I need to transfer ~80GB of data from a desktop HDD to a laptop HDD

I need to transfer ~80GB of data from a desktop HDD to a laptop HDD.
Cloud hosts proved worthless.
Are sata-USB adapters a meme?

they ain't exactly blazing fast but they do work.

note that if it's SATA you can just plug in ordinary desktop cables.

Get one, they arent that expensive and they are pretty useful for many things.

I would probably get a nice dock tho.

I see some listings on amazon specify pin numbers on SATA.
How many pins does a regular desktop full sized HDD have?

Just unplug something you're not using and plug the drive into the SATA ports on your mobo. Much faster and cheaper

Two usb ports? 1 for data, 1 for power? I've been looking for something like that to avoid carrying around a stupid power supply. Sauce, please.

They're good for your use, but buy a good reviewed one and with usb 3.0

Ebay, Amazon, Aliexpress - price Low -> High
I need to ship the hard disk to another city and another person.

... I'm blind. Never mind. it's for concurrent ide and sata use, my bad.

Alternately, you could wait for a sale on an ext hdd and shuck it and then use the controller for generic plug and play.

Laptop hard disks are kinda fragile, the platters are usually made of glass or ceramic. Make sure you wrap the thing with a lot of bubble wrap.

Did you know you can make a local network between two computers just using an ethernet cable and share files at high speed?

Thanks for the tip.

Can someone tell how many SATA pins a desktop HDD has? 27?

This. If you don't have a PC around this a cheap and handy utility

You could also get an USB HDD enclosure and use the disk as an external HDD later although it hasn't got that much capacity.

If like the idea of extra cold storage and you're a bit adventures you could also buy an external HDD and place the 80GB disk in it for data recovery and later refit the original disk. This will save you a SATA USB adapter and it's the cheapest way to buy storage but voids the external HDD's waranty.

>current state of Sup Forums

Came here to post this.

The computers are hundreds of miles away.

buy a long cable then

Depends, USB 3.0 ones are faster than the SATA hard drive connected to it.

Literally just did this today. Not a meme, they work fine.

Cost 78HKD for the adapter which I may have overpaid for but came from a reliable shop that I don't mind patronizing so it was fine and I can always use it again sometime.

New SSD installed on laptop works like a dream, kinda kicking myself for waiting so long to upgrade.

Current state of Sup Forums is asking if USB-SATA/PATA bridges are good or useful.

This should be in everybody's toolbox by default who isn't a total tech-illiterate.

No they aren't.
Looking back I've never regretted buying one.
The one you've posted can also be used to attach old IDE CD/DVD drives to a laptop if you need it.
I own the one you've posted and back when I bought it like 10 years ago paid about 15€ for it.
If I'd buy one today I'd go for a USB 3.0 version though.

I don't know? SSDs are better for system drives when HDDs, yet they are a meme, does meme mean it's good or bad? 16 GB of RAM is also considered a meme, yet it's better when running multiple applications at once, so does it mean it's good or bad, because it's a meme?

What is a meme?

>Download any generic Peer to Peer program

How to do?

Modern cards won't even need a crossover cable.

>tfw kids these days won't know how it feels to patch up a crossover cable to play over IPX and TCP/IP with your buddy
>tfw kids these days won't know how it feels to patch up a serial null-modem cable to play over serial with your buddy

anker makes a sata to usb adapter that works just fine and it's like $20.

memes are the DNA of the soul

Meme - something that is referenced for comic effect rather than for its quality/effectiveness.

Just use SCP, idiot.

Read the thread first, now you look like a jackass

It doesn't matter if they're hundreds of miles away as long as both of them are connected to the internet.