This guy right here has the best screen to body ratio of the market

this guy right here has the best screen to body ratio of the market

>Apple iPhone X 81.49%
>LG V30 83.24%
>Xiaomi Mi Mix 2 82.63%

Other urls found in this thread:

Faggle btfo

Sup Forums doesn't believe in proof.

chink btfo
fags btfo

No it's not. iPhone doesn't have bezels that does.

>We have to say that the usable area on the iPhone X is slightly less than the 81.49% number suggests – the two “horns” on top are only good for notifications but not content. We’ll compare the Super Retina Display’s surface area to a traditional 16:9 screen in the next article.


samsung not included in the measurement because the edge curve 'is hard to measure'

84.2% faggot

Note8 moron


nice ugly top and bottom bezel faggot

the new iPhone X has ZERO bezel

It literally has 5mm bezels on each side though

And yet its body to screen ratio is lower

Why should anyone give a shit?

>gets hard proof and facts
>no its like that because i say so
basically tech feminists

more or less to prove a point about iRetards like and how they believe whatever shit they are told

>arguing about the body to screen ratio of smartphones
What the fuck? Are you autistic?

>Apple is going to release a bezeless phone
>Apple's phone ends up being the least "bezeless" phone ever
>>W-we didn't want it anyways b-baka

>non-removable battery
It was so close to being perfect.

>believe whatever shit they are told
and you just straight up took the gsmarena values to be true

as if gsmarena are the only ones that do it

when are you retards going to understand that normies don't buy a phone because of its specs or its features but its BRAND , if any popular rapper/singer uses a particular phone be sure the zombie normie crowd would buy it and we all know the brand which is used by most stars

Note8 is 83.6% screen-to-body ratio

What point you fucking retarded fuckwit?
Let me explain this
Do you get that you shithead? Why would you even bring body to screen ratio up? It's absolutely fucking irrelevant whatsoever.
You're literally bringing up stupid shit to prove that your crappy lagdroid is better in the most irrelevant way possible because in all other, even only half-important categories, it gets BTFO by the X.
Just get over it you fucking neckbeards.

Okay, and? You're on a technology board, for tech enthusiasts. Not for normalfags who can't install a driver. Why would Sup Forums care what phone "generic singing holes and tits 27" uses?




Yes, proven by your own picture. The fact you neglected to draw the 4mm all-around bezel the iPhone has doesn't make it go away. Anyone who can see past "ebin red circles" will quickly notice the "bezeless" edges of the iPhone are almost as three times as thick as the equivalent edges on the Android models.

Do LG devices still bootloop? The screen could somehow be 100% screen to body and still look good but if that thing has a chance to bootloop like other LG phones then it's just a ticking time bomb

Oh yeah just post that picture.
That's a great argument. No need to counter or clarify anything.

There's not much to discuss if you're going to dismiss all criticism of the iPhone with screeching fanboy tears, sweetie.


How can you be this retarded
Edges/sides of the phone =\= bezel
Fucking andro-povvos

isheeps BTFO AS FUCK

>the edges of the phone around the screen are not the bezel
how do you even breathe

I think the reason of why there's not much to discuss is more based on shills having to use last resort "body to screen ratio" arguments to prove lagdroids are actually better at one.single.thing.
Do you even realize how retarded that is? Android fucks got BTFO the hardest way ever and the board is flooding with damage control threads made by neckbeard autists.
At this point it's more than obvious most ouf you pathetic fucks are just trying to better their own conscience because of buying retarded lagdroid devices with the worst OS ever known to man.
It's damage control all over this shit.
Get cucked faggot.

lmao he's still going

Aw yeah boi
Fuck with it, bitch
I'll bust a nut by cucking insecure faggots with a shitty choice of devices on anonymous imageboards.

android is just better
youre carrying out your own damage control right there

pays more than 200 for a box with lights on it

Why do you even care about this shit? The superior Pixel 2 is coming.

>yfw typing all this

androids dont lag


>what is cache management
>why does muh 4000 mAh battery just last a single day
>i wonder what google will do with my personal data
>why is there bloatware from google and even irrelevant fourth-party shit preinstalled on my phone?
>how to not save so much unnecessary data help my phone starts lagging
>why does the coloring peel off? Is that normal? Maybe that's why they're half the price a year after release.

Shame that it's a downgrade from the V20

>implying iphones are known for good battery life
>poor cache management but has 2x more ram so its fine
>i wonder what apple does with my personal data
>why is there bloatware from apple on my apple branded premium device
>having no expandable storage slot on a 700+ device then acts like the cloud is a convenient alternative
>why does my phone that i frequently take outside have the durability of a sheet of glass

>tfw just got a G6

oh well

you can return it
you probably have a 30 day returns warranty

What the FUCK is apple thinking with that outer ring holy shit that's ugly as fuck.

G6 is a fuck ton cheaper than the V30 us going to be

The V30 will be at least next pixel /iPhone 8 price

>Posts link about an individual group of apple employees as opposed to company policy related stuff
>posts basic compliance rate data (most of it from stolen phones), doesn't post android equivalent
>posts numerous cases of overheating batteries (a defect, like on the Note 7) as opposed to designing a phone on the cheap with sub-par execution (cutting costs)

Fucking retard. Good job wasting your time picking those out.

Thank you crabjeet, 5 rupees have been deposited into your apple positivity account

How many fps can I get while playing Bootloop 2018?

holy shit, is this real?

Yup. Hang on, it's only gonna get worse.

>implying iphones are known for good battery life
Go compare the size and the actual runtime. Apple batteries tend to be more than half smaller than android counterparts, while maintaining the same performance.
>poor cache management but has 2x more ram so its fine
Yeah sure let's just not solve the problem but work around it like retards. That'll do the trick. It's not like that needs extra, basically wasted performance, is it?
>i wonder what apple does with my personal data
Sure, can't tell really. But as android works closely with other shitty "fuck-your-data" companies lile google etc. the risk is way higher. Also, less chances of getting assraped through virus/hacking on apple.
>why is there bloatware from apple on my apple branded premium device
There isn't. There's a fucking hrs app preinstalled on lots of androids. Fucking ridiculous.
>having no expandable storage slot on a 700+ device then acts like the cloud is a convenient alternative
True, that's a jew move. But buying an inferior device just because of that is pretty dumb.
>why does my phone that i frequently take outside have the durability of a sheet of glass
That's probably because large parts of it are made from glass, I'd say.

Was meant for

I think apple is just trolling us all at this point. I mean, they know people will buy whatever shit they sell regardless of how shit that is, so they might as well have some fun.



When does the V30 comes out in America?

It also has the biggest front logo.

Curve is stupid.
There is a reason only samshit do it.

No cunt, I am saying I think the entire thread and related discussions belong on fucking /fa/

/fa/ is for clothing moran.
>bbut it's /fashion/
They don't discuss fashionable architecture or rugs either eeeediot.
Applel doesn't make a iSweater yet.

So what you're saying is that we need a new board taking aspects of both /fa/ and Sup Forums, or, /fag/ for short