I built a cluster of 5 RPi 3's. They each have wifi and 16gb SD cards

I built a cluster of 5 RPi 3's. They each have wifi and 16gb SD cards.

I'm not sure what to do with it. Anyone know some cool things to do with a RPI cluster? I have hadoop installed as well.

shove it up your ass

Can you post more shots of how you power them? Looks neat.

Why did you build it

So it's not yours in the pic? Because those have Ethernet connections, not wifi.
By the way you buy hardware for software not the other way around

install gentoo


bit coin mining maybe

I had one of those multiport chargers lying around, and everything's plugged into that at the bottom. I'm worried that it might get really hot so I stripped a USB cable and plugged it into the two pins in a 140mm fan. The fan needs some help starting up but it seems to be working.

The Pi3 B's have wifi, which is nice since it frees up the ethernet port and makes the entirely assembly pretty portable.

I made it as a test platform for some distributed computing stuff but I'm wondering if there's other fun stuff you can do with one of these.

Mine XMR, you autist.

>mining on an rpi

I'm sure it'll be profitable once he mines his first coin. In 2438 AD.

Make an AI and have them talk to each other

You can't do anything actually useful with it because its under powered.

However, you can use it to learn about distributed systems and high performance computing.

Some ideas:
1)Install slurm to setup a basic high performance computing cluster.
2)Install nginx, haproxy and keepalived to setup a basic high availability web cluster

If you get the high availability web cluster setup you might be able to run a small website on it

Take one and install pihole on it. Thank me later

Thx for the pics.

>usage ideas
-pack a 500gb drive onto it and run a full bitcoin node. Not for mining, but just for strengthening the network.

-run a TOR proxy or even an exit node.

-load the boards with different distoros link them up and use em as pen-test environment

-setup a grid and play around with some grid computing concepts

Search for large primes.

Yea, planning to experiment with some distributed computing stuff.

Thanks, haven't heard of this before. Looks pretty useful.

The wifi in these aren't the best, so I'm not sure about the nodes. I might use them to play around with different distros though, thanks for the ideas.

wow, you might actually have enough processing power there to compete with my toaster

I'm building one out of Creator Ci20s or Ci40s, shooting for 16 threads total. Going to use it for video transcoding.


There are a ton of diatributed databases that don't run well on raspbian. Try to patch them so they work and blog about them so others can learn.

>I built a cluster of 5 RPi 3's.
>I'm not sure what to do with it.
May I ask why did you decide with spending money on a cluster of RPi 3's knowing that you don't know what to do with them?

>some fag buys a pie
>doesn't know what to do with it

Just another day on Sup Forums

Download the BOINC manager and use it for science Yeey...

have mine configured as a docker swarm running rutorrent, gogs, zabbix, and a couple of webservers just now

>built a cluster of 5 RPi 3's. They each have wifi and 16gb SD cards.
>I'm not sure what to do with it

i bet over 50% of the raspberry pi's sold dont even get used because of dumbasses like you

Can docker share resources or does it just send processes to different nodes?

>buy rbp for home server
>it shit
>too stubborn to not use it

My fucking sides
>buy 5 raspberry pi
>build cluster
>what do I do with this shit?
Big dust collector senpai

Do what I do with useless chink shit I buy online, put in on a stand in the living room, and let it collect dust

noice switch there bro

it doesn't quite work at the process level but at the container level (a bit like VMs, but not really) and yeah containers can share resources

It would take 100,000+ years to mine 1 bitcoin on that

learn load balancing

Run a load balanced minecraft server.

Why not use Ethernet?


>shove it up your ass


wireless is a meme

I just got a Pi Zero W, mini HDMI cable, and micro-to-A USB adapter. What am I in for?

wireless is a meme and wired is muf=ch faster anyway. and more secure.

OP Make sure you use a lot of lube

>Buying Pi's without knowing what to do with them
>Using them as dust collecters
At least install exodus and give it to your mum or something

>having contact with parents

this board is for 18+ only

>His parents don't love him unconditionally so he cut off all contact
Are you that much of a failure?

t.leeching man-child in parents basement

At least my parents love me

A pretty slick credit card skimmer.

>using pic to laugh on wires
>the girl with glasses using wired earphones
>almost 2018

>I'm not sure what to do with it

We already knew that at >RPI

i only use my rpi to wake up my computer so i don't have to press any buttons when i wake up at mornings