Pacman -Syyu

>pacman -Syyu
Wow user! Are you a hacker?
>cd downloads
wow user! Are you a hacker?
wow user! Are you a hacker?
wow user! Are you a hacker?

Hell yeah I am

neofetch never fails to impress me

>running a terminal in public at all
>"hehe you silly normies stop hitting on me"
>"yes i am a terminal user, and no I wont be your hackerman :3"
I swear you faggots are as bad as those vapid attention whores.

I use Emacs in public as my WM. How bad am I?

What is appeal of neofetch? Why is there always a thread about it?

Is it the ascii art? Is that why people like it so much?

Because it enables retards to have situations like in and gives them that rare feeling of not being a complete loser.

Once in highschool I did what OP describes using `tree` on my english teacher's classroom computer. It really impressed my teacher and a few other people that saw it.

I felt like a complete tool and never did it again. How can people who do this on a regular basis live with themselves? How can they live with knowing that they're frauds?

>trying to crack a wpa2 pass using fluxion with an Alfa Awus51 plugged into my laptop. Multiple terminals open, one is listing connected hosts and IP addresses
Wow user are you hacking?
>nah, I'm just working on a programming assignment
Oh haha ok
>mental face-palm

Wow man that's super awesome. Can I suck your dick?

>How can they live with knowing that they're frauds?
Is that a rhetorical question?

>this is how i play pretend
You're weird.

>How can they live with knowing that they're frauds?
fake it till you make it.

You would have deserved these quints

Tuh, only if you have a fursuit on

That's pathetic.

>running a terminal in public at all
how else am I supposed to run vim

Or push to github

>using vim in public
>using a computer in public at all
For what conceivable purpose? What are you doing in public that couldn't be done in the office or at home in your study?

only if you get caught.

Dude what

Literally what?

Nobody thinks you're cool for using vim in coffee shops. The only reason to use a computer in public is a pathetic attempt to show off. Do your work in an office like normal people.

Dude. Let me use vim and git in public okay. None of your beef nigga.

It's not about vim or git. It's about you trying to put on some sort of public exhibition with your computer. The only reason to use a computer outside your home or office is autism combined with narcissism.

I like using the wifi in Starbucks with my vpn, updating patches while enjoying a latte. And nobody gives me odd vibes when I'm there.

just let us be autists then.

>I like using the wifi in Starbucks with my vpn, updating patches while enjoying a latte
Pure exhibitionism. It's all about the style and image to you. You're not there to work, you're there to show yourself off drinking a coffee and using a computer.

That fits exactly in the autism/narcissm spectrum mentioned in the post you're replying to

Who cares? Literally nobody but you. And I'm having a whale of a time.

You can do all of this without looking like a giant sperg with his autism TUI tools.

Why are you this bothered by someone using "TUI tools"?

This user ( ) pointed out that you're an attention whore. This triggered you and you claimed you weren't. But you've now conceded that you are.

So to answer your question:
>Who cares?
You cared. You objected to being called an attention whore because, you cared. It hurt your ego (which we already know you like to stroke by using your computer in public for attention).

I'm didn't respond to that. But I do sure love attention. And I get it too. That's what I mean with "whale of a time".

>user why are you bothered by me using my hacker tools tee hee
>i'm just doing my daily work xD
You love this, don't you?

Yeah :)

I don't really care to be honest

Of course you care. That's why you do it.

I do it because "gui tools" are awful on linux

Now that you've been called out and forced to admit it to yourself, you'll find yourself enjoying it less and less each time you do it.

You're welcome, by the way.

The software you use is irrelevant. You use computers in public because you want attention.

You know, I can understand macfags because when they are attention-whoring the worst thing that could happen is somebody might think they are homosexual, it's even expected of them to be pretentious. But how do you think an average normie will react to your attention-whoring pleads? Most likely the moment you start ricing your hipsterwm in the public somebody will call the cops on you for being a pedo.

I'm not easily swayed by "anonymous" opinions. But your kindness didn't go unnoticed.

I don't think this is the case

I've got a decent setup with a stock KDE WM, anime background and some command-line rice. Nothing fancy. Most people who come to Starbucks are developers anyway and I know some of them quite intimately. It's sure I'm no pedo :^) hehehe

And yes, I use a x220.

If you didn't care what random strangers think of you, then you wouldn't be engaging in attention-seeking behavior like using your computer in coffee stores.

I like attention. Are you some kind of dense?

The only other reason to use your computer in a coffee shop is because you're homeless.

So which is it, are you homeless and forced to mooch off starbucks for internet access like Terry Davis, or are you trying to show off and get attention?

Dude, your logic is flawed as hell. It's clear your frustration runs deep.

>I like attention.
That's exactly why
>I'm not easily swayed by "anonymous" opinions.
isn't true.

I'm not homeless but I do move around a lot :^)

Projecting much?
This is cringe-inducing. It's like you can't comprehend that people actually have technical jobs and hobbies.

People with actuall jobs don't go out of their way to roleplay as some "epic hacker dude".

Which color applies to me most? In your opinion, of course :^)

>I have a technical job, but no office to work in
>I have a hobby, but no home to work in
Yeah, likely story.

The fact that you two are so perturbed b random anonymous strangers on the internet calling you out for attention seeking behavior really just proves how narcissistic you are.

>knows I'm right
>can't think of any response but to claim that I'm trolling
That's a defensive mechanism you're using to protect your ego.

Am I to understand that it is immoral or wrong to seek attention?

My ego is huuuuuge nigger. What about yours? You sound like an easily injured little and emotional faggot. Ego is everything.

>at office
>college internship
>milf from financial comes to my department to bring some papers
>''wow, user. i'm not understanding a shit on the screen. hehe. you're such a smart huy''
>literally scanning some networks with nmap

feels good, boi

>>''wow, user. i'm not understanding a shit on the screen. hehe. you're such a smart huy''
im coming to you if theres something that i need done that remotely uses any part of my brain

Neither, it means that you most likely have a mental illness or suffer some kind of trauma. I mean holy shit, you are fishing for attention on an anonymous chinese cartoon board, I'm surprised this is even a question

LMAO. Surprised eh?

It means you're a damaged individual. The sort of person who gets face tattoos or covers his car with bumper stickers.

i bought a 6,44 phone and im going to use it with emacs writing in public places with a pink keyboard, lets hope it doesnt attract kids and consequently people will mark me as a pedo

Your ego is very sensitive, that's why you need to pamper it by seeking attention from strangers.


Surprised? Narcissists like you are very predictable. You'd probably like to believe you surprise people, but that isn't true.

That's why we call Sup Forums a hug box baby.

where do you think you are .png

>there is nothing wrong with being emotionally disabled and covering your face with tattoos to make strangers look at you

Didn't you say you were surprised? Omg, you're confusing me now.

>my ego is huge
>which is why I need it to be reinforced constantly

>Didn't you say you were surprised?
You didn't actually surprise anybody. Believing you did is probably another ego defense mechanism.

ITT: a lot of losers sitting in starbucks with downcast faces, their egos wounded

I commute to uni so I use my laptop on the train and when I'm not in class I sit in a nearby coffee shop and do my work there whilst enjoying a nice coffee.

Well okay. You deserve the truth. I can't use a computer to save my life and I'm an emotional faggot who cried watching "Your name". But I can't understand your frustration with attention seekers. Why?

Bullying people like you is important because when you correct your behavior in response to the bullying, society is improved.

You're correct. I feel like a new . Thank you for bullying me and making people aware of my flaws.

>letting other people subjugate you
good goy

Thank you! Thank you!

You'll find yourself gradually enjoying your pathetic attention seeking behavior less and less. You'll be upset with me for doing this to you. You'll think about this conversation the next time you do it, and you'll become upset.

Eventually you'll stop doing it. And maybe, if you're lucky, in a few years you'll look back on your past behavior and feel embarrassed by it. You're welcome.

Thank you! Thank you! Your arrogance is so appreciated. Thank you! Can I suck your cock?

>implying user isnt hard right now thanks to you bullying him

why are you feeding him?

You don't appreciate what I've done, but that doesn't matter. I'm not looking for your appreciation (a difficult concept for a narcissist to understand!) I'm looking to correct your behavior.

Oh and idealist. How romantic.

An idealist? I'm not sure you understand what that word means. In this thread, I am a philanthropist.

Neofetch was made by a sperg redditor at unixporn and all the redditors that came here brought their shitty screenshots with them, eventually replacing screenfetch in the desktop threads

Philantropist. You mean rich person dodging taxes? O wait. A moral philantropist. That's so romantic. The plot thickens....

Makes sense.


>hurrr i like the environment and my overpriced GMO sugar water
sure you do, redditor

Narcissists are nothing if not predictable.

To a degree. Most people are predictable to a degree. Even the less predictable people are predictable, if you know them well enough.

Narcissists are possibly the most predictable people you could ever encounter. You always know exactly what they're thinking about.

Maybe so. Well, it's been nice talking you ya. Bye bye :3

So you are telling me I can trigger autists just by running a terminal?

>have build a breakout game in Java
>can't figure out how to print on both sides when using Win7 after a while

Except you're never going to "make it" because there isn't anything to make, and the average Sup Forums poster doesn't have the technical prowess or patience to pursue it.

Public terminal / vim users think they are somehow attention whoring less than apple users?


Stop. The only thing you're doing is embarrassing them when you call them out on their bullshit. This is eventually going to lead to a mental snap, and another tripfag will be borne as a response. After a while, they lose the ability to cope with the embarrassment that everyone around them knows their full of shit, so they double down.
>might as well own it, time to get a trip

Very often they're one and the same.