Why is Linux so shitty on Laptops?

Linux Battery Life on Laptops are retarded and you can't prove me wrong

Windows and OSX can last a whole 4 hrs, but Linux can only last around 2 even with enhancements.

>Install TLP
>Install Powertop
>Get a whole 15 min more of battery life
>user starts blaming de such as gnome and kde
>Evolves into a DE shitting war.

Get better

Werks on my machine, install Gentoo

>I can't think of a counter argument so I am gonna spout nonsensical things
Spoken like a true Lintard

Werks on my thinkpad fampai, but then Im not a brainlet so its not a fair comparison

>Just says works on my machine and doesn't offer anything useful
I think someone else is the brainlet here senpai. Also I got a thinkpad so lets not pretend that an old ass laptop from 2012 is the solution to everything.

Why would I help you?

I highly doubt you actually have any "help" to give. Like all the Lintards here.

Theres no helping those who can't help themselves. Retard

who cares about battery life?
Buy a macbook

I came to this thread for tips on improving battery life on linux.

go on

Not a Linux user,
But wouldn't a lighter, less resource intensive OS use less battery??

I notice a significant difference in heat from my xps. Windows runs much cooler, linux much more hot. It only is noticeable if you are not working on a desk.

Haven't seen much difference in battery life, but theoretically windows should last longer simply because it's wasting less heat.

Before the content creator update, Win10 was an absolute shitshow on my xps - trackpad issues, wifi issues, etc all of which didn't occur on ANY linux distro.

I'm still conflicted between the two, I hate the auto updates in win10, and linux can be a hassle trying to problem solve random issues. I'll try out a macbook pro next time.

>Fuck... he is right I don't have anything to say
>I am gonna just call him a retard
>Fucking proves me right
All lincucks are alike.

Only autistic snowflakes run linux.

It should, but linux is complete shit.

pretty sure people only run linux to look like le epic programmer/haxor.

OP is here too hate and expose his true power level/ shill for DoD cyber-psyops

I'd say go with Arch/ Antergos and uninstall the security risks/ Fedora/ Gentoo as your distro. Then XCFE/ Fluxbox/ Openbox as your DE. Install the programs OP mentioned for extra life, and the rest is up to you

There's no reason a proprietary os with fucktillion tons of background botnets running is better at battery life than a lightweight distro and DE

>user starts blaming de such as gnome and kde
It could be a possibility. Since I switched to a WM exclusively, I havent been getting battery issue.

did you make this solely to deny every help/argument people give you as a means of coping with your failed attempts of fixing battery life on your machine?

Yes. Period. Linux is the most lightweight kernel for the consumer market and Arch is proof of that. You don't need Arch, but Wangblows and Fapple cunts will cry forever

>less resource intensive
maybe if linux software was optimized for the hardware, but it isn't 90% of the time

Actually, my battery life improved a lot with Manjaro Linux, I had Windows 10 before and my cpu kept going up to 100% because of some processes which I can't cancel for some reason. I use the laptop for basic document writing on school.

>every help
"Help". Fuck off there is no solution and you know it.

This is my experience as well. Windows consistently gives me about 1 hour of battery life more, even after I configured all optimizations on Linux.
I'm still going to use Linux at the end of the day because Winshit is horrible at everything else.

Did you compile your Windows version for your specific model of CPU?

Because with Linux you actually can.

only autistic retards love taking bill gates microcock

Battery life is fine on my ThinkPad T450s running Debian unstable

At first it didn't. Installed a brand new SSHD and it boots fast, no crashes anymore.

~7 hours

>Ubuntu MATE 16.04
~8 hours

>Fedora 26 KDE
~10 hours

>Solus Budgie
~6 hours

Explain this shit.

There is actually no helping you. Linux is just a hack of an operating system and it always had the shittiest power management.

Only problem I have with linux on laptop is the dysfunctionality of dual gpu systems. If there's a piece of software that I can use to switch between gpus with one simple click, it's all good but if there isn't, it really fucking sucks.

>I hope my thinly disguised thread will get me some technical support which is explicitly forbidden en Sup Forums
Anything I missed?

Nice meme

The battery reports a discharge rate of 12.8 W
The estimated remaining time is 13 hours, 29 minutes

My laptop has been running Ubuntu for 4 years and it gets ~6 hours on battery, and around 4 when I have a browser open the entire time.

>I notice a significant difference in heat from my xps. Windows runs much cooler, linux much more hot. It only is noticeable if you are not working on a desk.
That’s funny, it’s the opposite for me, also GNU/Linux in general improves my battery life compared to Windows (Ideapad Y700)

windows and arch with kde plasme both give me around 2 hours of battery if i use i3 i get around 4 hours
gnome is a real battery raper tho even worse in kde in my experiance

haha this idiot doenst know how to use a charger

>are retarded
Good shit, I agree with you user.

Think when I switched to a non system-d distro my battery life improved. I don't have direct comparisons so take it with a pinch of salt

fucking kek my laptop battery can last 9 hours on idle and 6 hours normal work word docs videos firefox etc

and my laptops battery is messed up 100% is actually only 76%

A Dell XPS 13 FHD gets 12 hours ish on Ubuntu Linux with only tlp installed. You can even make some kernel modifications to get a bit more out of it.