the shit
fuck apollo!!~
I'm not falling for that. You do know tracker staff have a lot of ways to tell who you are just from a screenshot, right? Without even considering that there is an IP history of all the people who have seen the thread with time stamps.
Stop spreading misinformation.