Tfw there was a time when you could ask questions on stackoverflow without fear of being insta downvoted

>tfw there was a time when you could ask questions on stackoverflow without fear of being insta downvoted

>without fear of being insta downvoted
Why fear, why care?

Your question becomes hidden if its downvoted and no one ends up answering it

>ask stupid question that could be answered by using a search engine
>get downvoted
that's how it's supposed to work

>ask for help because results from search engine didn't help
>get downvoted
>still get no help
I thought this was suppose to help people?

>programming java for 2 years
>can't differentiate classes, references and objects
>can't fucking google the answer either
Sanjay pls

answer a stupid question for a man and he will be retarded again the next day
but teach a man how to google...

>>ask for help because results from search engine didn't help
That's almost never the case. And if it's the case, then it's a good question and will probably not be downvoted.
Making sure questions are only answered once means that finding the answer to that question later down the line is also easier, because you don't have to wade through multiple questions to find it.

in the op pic the question is more dyslexic than stupid. stupid is downvoting a question that obviously needs some deeper thought how to present the concept so the poster understands, or maybe at least diagnose what is wrong with the poster

>hurr just google it
self-learning is never as effective as proper instructor-led tutoring because you don't get the instant feedback

problem arises when someone doesn't understand the given answer, asks for an alternate one, yet is still sent out to a path that will only lead to the not understandable answer

Then don't ask the exact same question again that led to the answer you don't understand.
Elaborate on what confuses you in the answer.

>>hurr just google it
>self-learning is never as effective as proper instructor-led tutoring because you don't get the instant feedback
But learning the answer to a question is way less useful than learning how to google for that answer. One solves one problem, the other solves multiple problems.

ironically, "googling it" does not teach proper comprehension, you only get straight answers to whatever you input in the search bar. all it really does is delegates away askers of basic-level questions from the answerers.

with a teacher you can efficiently evaluate that someone understands a concept and can apply the right thinking, rather than look up a template answer hoping it works

so the poster from op's pic, if he were to google "classes, objects and references", he would only get textbook definitions. which seem not to help him. what the guy needs instead is someone to explain the concept as well as evaluate if he's understanding it correctly

Google is not a dictionary.
There will be plenty of search results that explain the concepts in detail.

>plenty of search results
how do you evaluate which of the "plenty" is the most fitting one?

By looking at them?
Do you just click a single result and call it done no matter where it leads you?

>ironically, "googling it" does not teach proper comprehension, you only get straight answers to whatever you input in the search bar.
Those straight answers can definitely help you comprehend shit though.

I really lament the lack of a reasonable place to ask technological questions.

I've been sitting for a while on "how can I architect this environment" question for a while. It's not specific enough to go on any of the SO sites without being downvoted. I can't find a Reddit sub it would fit in. Quora is a circlejerk of "why isn't Facebook on Haskell yet????".

Just because you know exactly what to search for to find an answer to a question doesn't mean everyone else does. OP posted a bad example, but there are plenty of cases where the person asking a question doesn't know the right keywords to use to find an answer.

In that case you need to learn how to google better, googling for keywords is a part of that.

>google question
>first and best result is a stackoverflow post which has been closed as "non-constructive"

What keywords do you use when you're looking for keywords?????

Depends on the keywords obviously.