Im ordering a ryzen 1700 soon, the stock cooler looks pretty fucking sweet...

Im ordering a ryzen 1700 soon, the stock cooler looks pretty fucking sweet, but does it work aswell or should i just order a cooler along with it

do you want high oc?
get an aftermarket cooler.

allright thanks

Use it for a week. If you don't like it, just get a 212 Evo.

I got one and I honestly like the looks so much that I'm willing to give up not reaching 4Ghz on my OC just for the better aesthetic.
Don't need to overclock that far with the 1700 anyway, even at 3.4Ghz it crunches through everything I throw at it.

if you are autistic about temps order a cooler

Stock is great, I'm rolling a 3.7ghz/1.2875v oc right now.

it's good enough for 3.8ghz at least. Such value for an in box cooler

1700 user here.

It works great for AMD's OC, XFR, and that's working great for me.

But I had no luck with manual OC and that cooler.

the stock doesn't come with LEDs so buy a new one mate

The stock cooler for the 1700 does have LEDs. And it's a fine cooler for 3.7ghz OC if you have good airflow in your case. Anything more than that go for something beefier. If you really want muh RGBs they also got the Wraith Max for sale now which is pretty much an EVO 212. Bit pricier though cause of the AMD branding.

how's the new ryzen cooler compared with stock intel? in particular I'm wondering about the mounting points. do you have to push them inside or screw them?

I OC'd my R7 1700 to 3.7 GHz with it, pretty quiet too. It's basically a 25$ cooler with leds.

Performance wise it shits on the stock intel, way better temps and less noise. It mounts on the standard backplate but without the plastic brackets, the spring loaded screws go straight into the backplate.

I'm not overclocking yet, but the stock cooler is stable as fuck. Way more than my Noctua on FX8320 but that may be because >FX.

Try it and see, it's very good for a stock cooler.

The installation is a fucking pain in the ass if your backplate isn't glued on, btw

why can't manufacturers just use stands and screws like all the other third party coolers?

I guess it costs more and makes the installation seemingly harder/longer, even though it would actually be easier if you're installing it on an already mounted mobo.

>form over function

Go 1600X. Not 1700.

The 1600X clocks faster, and is as fast or faster in almost every workload because of it's higher clock speeds. It's also cheaper.

>taking the 1600X over the 1600
>higher clock speed = better performance
The 1700 overclocks higher anyway.

Wait for it to arrive, see if it can hit 3900 GHz or 4000GHz, if you manage to boot with those clockspeeds, then get an aftermarket cooler, otherwise stay with stock since it can easily hit 3700-3800 without having suicidal temps.

Unironically one of the best stock coolers of all time

I have mine with the stock coolet at 3.6GHz
I have yet to encounter a situation when a higher OC would be meaningful.
The 1700 is a beast for the price.


Let Cirno cool it for you.