Porn sites can inject trojan viruses on Windows, Mac and Linux with pop ups

>Porn sites can inject trojan viruses on Windows, Mac and Linux with pop ups
>ublock and umatrix can't prevent the pop ups

The absolute state of ad"blockers"

>What is ghostry/noscript

>trojan viruses
Browsers sandboxed and run in a virtual filesystem on my rig.

>Implying someone would spend the time to make the virus compatible with linux

>he doesn't jack to porn on his ps vita

Fatal security mistake

noscript can though
chrome prakeshes btfo

>Having to wait for the videos to download

>visiting porn sites when there's plenty of porn right here on Sup Forums

You deserve every piece of malware.

ublock Origin can blacklist all JS just like NoScript does. That's how I run it

Newb here, where's the option for that?

I've used "sandboxie" but it costs money and I'm not pirating that either, who knows what's inside the installer in a torrent

my virus run in wine

You can hardly get programs to work without serious workarounds in Wine.

I don't believe you.

>Implying there is no malware for the biggest web server operating system

good luck injecting anything on linux-musl.

>blacklist all JS
now 99% of the web doesn't work


>this distro supports youtube-viewer?

>You deserve every piece of malware.
You mean like the ones nipmoot added you dumbass?

[citation needed]
Also uMatrix can literally block everything dumbass.

Download the program from the official site and get a license key off Google you brainlet.

Or you know, you could throw a fucking wrench straight into them ad scripts.



This blacklists all requests and JS by default. You have to manually allow things one by one after that. It def. requires dilligence

Windows can block injections with ports and at the router level blocking pings and Incoming traffic this has been a thing since windows 95

dumb OP.

This is why uBlock Origin can replace NoScript. Ghostery, Privacy Badger, and any other privacy addons. uBO can do it all if you know how to configure it. I BAKA everytime I see someone with all more than 1 of these addons enabled at once

i want uBo to have a forum where people post "what it takes" to get specific websites to perform a specific function, in terms of which scripts/etc are necessary. that way more people wouldn't be scared off from using advanced settings. and it would also save me a shit load of time

Ghostery sells user data

I keep noscript on for XSS, clearclick, and ABE shit. Not for blocking actual site scripts. Won't survive long anyway.

That would be a mess because websites are changing all the time, especially javascript stuff.
Using uBO isn't *that* bad though. Once you start allowing things one by one, you learn what things are needed and what aren't (e.g. based on domain names). It gets easy pretty quickly. When I visit a new site I can get it working in about 2-3 clicks, and less than 5 seconds. That's still a lot compared to having everything allowed by default, but like I said privacy (or a placebo pill of it) requires dillegence

it's not even tough to write custom global rules.

Source: op's ass

>streaming porn in freemium-tier garbage sites in 2017

>watching porn

what about android and IOS

My ipod doesn't have this issue while being able to view any porn site
