Why do so many grown adults have broken phone screens

why do so many grown adults have broken phone screens

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People are stupid.

>buy expensive phone
>drop it
>no money to repair or replace it


why do so many girls use iphone?

Why are so many posts low qual?

Because smarthpones are a fucking meme.

They are on the fragile side. It is carrying around a smaller laptop. They don't take well to physical stresses and trauma. People treat them like older phones (back when they were sturdy).

As an owner of a phone with a cracked screen, I can say I don't care. As long as I can see the contents on the screen well, I don't feel the need to replace it. If I had a shattered screen, it'd get replaced. A single crack going from left to right will not be the end of me.

Being a grown adult does not equate to having the mentality or maturity of an adult.

I have had two smartphones, a 4.5" I used for 5 years and the current 5.5" neither ever got any cracks or scratches in the screen. I don't use any screen protectors or other gimmicks either.

Because many people see it as a tool and not something to fetishize.

I'm sure some grown adults laugh internally at the state your car/bike/clothes are in in the same snide way.

Caring for the screen of your smartphone instead of your own life could be seen a sign of (surprise!) autism.

Probably shouldn't have spent so much on a phone then. My last phone was a cheap moto g4 plus. I could've gotten something pricier, but then I would have been stuck in the same situation as you if it broke.

>his brain only has one core

>mom buys, somehow broke her screen, she told me but I already forgot
>asked for a fix at the next big store, they want almost 200€, more than the phone was new
>friend drops his iphone while talking to me
>screen shattered
>"eeh I'll get a new one in a year anyways"
It's probably a 40€ fix if you do it your own but the majority of people can justify neither paying for a fix nor learning how to fix it yourself

>he has only one brain

I only ever see teenage girls on the bus with broken screens.

>gluing together multiple CPUs
lol fucking amd

To be fair, doing it on your own isn't exactly super easy.

You have to get some tools, be patient, follow a tutorial and pray that the replacement component isn't of super low quality.

I would rather pay the 160€ difference then do it myself.

What are you doing on Sup Forums then?
>inb4 it's not diy

>muh indestructible tortilla glass
>break like any other memephone
>it's 300$ for replacement goy
>phone was 400$
>normal glass screen is 20$
It's a scam and most people rather live with broken screen than get jewed again.

You know they just throw away your old phone and give you a new one right?

Because I thought my iPhone looked way sexier without a case on and my dumbass dropped it. I just didn't like the way it looks with a case

Accidents happen

>phone sitting on coffee table in the living room
>pet cat jumps onto the table and knocks over remote caddy in the process
>caddy hits phone and phone slides off the table
>hits the floor and screen breaks
Shit happens, not everyone is retarded.

The only time I've ever broken a screen on a phone was when I got out of my car and was juggling my keys and a backpack whilst trying to hold onto my nexus 5. It fell onto the concrete and completely busted the screen and even warped the battery. But that was because of my own laziness.

My sister gets a new phone every year and within two months the screen is always cracked. There is definitely something about normie idiots being careless with tech

I had my Galaxy SIII for almost four years before a bad drop cracked it down the middle.

It had a case with a bevel, must have hit a corner.

>buy Redmeme note 3 pro for $150
>also order $2 (yes $2) glass protector
>never broken anything in my life but like to be careful
>metal slips through my hands while I pull it out one day
>I'm about 6 foot and it hit screen down into concrete
>protector is a little cracked
>replace it with another $2 screen
>it's immaculate

I honestly do not know WHAT normalfags do to break their phones the way they do

>breaks from falling off a fucking coffee table
was it made of egg-shells?

Similar happened to friend of mine, but he didn't replace the screen protector, because "it's still good"
I guess normal people don't care about screen cracks

I figure once the protector is compromised it doesn't really protect anything, but what do I know.

You might be wrong.
Phone protectors work because the convert the kinetic energy to kinetic energy(instead of the phone absorbing it and breaking) the case flies away.
If you have a shattered screen protector the fragments have a greater chance to escape so more energy is converted to not important shit flying away from your phone

Hey vincent, hows cock.li doing?

My chickens don't shit eggs made of aluminum and plexiglas tho, atleast, not the last time i checked.

Most of them take instagram/facebook pics while drunk

>They share a body but they have separate vital organs
>Each twin has a separate heart, stomach, spine, lungs and spinal cord.

Do you reckon they each have a vag then?

realistically they probably each have a vaginal canal however one of their vaginas may be malformed, effectively inaccessible with a surgery required to reveal their urethra for urination.

Good enough for me desu

Why are so many grown adults buying iPhones instead of Android based, in the first place.

bad luck. it fell in the car on the carpet and hit the headphone plug that was connected. it cracked underneath my protector

So one can independently die of the other? And has then to live with her dead sister constantly by her side? Imagine sexual intercourse with that.

I didn't even think of that.

I'm sure the other one would die eventually of heart failure as she's keeping two bodies going

>Be me
>Buy new $88 phone with new provider
>Ride motorcycle
>Notice phone is not in my pocket anymore
>U turn that bitch
>Find phone in middle of road face down
>look closer
>tire tread all over back
>pick up and turn over
>screen smashed like me friday night
>hit the power/lock button
>shit turns on like nothings wrong
>screen place wants $120 some to fix it
>fuck it Ill just leave it the way it is
>7 months later...
>finally screen dickered when i throw it across the room
>rest of phone still works
>buy same phone to replace and keep old one as an extra battery and battery charger.

Moto G4 Play confirmed for new Nokia

so poor it hurts

Kill yourself ban-evading Argentinian

Because stupid people buy iPhones and even more stupid people use no case

Nah, I have an S4 Mini that cost me $230 CDN (including unlock fee) and still looks like new 2 years later.

kill yourself

I do use protectors but mainly so the screen doesn't get scratches in case I carry my keys in the same pocket.

Had 4 phones up until now and never cracked them

I've dropped my s6 edge many times on concrete without a case and not even a chip on it.

I buy cheap chink digitizer replacement screens, shit cracks when you put it on the table too hard. you just give up after the fourth time it happens.

I don't like phones anyway i just keep it alive to stay in contact for group projects and work

>buy flagship HTC in 2012
>still looks and works like new five years later

there is no excuse, the overwhelming majority of people (those who buy Apple products especially) are morons

Have had 7 smartphones since iPhone came out (only 2 were applels, so no bully). Inadvertently leave g3 in shirt pocket whilst leaning over side of friend's boat, lands on the dock & smashes. Next day get a g5. That. Fucking. Night. ask my daughter to bring it upstairs for me...& she dropped it on the way up. Next day got an j7, until last Tuesday when I got my xz premium. I'm hoping to never break a phone again, but shit fucking happens.
>smashed my truck up
>had a knife destroy my garbage disposal
>fountain pen leaked in my shirt
>knocked my Riedel Mamba decanter full of 81' Petreus off a table, ruining a carpet my wife paid more than I want to know for

Shit happens. If I break the screen on this one, I'm going to live with it because that's what I deserve.
