What was some malware you grew up with on your family computer Sup Forums?

What was some malware you grew up with on your family computer Sup Forums?

Pic related seemed to be pretty common

>What was some malware you grew up with on your family computer Sup Forums?


Anything to do with Limewire



>Parents download all sorts of "PC protection"
>"user your games are slowing down the computer!"

No please no, don't bring it up

My dad used bitlord to torrent, that shit was cancer

You're peeling on a very old scab, fa.m

Did anyone here ever get a screamer virus? I remember learning about them when I was younger and being horrified by the concept.

>Those animated fish wallpapers


>games are slowing down the computer
I remember this

Dialers from gayporn

3 4

the proprietary dial-up softwarz for my 56k modem was utter shit and monitored the pc to keep track of internet usage.

My parents had a mac and they didnt even use it and i didnt download retarded shit

Gatorcorp stuff. I'd install the wallet or weather thing on school computers and laugh when they failed to reboot


The AOL browser. Back in the 90s I'd try to get my parents to use Netscape or IE and their reactions were as if I had come out of the closet as a pedophile. My mom would be crying and my dad would be screaming at me about AOL is number one. Around 2008 they got a new computer and I refused to install AOL on it. My dad refused to touch the computer for months but my mom begrudgingly got used to using Firefox. They still have a dusty stack of AOL CDs just in case I'll see the light one day and reinstall AOL for them. My mom accesses her AOL email through Firefox now. It says "You've got mail!" out loud so that's good enough for her. The marketing for AOL back in the 90s must have been some serious mind control shit.

Pic related is still common m8.

Got alot with Limewire and Ares. I remember downloading a video on Ares called something like "Hot 13 doggydad.avi" and it was some old man fucking this really young girl but back then it never occurred to me how illegal it was i used to always watch porn of 15 year olds getting fucked from limewire and ares. they were so jam packed of sick shit. Anyone remember those Chechen beheadings where there's like 5 of them getting beheaded and ones younger and hes crying and screaming then when they're cutting into him you can hear all the blood gurgling?

they were telling you this so you would waste less time, not because they cared about the computer

remember those virtual strippers? i saw one on my friends dad computer

>download some ".avi.exe" file from kazaa
>whole computer is now littered with adware
>never make that mistake





No, they're just dumbasses.


Norton Parental Controls. Yeah it didn't work and just ate up the computer's vitals. Disabled it from control panel to check out the site 'juggworld' that kid at lunch was talking about, and started my journey into computers.

This meme must die

"Shared family computer"? You guys must've been broke as fuck growing up.