TFW 2TB Micro SD
TFW 2TB Micro SD
tfw you accidentally lose a micro sd card in your ass
>Black bars
Kill you'reself, streamfag.
What's wrong with streaming again?
nothing, he's jealous biggest collection of anime is now at everyone's fingertips and he's just an old nerd
Anime website, bud.
>biggest collection of anime
Not even close.
nothing if you do it right, streaming from your own source.
shitty free sites use heavy compression versions of shit rips that are illegally stored on google drives.
Why do you retards even use this site?
I don't watch anime and find it a bit degenerate, but I don't act like a dumb faggot and complain about it on a fucking website called CHAN
Anime website
Nice meme.
Anime website.
Knowing Nips they's just say "アニウェブ" and call it a day.
I don't watch anime either but look where we fucking are.
It's like complaining there are too many gays in a gay bar, you can discuss lots of topics in a gay bar but you've got to accept gays are gonna be there.
MFW I just wanted to make a serious thread about how the anime girl had a 2TB Micro SD and how I thought it was cool but instead everyone bitches about how I are a weeb and stream crappy compressed dubbed videos from dumb weebsite.
Duck this failed thread, I'm out!
*Fuck this dumb thread
Autocorrect is a bitch
When are we going to start seeing 1tb micro sd
just like you
what's wrong with streaming off your phone?
I streamed evangelion's dub on my s7 :)
Frog website.
>Black bars
Well what do you expect when the display's a different aspect ratio than the content?
Where's the frog board?
Anime frog website
Anime website
Looks legit.