Is something wrong with Google’s algorithm?

Is something wrong with Google’s algorithm?

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Computers don't cheat. Humans do.

>getting this triggered by education

So it’s not the algorithm?

When did George Washington become black?

George Washington was black?
Erasing history means you learn something new everyday.


only reason niggers show up is because google's algorithm takes it from African American inventors. Try searching inventors or white inventors in that sense. Its just a bunch of code dude, its meant to do what its asking.

Humans wrote the algorithm

If the computer shows you dogs while you asked for cats, who's at fault?


>tfw no black inventors
I feel ashamed of being Swedish :(

to add to this, a lot of social studies classes make you write a paper about a coloured inventors instead of white inventors, so you can also blame education system. Google does what it usually does, selects the best results in that case


kek it's real

I don't have a problem with people bringing to light black people who did stuff, but when I google the phrase "American Inventors," I want the most prolific, iconic examples. People who fundamentally changed the world at large.

not a list full of minor "contributions" like pic related (I picked one at random, Lewis Latimer deserves to be on the list, but shit like this does not)

So /comfy/

It's the Judaism zeroday exploit

Thomas Edison was African American?

who was the Tesla of black inventors?

what is the gentoo of operating systems?

Neil deGrasse Tyson.

>I want the most prolific, iconic examples.
That's not how any of this works. Most inventions are just finishing work done by someone else, who was trying to finish the work of someone else. Most iconic examples only feel that way due cultural brainwashing. Take Edison, that nigga is more of a sales man like Jobbs.

What do regressives think will happen when nonwhites are the majority but whites are still held to be uniquely oppressive and privileged? Do they think there is a happy destination on this path?

How is this about the numbers? Billionaires are a minority but it doesn't affect their power the least. If whites keep up their oppressive system despite being a minority, nothing really changed. Hell, weren't they minority in SA?

>Neil deGrasse Tyson.
fucking lel

South Africa.

Oh the famous american farmer...
Nope, never heard of him.
Good for google to promote those guys, otherwise nobody would know about them.

Really makes you think

what did you expect from sjw millenials that code in python?

>If whites keep up their oppressive system despite being a minority
Where do you think this fictional narrative will lead you? Do you see a comfortable future ahead?

>Hell, weren't they minority in SA?
After the colonization, Europeans were the majority in South Africa until Bantu migrants outnumbered them. The masses of Bantus were sold the idea (by foreign political interests) that the South African government's policy of "separate but equal" (even being the only country to recognize the secession of some thirteen South African Bantu states) was uniquely oppressive. This hasn't worked out very nicely, and now South Africa is rightly on Genocide Watch's concerns list.

doggo will be sick.

No, they work exactly as intended.

>they make Bell look black

>Do you see a comfortable future ahead?
A future without people getting privilege based on their skin colour doesn't sound too bad.

>This hasn't worked out very nicely
Still better than the shithole it was back then, with the potential to improve, unlike the apartheid regime.

>reverse racism is a way to defeat racism

How would you suggest to deal with the damage and imbalance racism caused?

What privilege? Does being hacked up by a mob of niggers furious at your "skin privilege" really sound like a good future?

>Still better than the shithole it was back then
It's gone from a prosperous developed nation to a shithole approaching the verge of a genocide where you can't stop at traffic lights without fear of being dragged out of your car by the ghouls that occupy the numerous derelict office buildings in cities.

Be racist against whites.

His nose does that just fine.

By killing whites duhhh.

Never forget that bantus are newer arrivals than whites in SA. They have zero claim to the land.

So people who weren't even born in america should be considered major american inventors?

The ... in OP's image means there's more to his name. It's George Washington Carver, the peanut butter guy, supposedly.


>Is something wrong with Google’s algorithm?
Cultural marxism

>What privilege?
If you don't know it, maybe you shouldn't jump so eager into a topic you're ignorant about? It's like asking "what working memory" when talking about neuroscience.

>prosperous developed nation
Where only a minority got the benefits of it while everyone else was oppressed, not very developed.

>a shithole approaching the verge of a genocide
It always was one, 14k blacks got murdered from 90 to 94 alone.

>They have zero claim to the land.
Outside of being elected.

If anything, the google version makes him look too white with the weird glare.

>muh sociology

Study a real science dweeb.

>american inventor
>literally all his inventions worth mentioning were invented prior to 1882 when he became a us citizen
It would be more accurate to call him a British inventor

>I don't get it, so it's not a REAL science!

>If you don't know it, maybe you shouldn't
There is a problem when you claim a universal nebulous concept but are unable to provide a way in which one can observe and quantify it.

>Where only a minority got the benefits
In Apartheid there was a black middle class. After Apartheid and the policy of firing most whites so that unqualified blacks can take their place, there is no longer a black middle class and the country's infrastructure is on its knees. It's just one of those things that really makes you think.

So anyway, what is it exactly you want and how will you go about it? Again, no nebulous concepts, I want specifics.

>ask people subjective questions

Holy shit.

We have one of these fucking threads every single fucking week
We wuz inventorz.

There is nothing nebulous about it and there are tons of studies about it. Again, you wouldn't question something so basic if you had any clue what you're talking about, and if you don't understand something, why sharing your opinions about it? Take something as easy as hiring chances being dependant on your name alone.

>In Apartheid there was a black middle class.
There is a middle class in North Korea too. I guess this makes it a prosperous developed country!

>firing most whites so that unqualified blacks can take their place
Given the system even existed, the whites were clearly unqualified too. Not a big change.

>there is no longer a black middle class
That's bullshit.

>the country's infrastructure is on its knees
Jeezus, a revolution also had negative effects? Who could've predicted that? Let's just see where they are in a decade or two.

>what is it exactly you want and how will you go about it?
Me? I don't care. Murica is too messed up at every level and getting rid of racism won't work until they change their entire system, which let's be real, won't happen in our lifetimes unless they manage to crash their economy completely. Their best call is trying to balance out things a bit with more inclusive education/culture and positive rolemodels for niggers.

>getting this triggered by lack of binary answers
Being a sperg must be a pain.

Studies on "white privilege"? Go on then.

>Let's just see where they are in a decade or two.
In an even worse state. Blacks refashioned office skyscraper elevator shafts into dumps for rubbish and human waste. Not once did it occur to them to use this enormous amount of free office and living space for anything other than acting really primitively. Why do you think people of this caliber can keep a whole nation together?

Anyway, back on the topic of the west.

>Me? I don't care.
You care enough to whine about the "oppressive system".

>getting rid of racism
Define this. Define the criteria where people will say in unison "Ah, there is no racism anymore".

>until they change their entire system
Define this. What is "the system" and how do we know how do change it entirely?

>more inclusive education
Black public schools are notorious money pits. They're highly funded by churn out bad results because they're full of black students.

>more inclusive culture
Western culture worships blacks at present.

>positive rolemodels for niggers
Then we'll have to stop glorifying fucking trap artists; a hard sell for Gen Z.

>give any race their own planet
>nomore racewars
>white people can live in peace now

White european males are the best inventors
You can't argue against this
>this kills the amerifat

>Go on then.
Just two random ass examples:

Just it's pointless to even attempt to discuss such a gigantic topic like that. Especially here. You're asking for the equivalent of the proof that the world isn't flat.

>In an even worse state.
Just it's not. It was a completely fucked country with no way of improving. Now it's a completely fucked country with the potential to do better.

>Not once did it occur to them to use this enormous amount of free office and living space for anything other than acting really primitively.
Why would you expect people who were kept in primitive conditions for generations to suddenly do miracles?

>You care enough to whine about the "oppressive system".
It's amusing to break bubbles. It's not a topic I discuss under normal circumstances. Shit's boring.

>"Ah, there is no racism anymore".
When your skin colour doesn't affect your life anymore than how you look in pictures and handle the sun. Surely you don't want to pretend that being black in Murica is the same as being white, right?

>They're highly funded by churn out bad results because they're full of black students.
Who grow up in horrible conditions and can see that even with maximum effort their chances to improve their position are ridiculously small. Assuming they won't get shot by some guy stalking them or the police. Shit, that's even before going into how the stress from poverty and racism affects cognitive performance.

>Western culture worships blacks at present.
Really? So most CEOs are black? Do most books/movies/vidya have a stronk black protagonist? Does the history of Africa even get 25% of the time of the president worship? Or do you mean that Google trying to educate people about niggers forgotten by schoolbooks and history?

>we'll have to stop glorifying fucking trap artists
And yet google attempting to glorify black inventors meets with backslash here.

rly made me think

You realize that most people don't give a shit about the race meme, right? We could send people who do on their own planets but they would just end up killing their own then.

Gotta love how my boy Albert is rolling both ways.
Also where the fuck is Kepler?

>The absolute state of/g/
I wish the underage fags would just die in a fire

> clock boy
> white

>using firefawks on macos
But why?

>my claims are unbackable bullshit that defy common sense so it's pointless to continue discussing this
ok son

Your screenshot reminded me of this.

>got two studies hinting that the world isn't flat
>wants to get spoon-feed further instead of doing some research

but you're not talking flat earth theory, you're just constantly making excuses for why blacks aren't on equal footing, and i't s all bullshit. in a hundred years the white man has gone from water power to nuclear, africans have gone from living in mud huts to shitting in skyscraper elevator shafts

>Just it's pointless to even attempt to discuss such a gigantic topic like that.
Begging the question is a fallacy.

>Why would you expect people who were kept in primitive conditions for generations to suddenly do miracles?
Do you think whites had it all lovely-like in Victorian England? It is surely whites' fault that blacks have little business acumen and little ability to self-support even when land and resources fall into their lap.

>Surely you don't want to pretend that being black in Murica is the same as being white, right?
Indeed; if you are black in the US, you can get away with throwing your weight around and almost no one will say a word of criticism. You can mug joggers and people will call the victim a racist for talking about it. You can murder and the news will never cover it. You can attack whites for being white and nothing will happen. You can treat women like garbage and feminists will never utter a peep.

>Who grow up in horrible conditions
It is surely whites' fault that blacks very often procreate with zero intention of looking after the child.

>Assuming they won't get shot by some guy stalking them or the police
Begging the question again.

>Shit, that's even before going into how the stress from poverty and racism affects cognitive performance
Yeah it seems blacks have reduced IQs because they heard nigger at some point.

>So most CEOs are black?
Once again it is whites' fault that blacks have little business acumen, even though corporations are dying for the chance to make diversity-hires.

>Do most books/movies/vidya have a stronk black protagonist
They do now! And watch as blacks use that not as a point of aspiration, but as a point of boasting as they stomp on your head, similar to "we president now".

>And yet google attempting to glorify black inventors meets with backslash here.
I'm all about proportionality.

>Muh Slaves picked cotton and built this country


No one cares about excuses. Go back to plebbit.

*white mans skyscraper elevator shafts

Looks like this genocidal nignog is out of answers.

>You have 4 unsent crash reports


what is this?
>btw googled for gorilla people
>saw this

>receive the biggest civilizational jumpstart in history with the support of the entire developed world
>still fuck it up and revert back to poor, violent savagery
we wuz kangz nigga it just dem wypipo pressin us

>basic science
Pick one. Also for the sake of blue eyed white Jesus, please, at least try to get a better overview of history. At very worst, it'd be some fun reading and in best case scenario, you might even learn a thing or two. If you're older than 14, this is legitimately cringe material on the level of flat earthers.

I guess you stopping to deny while privilege can count as progress but then again, you jumped way over trying to justify it with victim blaming and "muh whitey did nuffin' wrong" shit, and some good ol' parallel reality where most protagonists in media are negros.

It's legitimately confusing, what do you get out of writing bullshit about a topic you clearly never bothered to learn anything about? Is it really fun to parrot back memes, when you're not even interested in the shit beyond that? It's not like you have to study anything, reading over couple wiki articles about how civilisation developed (and how it affects individuals) would show you how silly each of the statements are.

>generic "educate yourself *sips cum*" post

send them all back

>ughhh you don't with this nebulous concept in which one group are a unique oppressor and need to atone in perpetuity what are you a flat earther or something??? it's 2017

Well, America became a country


What other response do you expect when you reveal complete ignorance?

>implying anyone expects/asks crackers to atone

What do you want, coloured person? No nebulous concepts please, just tell us what you want, what it will take to stop you mobbing us when you're the majority. Give it to me straight.


>Sup Forums is too retarded to understand how Google's search algorithm actually works

What a shocker.

yeah everyone knows google's algorithm returns the most unknown, unpopular no-name results like the black female non-inventor above

>coloured person
B-but, user, I am more white than your grandpa.

>just tell us what you want
Let's start by embracing diversity in education and stop bitching about google teaching us about black inventors the racist textbooks excluded!

>implying Safari can open webms
Don't tell me you're using a browser by a company with a brown CEO?

>Sup Forums is too retarded to understand that google employees who have been indoctrinated into communism SJWism and marxism have been actively changing the algorithm to show deceptive results for the sake of pushing a political narrative

Wow, majority are black. Wtf?

>embracing diversity
Nebulous concept. Any hard figures you request? Give it to me, brown man, I shall make your wish a reality and wash your feet.

Google is as capitalist as they come. Stop with the identity politics. It won't cure your virginity.

yeah no one at google is an idealogue

The same Google that's accused of massive sexism by the stalinist maoist department of labor?

Let's go with 50-50 for a generation or two to balance out the extreme information disparity we had for centuries until we can go down to proportional representation. Eventually it'd be a non issue like blacks in sports.

>embracing diversity in education
Or establish a proper meritocracy and ensure the right person gets chosen not the one looks more tropical(or pale).

google only gives me some blog post complaining about this in the top of the search results

>Let's go with 50-50 for a generation or two to balance out the extreme information disparity we had for centuries until we can go down to proportional representation. Eventually it'd be a non issue like blacks in sports.
let's not because you know that can never work in principle and besides racism does not exist anymore. there is nothing keeping anyone in america from achieving their goals through honest work. Nothing.
Communism is the ideology of greed. It's the "I want I want I want, me me me me me". What about the other people? What about what they worked for and earned? Taking from the businessman who risked his capital to open a business, and didn't take a salary for years while his business got off the ground? What about his struggle?

"What is your fair share of what somebody else has worked for?"

"Want in one hand and shit in the other, see which one fills up first."
>Left lane ends

>left lane ends
>500 feet are blocking it

Fuck off false flagging commie.

>Or establish a proper meritocracy
So basically "fuck the poor and underprivileged"? What country went with that and had positive results?

If you meant meritocracy based on equal opportunity, how are you going to achieve that without more diversity in education, more opportunities for poorfags (who tend to be pretty dark) and role models for a start? Besides, most jobs are given based on knowing someone in the company, which tend to be Mr Paleface whose father knows the old white male manager from the all white private school both went to. How do you want to create a meritocracy if certain people start the race few steps away from the finishing line, while others hours after the first shot?

>besides racism does not exist anymore
So the studies proving that people with non white names have a much worse chance to even get hired (and even worse if they have typical black names) are all fake? Or it's not racism but ... whites guarding blacks from work, since work causes stress and all?