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Technology #625
NAS Specs
What apps does Sup Forums keep on their home screen?
That one guy who uses *BSD on a laptop
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Whats the best laptop I can get for university, I don't have a maximum price...
Should you use inline comments in C or not?
This confuses and angers the bezelets
Soap is technology
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Be honest, you wish you were as cool as John McAfee
Sup Forums BTFO
What does Sup Forums make of this
If you were only allowed to use one smartphone and no other devices for a year (no tvs, pcs, game consoles, etc)...
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
What kind of personal projects looks good on a resume and whats looks autistic?
Encrypt file
/csg/ Chink Shit General
I wanna go balls deep with linux. I want that shit all over me. Thing is, i've never used it...
Sup Forums im getting handled by comcast. Can one man why streams tv...
His file manager can't dynamically resize icon spacing
Android tablet for reading?
Libre ROMS thread
Is this the end of adblock?Just got this on one of my favorite sites. End it bros
People who actually work in tech, what does your typical day look like?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Windows 10 is cancer
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Bags 4 tech r tech edition
Anyone using Windows 10 LTSB???any program/driver/game issues??any program/driver issues...
/spg/ - Smartphone General
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Just how many times needs Google confirmation that this is indeed a car?
IOS 11 vs Android 8.0 Oreo
What does Sup Forums think of Louis Rossmann?
How can I make it not look like shit?
Sup Forums BTFO
Vivaldi - the best compromise
Is this true, Sup Forums?
Where were you when Nvidia revealed they're /ourguy/
Hardware history
What does your launcher look like, Sup Forums?
Complains about muh botnet
Will its full potential ever be realized?
Mice thread
Tfw too complex
Daily reminder, we live in a timeline where this is needed
Do you ever see SSDs being as common as HDDs for storage in the future?
Just installed rust ama
I want a nice mechanical pencil and have been looking at pic related, thoughts?
Everyday Carry Thread /edc/
Admit it. You’d buy one if you could afford it
Literally took me less than 10 minutes to install arch with full disk encryption as porn VM...
MacOS High Sierra
Automation is going to make our life easier
Embdedded development general - /edg/
Do you program with your waifu?
What's Sup Forums opinion on OpenSUSE?
How would Steve Jops react if he saw the iPhone X?
Firefox > chrome
First sex robot goes on sale in the UK for £3,500
/ntr/ - Netrunner official Sup Forums browser
Reminder to disable mouse accleration in windows
Please be stopping to use AdNauseum sir
Why haven't you gotten on the PCLinux train?
Certain numbers are illegal
How are you enjoying those AMD processors, goyim? Ready to come back to Intel?
What is this called again
Tech guru
Where is the iPhone 9?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What is Sup Forums listening to ?
I upgraded from a c2q q8200 to a r5 1600 a couple days ago
Is there any reason to use loonix as my main os?
What the fuck is Microsoft doing with my disk space?...
Should ISPs step up their game?
Why does Sup Forums hate gaming laptops?
TN panel
ThinkPad 25/T25/20K7
Mr. Reddit
Smartphone with Keyboard
What email does Sup Forums use
ISP sends mommy the internet logs for the last 2 years
I'm running a streaming website and a fucking apple annoys me
Things Gullible People Are Tired Of Falling For All The Time
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Admit it. You'd buy one if you could afford it
What version of Windows 7 are you using...
World's faster chip on a smartphone is slower than next year's
How long until coffee lake comes out?
Admit it. You'd buy one if you could afford it
This distro - update/package meme = perfection
Was Sup Forums ever sexually attracted to a piece of technology?
Sony Desktop Computer
The current state of windows 10
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/nrg/ - Nyaa Replacement General
What's the best irc client for someone who has never used one before?
Why can't we just use fidget spinner technology to create power. Say 1 spin creates 1...
/bst/ Battlestations
/wt/ - Watch Thread
What happened to Vulkan?
The next version of Windows and OS X will be written in Javascript. Prove me wrong
Anyone know where to get a free copy of MatLab? I'm a broke college student who needs it for a class
He doesn't browse like this for maximum /comfort/
What does Sup Forums use as a music player? Pic related
Windows is fucking horrible. How can normalfags put up with this shit?
Can we have a good old language holy war?
Muh freedom
Tfw ThinkPilled
Admit it. You’d buy one if you could afford it
Post an screenshot of the device you're using right now
Well, there you go Sup Forums. The state of future, standardized custom addons for Firefox
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
What is the best assembler?
Keyboard thread
Rate my setup, boys
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
/AdNauseam/ Google is losing, Sup Forums is winning!
Was Unity the pinnacle of UI design?
Redpill me on 4pin fans and moths Sup Forums
Screenfetch thread
Apple A11
Iphone 8 vs note 8
300 years have passed
Why would any PC need more than 16GB of RAM?
Will its full potential ever be realized?
God-tier or garbage?
Mom found the vimrc
How do I install a new OS without having to put the iso on a usb first...
Is this a meme?
What would you buy with $28 Sup Forums
Custom kernels
MacOS font rendering
Hi guys
I heard you like it loose
Still using CCleaner
Does Sup Forums think I should get a foldable keyboard?
These robots are getting realer looking by the day
Be me
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Ok, real shit now, should I actually buy a ThinkPad or is it just a meme?
ITT: Old Sup Forums related advertisements and what not
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Canonical and Microsoft team up to make a custom Linux kernel
Silver is the only real option
Tech STICKERS Thread
Whadya think :)?
Privacy is an illusion
ITT: millennials talk about their primary means of compucation
/mkg/ - Meme Keyboards General
Tfw recently got an iPad Pro with Smart Keyboard and iOS 11
Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think of Threadripper?
What do you all think of the Samsumg Galaxy s8? Is it the best phone on the market right now?
Your thoughts?
>He use Whatsapp & Wechat
This thread just had an user from Antarctica
Sup Forums, why the fuck aren't we talking about SESTA?
Different Gender, Different Result
Sudo apt-get upgrade
How can ATARI even compare?
This legitimately made me furious...
You now have ssh root access in his laptop. What would you do?
FL Studio
Lets talk about tech wages, Sup Forums
Which one?
Quality software general
Why do the spire fans look so aesthetically pleasing...
Surface book
/csg/ Chink Shit General
What the everloving fuck?
Multiple users on a phone
Is it possible to build a decent PC for the same or little above nintendo switch price im trying to prove some cunts...
Sup Forumsuys, what is the purpose of a computer?
Mom wants to audit the exhentai downloader source code
>Linux doesn't have ga-
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
How does Sup Forums justify piracy?
Name one good Android keyboard that's not a botnet
Why does Sup Forums always defend this unoptimized buggy sack of shit so much?
Smartphone with Keyboard
Why are Apple's sales slowing?
What happened to software efficiency?
Buy i7 7700k
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Vapes are technology so
This fucker aint blockin video ads on twitch anymore. how do i fix this? (bonus points for no sarcasm)
Wtf is this shit?
The iPad Pro revolution is here
Quickpic Gallery
/hpg/ Headphone General
Why are numale webdev programmers afraid of C?
Was the AMD Vega the worst release ever?
Why is C++ so popular in competitive programming
My girlfriend is upset that I don't check in with her frequently enough...
/guts/ thread
Homescreen thread
How will smartphones be 10 years from now?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
What went wrong?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
IPhone 8 slower than Note 8?
Had open wifi because in the middle of nowhere
What is His highest education level (img related)
Would Sup Forums love the iPhone X if it didn't have the notch?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
What is the ThinkPad of Calculators?
Konqi explains why you should use KDE instead of GNOME!
Admit it. You’d buy one if you could afford it
Indian OS
Fall for freetard propaganda
Android fags BTFO again.. again.. and again
Fewer than 5% of engineers trained in India are cut out for high-skill programming jobs
Comfy thread
Is i3 the comfiest/best DE?
Why nobody can build IDE better then microsoft?
How has Sup Forums influenced you?
Places to write code
W10 security thread
A good browser
Freefag want a chromebook
What's the point of women (female) in tech?
What sort of malware did you have on your computer growing up Sup Forums?
Having to re-mount the drives on every restart
What do you even use this for?
ITT: Cancers of the tech world you hope become defunct and/or bankrupt
Android is way better than Iphone
Sup Forums memes/YLYL
HTML5 is a mistake
Is this a joke?
ITT Tech startups that were supposed to be the next big thing
Garbage OS
This was the line for the iphone 8 launch in China
Is this the best Linux distro?
Any cute little girls online right now?
Sup Forums, I just checked the security feature of Facebook and noticed my shit was hacked
Huh? Huh
Is Bing objectively better than a Google in present year?
Say something nice about my i7-990x
Poorfags will never know this feel
What will you do when you get your robot girlfriend?
What went wrong with the Internet in 2007? I keep seeing this year come up in conversations on this site...
>best music player?
Firefox Hate Thread
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Ask someone who bought an iphone 8 anything
What food is your go-to while programming?
Linux distro
What's a good torrent client for downloading free as in beer software?
Buying graphics cards for muh games
/Pol here. Has anyone discovered any new developements with the Wikileaks trouble...
Fell for the CompSci meme
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Running Linux inside Android
IPhone's are for people that are computer illiterate. That goes the same for people who use Amazon Kindle Fire tablets...
Is there any reason to own an Android in 2017?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
The iPhone 8 and 8 Plus, two of the three new iPhones in Apple’s 2017 lineup, went on sale around the world...
Now that Mozzila are cucked, what browser is best?
Why is Mac OS so comfy?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
ITT: The average linux user
WTF happened to Google?
Why windows 10 cannot handle more than few days of uptime? It starts to rot afterwards
Face it, you'd use it if you could afford it
Convince me not to buy an iPhone 6
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Tfw fell for the dark theme meme
/ntr/ - Netrunner official Sup Forums browser
Most millennial use phones as their primary and singular form compucation
Seriously, why does Intel even try sell this garbage?
What do I do with this
Almost 23 y/o
What went wrong
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Distro Recommendation
GNOME appreciation thread
Post some aesthetically pleasing technology
What does Sup Forums think of Dell?
Still worth buying?
Why would you use anything else?
Hi Sup Forums !
Why is apt bad? what's so good about pacman?
Why did logitech retire the god-tier mouse shape? (G5, MX518, G500, G400, G500S, G400S) It was fucking perfect...
Who's the best hacker on this board?
Samsung Biologics
Can you guess what case is going to fit this hardware?
Hello, Sup Forums. I am from the year 3017...
Face it, you’d buy one if you could afford it
New computerphile video
Anyone have any experience with these chinese "Portable Media Players". I just got it and it works...
UI Thread
Checked and apperantly there's no mouse general
My little brother texted me this. I write networking software in C at my job. What do I tell him? Python? Forth?
Check out this new paper in deep learning
How easy is it to crack someone's wifi router? How would you be able to tell someone's leaching off you?
Why is Google such a passive aggressive cunt?
Free opensource Ableton Live alternative?
/qos/ Qubes OS General
Why is mining so polluting? Wouldn't it be better to use just oil instead of coal since coal mines are so polluting...
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Firefox 57 beta
Let me show you this video, user, it's super-funny
You fucking piece of shit!
Just been given lenovo Thinkpad x200s for work what should I do with it?
Be me
Software engineer
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Oldfag reporting in
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Specs / Speccy thread, I'm gonna get faster ram eventually then I'll be set for awhile
Who else /newphone/ today?
/dpt/ - Daily Progtamming Thread
This guy is still making videos for his tiny audience
Why do I need a computer anymore?
Did the UMD had any redeeming features or was it shit from day one?
AdNauseam: Google is losing, Sup Forums is winning!
Red apple me
This triggers the linuxfag
/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux
ThinkPad 25/T25/20K7
Windows = Shit
Theif of Meats
Anyone else getting stutters from the latest driver update?
If AMD where to sell Radeon, which company would you like to see own it and invest in it?
When will we start seeing true tablet PCs again?
Buying apple ever
Whats in the box?
Cinnamon or KDE?
I've just upgraded from R7 240 to GTX 1050 but I have a big problem
Does a github/linkedin profile speak more volume than CS degrees nowadays?
What happened to the Battlestar ion thread with this setup in it...
Suppose you took a processor, and made an exact replica, only 100 times larger. Would it run faster or slower?
Friends build pc
What is the most secure OS?
Tech feels
Smartphones: what pieces of crap
Linux mouse behavior
IPhone X vs Nokia 3310
What does Sup Forums think about Microsoft's "Fluent" design?
Normies hate iphone 8
IT guy here
/wt/ - Watch Thread
Does she live in a simulation?
Why is the IPhoneX the best Phone on the market?
Cross-Platform Mobile Dev
What's the deal with sound cards? Why do people buy them?
Computer engineering is hands down the best degree
EU Piracy Effects Study Suppressed - Then Uncovered
Do we live in a simulation?
Is technology a mistake...
/spg/ - Smartphone General
For every product Corsair offers, another company does better. This is mainstream mediocrity at its worst
Is Crysis still the #1 benchmark for performance?
Being a ramlet
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
"I can't stop using Windows because of muh gaymes"
Do you think that when human consciousness can be exactly replicated in computers, people will stop being Christian?
What's the average salary of a codemonkey in the US?
Referring to a connection to the internet as "wi-fi"
Every 60 minutes, it will return to black until the issue is resolved
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What kind of monitor do you use, Sup Forums? How big is it, and how long have you had it? What have you used before?
It was tolerable when the term was only applied to different levels in cloud infrastructure
Buying intel in 2017
I want to do a little bit of secret recording...
Arch takes too much time and pacman dont wantvto connect to mirrors while ping works perfectly
1080 is dead
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
/bst/ Battlestation Thread
"dude it doesn't matter if I pirate it I wasn't going to pay for it anyway"
Yo Sup Forumsentoomens I need to have a presentation ready in 1hour and 30 mins...
/pcbg/ PC build general
Best phone out there or crappy botnet?
Best linux desktop environment
Space Heater
Why buy a Wacbook when you can get specs like this for half of the cost?
Game looks fun
Choosing a laptop
I fucking hate Webpack. It has to be the most convoluted build tool ever created...
Aww yeah! Got a RAM upgrade
Since today is the release of the iPhone 8 and iPhone X, here’s a reminder for you guys to enjoy your new devices!
Apply for a job
Let us all take a minute , to thank the man that invented linux operating system
I'd honestly be embarrassed to use lagdroid at this point
Which should i learn
IPhone 8 launch in Sydney sees low turnout
He doesn't use ZFS as his filesystem
Sup Forums snacks
Need a good text editor
Yesterday there was a thread
Face it Sup Forums, if you don't do all of your work exclusively in nano, you're an autist...
AdNauseam: Google is losing, Sup Forums is winning!
Are these a meme?
Why aren't you using an ARM notebook with GNU/Linux or a BSD installed?
Angry app developer
IPhone X price justified by amount of innovation
Redpill me on airpods Sup Forums
Linux can't get viruse-
Any VLC/MPC-HC users here?
/hpg/ Headphone General
Why don't people see the magic of the forth programming language?
Hey Cucks who can type faster than me!?
/tpg/-Thinkpad General
CCleaner Malware was selective multi-stage attack, wipe recommended for those affected
Switching from Windows to Linux. What's the worst Linux distro? I want to know so I can stay away from it
Just discovered you can use alt + scroll wheel to zoom the screen in and out in Xubuntu (not sure if it's XFCE specific...
ARM is the future
This is my current system:
I want to repair my old XBOX, it's dvd drive has broken and wont
So, which browsers are still usable?
60 TB
Friend turns down volume using the YouTube player in the browser instead of the physical nob on my speakers
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
RAID really needed?
Aesthetic tech thread
What are the defect of the
What Sup Forums related stuff do you look out for in 2nd HandShops or Fleamarket, Websites etc
Is this a joke?
Your favorite programming language
Do you use terminal Vim or gVim?
My fondest childhood memory
What do you do?
Alright, Sup Forums
Does Sup Forums dream in code?
Those of you who do programming as a hobby, what the fuck do you actually program?
Say something nice about PHP
Radeon Vega
So Firefox is going to shit, and I refuse to use a browser made by an advertising company...
How much time (in hours) will it approximately take to learn web development to the point where I could earn any money...
Programming related humor. I'll start
What's the best personality type for programming(and otherwise) and why is it the chad INTJ?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
What's the most jewish thing you've ever done technology wise?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
"dude just get your A+ and apply for entry level help desk/desktop support"
Raspberry Pi
Why is it that hard, Linux-bros? Most people just want a cute desktop environment...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Apple: “Impulse buyers only!”
"Do not write down your password"
What does Google feed it’s AI?
Why do I remember reading that for loops should be avoided in programming? Am I remember wrong...
This is not the international standard plug
How do you hide your pornography, Sup Forums?
Is your job safe from automation Sup Forums?:
For all you solus shills
Hahahahahahhahahahah *inhales* hahahahahaha
Why autist audiophiles love vinyls?
Flash stock firmware
Vivaldi - Make the switch
NVIDIA GTX 1070 Ti ?
Why is this thing so popular again? It seems everyone is trying to do everything in JavaScript nowadays...
Yfw 1 gbps download speeds will never be possible on iPhones
What happened to my screen?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
How good is a tiling manager for average joe? Even if there is no use do you think everyone should use Tiling Managers?
I want to build a simple REST API. It will use PostgreSQL as DB. It won't have any fancy logic, just authentication...
It's for people who spent $500 on their x-treme mobo and another $600 on their wicked sick watercooling loop and then...
Ancient tech memes
Nvidia BTFO by based MUSK
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Just ordered a 1080ti GPU and a 1440p 144Hz monitor. Am I going to enjoy gaming significantly more now...
Got hands on with iphone 8
Music players
JavaScript was a mistake
How can i auto kick everybody out of public wifi so that my smartphone can get better speeds and faster wifi while...
GloFo 12nm Process
Konqi and Katie enjoying some GIMP peppers together!
So? Is he a genius or an autist?
I'm starting an IT support job at a somewhat large corporation next week
So I heard CCleaner had malware hidden in version 5.33 32-bit, and also a cloud version, but I'm running 64-bit...
/pcbg/ PC build general
ITT: Tech-related sentences you never thought you would say 20 years ago
Your favourite Distro
How does this STILL not have a fucking Nougat release?
ITT: Things no tech company can get right. Pic very related
Hey Sup Forums, what do u think of urbit ( Personally I have no idea what it is but it looks cool alright
Alright lads. Had an email forwarded to me by my dad today. Looks like my brothers fucked up...
Mac OS
Is there any reason not to disable google play services on android?
Buy 17.3" laptop for college
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Upterm: A terminal emulator for the 21st century built on Electron
All Windows memes aside (I know its hard, I know; Botnet). Watcha think of PS?
Tech illiterate here
Whats so good about this?
Have you entered the void yet Sup Forums?
So this is the power of gtk
C++ container of standard functions
What's the most Sup Forums certified phone chat app?
Is this the new botnet/Microshit?
Why the fuck does Firefox use almost 300MB of RAM when all I've done so far is open the program??
Specs / speccy thread
Smartphones are almost 4k
Why arent you using atom goy???? its so great
Etherium mining dying
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Python and Sup Forums
I failed yet another job interview screening
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
And the time has come
CannotFake is delidded to late 2018
I made the switch from Debian a week ago and finally got everything setup. Runs fast because no bloat...
What technology will we use to kill the elite in 2050 because they won't be dying of old age anymore
An app where it sends you text messages periodically and phone calls and sends u qt pictures and pretends to be your gf
There's no 100% secure phone in existence out ther--
Firefox 57
/wt/ - watch thread
What is your favorite distro and flavor and why Sup Forums?
/tpg/-Thinkpad General
Cinnamon is best
My God it's truly a thing of beauty
Can someone please explain this to me:
New AI can guess if you're gay or straight
Enrolled in STEM for gaining an "internship" and "capstone" for "job experience"...
Learn forth
Security flaws put billions of Bluetooth phones, devices at risk
Mechanical Keyboard General - /mkg/ - Thread Into Which Keyboards Are Posted
So Sup Forums?
So apparently technology is gonna kill jobs in the next 30 years
Is there actually any task that a blockchain system can do that isn't performed better by centralized databases?
Tesla is working with AMD to develop its own A.I. chip for self-driving cars, says source
Anyone interested in selling your ProtonMail Lifetime Visionary Account?
Does this even need a heatsink? Is the heatsink just for marketing?
Yo dawg download this awesome 320 kbps mp3
Has friend with ankle bracelet
GNU/Linux Decent DE
When will computers be food enough to play Dwarf Fortress with decent graphics
This is unacceptable. I am no expert at programming or JavaScript but this shit is literally going to ruin the internet...
Programming is Dying
What company will compete with Sony next in the console race?
/hpg/ Headphone General
Got my first legal notice ever about torrenting after torrenting for 3 years on this ISP
Should I liquid cool my system?
I thought you couldn’t game search engine algorithms anymore because of muh AI
Why are schools still requiring overpriced outdated calculators, Sup Forums? Some of my ideas for a modern calculator
Battlestations thread
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Why was computing in early 90s so comfy?
I'm having an autistic meltdown
What's the point of this?
Why is nintendo technology so far behind everyone else?
Why hasn't VR caught on yet?
Firefox 57 drops and its horrible
Is there a way to be a ghost to the government?
Technology is the strongest weapon of communism. Facebook already has the lives of 1.6 billion people
Linux users are more accurately tracked than windows and mac because of rarely it is used
What's wrong with Transmission ?
Vim and Emacs
Tesla is working with AMD to develop its own A.I. chip for self-driving cars
Permission denied in Sudo
Like my new android x?
There is people in Sup Forums that actually like X and want Wayland to fail
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Sexual Assault Perp
Dont lie, why do you like Gentoo. Explain
Did you know that you could just hit the back button 28 times to get into ANY Linux machine for 10 years before the...
Intel DELAYS Cannonlake 10nm processor for the THIRD TIME
Why aren't you using the best DE ever Sup Forums?
Fuck encryption
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Thoughst on buying 2012 macbook just for the aesthetic and installing arch?
Quick Sup Forums, we need a logo for a hacker group
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Graduate from uni
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Technology in 2028
Is it worth the $579 upgrade?
IPhone 5S was released in 2013. It has received a update to iOS 11...
Mfw when found hackernews about a year ago
This touchpad is so comfy I don't think there is anything else out there that competes with the responsiveness of a...
Iphone/Icloud Disable????
I have a story for you, Sup Forums!
/bst/ - No Bullshit Edition
Vega and ryzen products on """12nm""" next year
Creator of GNOME uses Mac
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Mfw next year Apple will introduce the iPhone 11 without the notch for $1500 and the iPhone XS with the notch but...
Should i get a Windows 98 computer?
Is there any reason at all to use Atom over Visual Studio Code?
AMD partners are still waiting for RX Vega GPUs for their designs
Admit it. You would buy it if you can afford it
What's the most jewish thing you've ever done technology wise?
Oh for fuck's sake
I am watching porn rite now
/cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General
We are making a web browser!
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Ryzen 7 1700
How usual animefaggotry really is in IT...
How can Intel even compete with this coming in around 12 months?
Post your face when inserting RAM into slots on your motherboard
/lap/-Laptop General
The Android Family
What is this thing?
I need some device for reading manga and shitposting from my bed
This is kinda sad
Using a browser made by those people
Who else /onlylaptop/ here? Why did you do it?
Speccy Thread
2017 CCleaner Malware/Trojan
Spend my entire life on computers
ITT - your own experiences of buyer's remorse
Intel 10nm is borked
Quality mice
If there were a version of Windows with no telemetry, no DRM, no bloatware...
Are you going to buy the Manjaro machine?
Was Vista the apex of a e s t h e t i c s ?
Which one of you made “The Chan” app? (on the App Store; I thought all Sup Forums apps were banned...
Roll call. What DE does Sup Forums use?
IPhone to Android Switcher from yesterday here
Give me one good Android phone that outperforms the iPhone SE that costs only 349$ or less
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What are some features that you miss from your computer?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Why don't you run Slackware Sup Forums?
Laptop stickers-- yay/nay?
You can't post pepe here anymore unless you are willing to risk being sued
Face it, you’d buy one if you could afford it
If you had to choose, would you rather be a float or an integer?
This is Sister Mary Kenneth Keller...
What do u think about it
BTFO Linux fags / linux hate general
What's the worst DE, Sup Forums?
What's the Big O notation of a for loop where i < n^2?
Are you prepared for the Intel shill vs AMD fanboy war when coffee lake launches?
Hey guys
/nrg/ - Nyaa Replacement General
Intel Core i9-7980XE
Is this a meme?
The numale dev team at work keeps passively aggressively rejecting my commits and bitching at me during morning...
Ryzen is the best thing!
Media Server thread
Holy fuck, what happened to Hulu? The UI makes OS 11 look good. Pic unrelated
Robot technology thread
Librem laptops
Name a more iconic duo
What is Sup Forums's favourite Web browser ?
Why does every single messenging app suck?
Youtube silenced joe rogan by silently removing comment sections from every one of his videos on the main 'PowerfulJRE'...
Google Pixelbook
Watch thread - /wt/
I come from the future
Get new laptop for work
Android, Custom Launchers
RIP the internet
How fucked are we once they find a way to plug Deep AI into Quantum Computers?
Apple btfo
Have you ever had cybersex before? What was it like?
Am I the only one who's gonna miss Unity?
Google to acquire HTC's mobile business for $1.7B in all cash transaction
Triplebyte releases hiring statistics
Has your computer ever became unbootable trying to install or configure Linux?
/hpg/ Headphone General
Good full-featured ES File Explorer replacement
Hi im fucking retarded. i just installed arch and i like it...
The only good software written by a russian
What went wrong, guys?
Pic says it all
Any of you fucks going to get a mini Google Home when they come out next month?
IOS 11 is fucking piss
Face it, if you aren't using Arch in the year of our lord 2017, what the fuck are you doing with your life...
Fuck up my pc
Android Oreo fucking sucks
Linux resource management is shit
Knowing what you know now how would you have improved the enigma machine?
No degree, just want a simple codemonkey web developer job, LITERALLY anything
Spend $1000 on a phone
Android on suicide watch
The iPad Pro revolution is here
Do you ever just look at this and think to yourself, how the hell does this work?
Is this actually gonna nukeloop on me?
Computer cases
How would you revolutionize the new iPhone™?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Windows OS General
Do a decent amount of people still use computers with 32-bit CPUs?
Hi Sup Forums I just installed gentoo can someone spoonfeed me on how to install this on Gentoo?
Daily Reminder for our Apple fans
Intel 10nm is full generation denser than other "10 nm"
Why don't people make webpages anymore?
Why is 4chin's interface so outdated?
HYPERLOOP totally and utterly BTFO
What the FUCK is this?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
/pcbg/ PC Building General
Best clover skin?
Last time I posted on Sup Forums was in 2014
IOS updates gimp older iPhones
I want to upgrade from my iPhone 4 but literally every new phone is a meme
Admit it. You would buy it if you could afford it
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Intel i9-7980XE benchmarks leaked by chinks
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on pic related?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
So what's the best email client to use on linux? don't say thunderbird
((( Wifi Dongle thread )))
.js Coin miners
/tosg/ - TempleOS General
Hi Sup Forums, I'm a neet...
Be me
Can we talk about Apple deleting the whole Cover Flow...
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/tpg/-Thinkpad General
Google Pixel 2 Colors
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Sup Forums not interested in blockchain
Linux newbie here. Installed Ubuntu in dual-boot with Windows yesterday and I'm liking it very much...
Why the fuck do people use phones so much...
I've been using this for years
Reliable SSD that have passed the test of time
Oldman vs Botnet
What is with cpu these days? It seems like this bad boy has similar performance to even new i7's
A11 Bionic chip obliterates all other SoC's out there
Admit it. You would buy it if you could afford it
What do you think of this man?
My set up keeps overheating what do?
IOS 11 secret Snapchat recording
Why is this used?
How to make use of blueborne?
Android phones only get 2 OS updates
Whats a good alternative to this shit?
What programming language should I learn first and what is a good way to learn said language?
Do you ever give shitty advices on Sup Forums just to mess with anons? What's the greatest troll you've ever pulled?
Dell XPS 15
Game Engine
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...