So this... is the power of Linux

So this... is the power of Linux

no this is KDE avatar dialog


>Install KDE, change theme and move over files
>All settings and start menus scrolling is extremely slow and inconvenient to use
>All fixes on KDE forums & stack overflow say to uninstall xf86-libinput driver so it will default to fallback
>sudo apt-get remove it
>can't login because i have no keyboard drivers
fuck this gay earth

>Install Gnome 3
wtf this shit is unusable

Where is this even shown?
I get where you select the icon, but where is it displayed?
Login still uses sad cyclops

You click start menu then double click your picture

Your text is stored somewhere by means of power of Linux. If you don't understand technology, get the fuck out.

Oh, it doesn't change for you? I had to restart for it to change for me. Should show in your start menu though.

>he's this triggered by me having a goof on KDE's icons

>tumblr nose

i wouldnt install this shit at gunpoint, let alone of my free will

Can you post a screenshot of when it is used?
There is so many menus for kde, I have no idea which one you need to use in order to see something as this irrelevant.

I had to uninstall I'm back on mint now. Got triggered earlier today trying to debug some of their python code and tried KDE and Gnome 3. KDE still too buggy for me but has the potential to become the best DE. Gnome 3 is a pile of cow shit

Yeah, that default bald tumblr nose freak is an abomination. Copy your own image of choice to '~/.face{.icon}'. I don't remember which you need

oh, found it.
It is in the "application launcher"
The face is the least ugly thing about that menu, don't know why anyone would use it.
I personally use krunner, it doesn't have any of that stuff.

>Mfw KDE has thumbnails in the avatar picker


>thumbnails in the avatar picker
Really? If I'm not mistaken they don't even have thumbnails in the file picker. So when you are uploading images to 4chins you have to do it by name. At least it didn't show previews in Chrome

KDE has had thumbnails in the file picker for years. GNOME has had an unresolved issue about them since 2004.

GNOME is the future.
GNOME invents a new workflow which is centered on getting the shit done.
KDE is obsolete.
KDE is an amateurish Windows rip off.

k. hit me up wen they figure out how to move the panel to the bottom

Look here Gnome is pretty good

whys there 2 panels in that pic. looks broken


Favorites and a modded statusbar. The bottom usually doesnt show applications. You can remove either one I guess, I only use the left (Favorites).

looks like shit. just give me start menu and a panel without all the flashy 3d effects.

Nobody forces you. You can even mod Gnome to that

Konqi is very cute!

Why would you do that to yourself?

SJW shit aside Niggerbuntu actually has better DPI scaling than windows.

>You can even mod Gnome to that
sounds like you've never tried to do it yourself. it's a headache, doesn't work very well, extensions break every shell update, and makes it glitchy


it's not /thread if you reply to a /thread with /thread



I'm not replying to the /thread, I'm replying to the statement before the /thread. The /thread just happens to come after that part but still be in the same comment.

wtf u mad man

KDE is best in rolling distros.
Not in Ubuntu or Debian.
When kde is perfected, oblivious singularity is achieved. It is very very pleasing and comfy when it is done.


So this... is the power of Windows