Okay Sup Forums, I'll give you a chance: I'll dish OS10 in favor of Linux if you tell me there's a way to do all of the following in any Linux distribution:
>fetch a file from any drive connected/search for a webpage AND within the search bar have a side preview that allows me to see the content of such file/webpage
>change multiple file extensions at once trough a GUI, no scripts, no terminal usage required.
>third party support without the use of a virtual machine/wine
>individual package manager that won't brick your system if something goes wrong
>actually good and useful built-in programs
Okay Sup Forums...
related to pic
she's asking for it
>implying MacOS has any of those
t. someone who never used OSX
>>fetch a file from any drive connected/search for a webpage AND within the search bar have a side preview that allows me to see the content of such file/webpage
krunner can do all of that excluding the preview
>>change multiple file extensions at once trough a GUI, no scripts, no terminal usage required.
It's not too hard to do it through a terminal, any good GUI file manager lets you spawn a terminal in your current directory, so you don't even have to be scared of cding.
>>third party support without the use of a virtual machine/wine
macOS has support for a few Linux programs because both are Unix-like, so most stuff works on both anyway. Neither have Windows binary support without VMs.
>>individual package manager that won't brick your system if something goes wrong
Portage is pretty solid, you can forcefully uninstall important libraries and not brick your system.
>>actually good and useful built-in programs
Everything preinstalled on Gentoo is actually good and useful.
Linux can do all this, but you don't seem like a person I would like in the Linux community. Tech illiterate idiots can keep using OS10. Tech illiterates would ruin the reputation of linux users.
So, to be clear, I just have to tell you that there's a way to do all this?
Ok, there's a way. Not going to tell you how, because that wasn't a part of your demands, now honor your commitment.
sum gr8 2booty thar
It actually has all of those.
t. macOS/Linux user
>put on wig
>put black rag over face
>strip down to underwear
>mfw when my thoughts exactly.
>mfw even hobbyist amounts of programming will get you thinking in strict ways like this.
What has science done.
2b more like 2 cute feet (。>﹏
Linux Mint, unironically.
I am a die-hard Linux user, but people like you are a cancer to our community.
but he asked for a good package manager, apt isn't good at all.
case closed
You seem to be doing a great job of that on your own.
apt is no xbps, I'll give you that, but it's good enough for most people.
Yeah, I uh, don't really give a fuck in this particular instance.
>a blue nighty would've been easy enough to pull off, tho
For most people yeah, but not for someone who wants a good system! And yes xbps is bae, fucking love it.
OP wants an easy system, not a good system.
Then he should get Void for fucks sake, not this broken Ubuntu or Mint bullshit.
Fuck packages, computers and shit... Why are you NOT balls deep in that right. freaking. now???
Arr you aware that everyone thinks that lincuck users are edgy hacker wanabee teens and autistic faggots?
Thank you.
>taking OP seriously
You are an idiot.
Are you aware that not giving a flying fuck is the best thing you can do about random people's opinion? Grow up, use Linux and stay healthy.
Moar related pic or btfo
Linux can do all of these hahahahaha what the hell? You do realize that the mac platform is just a pre-riced locked-down unix, right?
>fetch a file from any drive connected/search for a webpage AND within the search bar have a side preview that allows me to see the content of such file/webpage
Fedora does this for the file, not the webpage.
>change multiple file extensions at once trough a GUI, no scripts, no terminal usage required.
>third party support without the use of a virtual machine/wine
>individual package manager that won't brick your system if something goes wrong
Fedora (actually has the best package management I've seen of both Linux and macOS).
>actually good and useful built-in programs
When are you switching?
No, just a handful of fat nerds who give up after any obstacles and use backwards-rationalization to prove themselves that nothing is a user error.
>fetch a file from any drive connected/search for a webpage AND within the search bar have a side preview that allows me to see the content of such file/webpage
>change multiple file extensions at once trough a GUI, no scripts, no terminal usage required.
>third party support without the use of a virtual machine/wine
>individual package manager that won't brick your system if something goes wrong
>actually good and useful built-in programs
>fetch a file from any drive connected/search for a webpage AND within the search bar have a side preview that allows me to see the content of such file/webpage
I think gnome can do that, they like cloning OS X
>change multiple file extensions at once trough a GUI, no scripts, no terminal usage required.
Thunar and nautilus both have batch renaming built in, just select a bunch of files and press f2.
>third party support without the use of a virtual machine/wine
We have plenty of third party support, just not the third parties you want.
>individual package manager that won't brick your system if something goes wrong
Most package managers don't brick your system, we're not still stuck manually calling rpm.
>actually good and useful built-in programs
Built-in programs depends on the distro you choose, so choose a distro with programs you like.
Portage is the best package manager.