Why aren’t people being being fired and thrown out in their asses out of Qualcomm en masse? This is a fucking outrage
Why aren’t people being being fired and thrown out in their asses out of Qualcomm en masse? This is a fucking outrage
Other urls found in this thread:
When will Qualcomm get their fucking shit together?
Planned obsolescence.
Because everyone except your sorry sad asses jerking off to those scores don't give a shit since everyone knows you're going to use them for the exact same apps you were using it for iPhone 3G for your worthless needs. Absolutely nothing amounted to the performance increase in the past few years, nothing. Just everyone waving their dicks around about performance on their phone while they have and do the exact same shit on it.
>trusting jewbench
Anybody care to explain how to Note 8 gets better performance than the S8 that has the exact same chip?
Maybe it's throttles less because of the size.
If you said battery, i would accept, but even then, the display of the Note 8 is bananas.
Can it mine ether?
>Shillbench scores
Discarded. It's a wonder Tomshardware even post it.
Wait wait, wjy the fuck does a macbook PRO get lower score than a FUCKING PHONE. Well isn't the pro version supposed to be Pro?
Probably from an earlier year. It'd be like comparing a flip phone to a smart phone. Things change.
>comparing arm to a x86
Droidjeets on suicide watch
Someone should really do some real-world benchmarks though, in case this chip is actually more powerful than an x86 CPU.
Isn't MS Office available for mobile now? You could probably compare Excel algorithms or exporting a 1000 page Word file to PDF or something.
With Intel being as shitty as they are these days, it wouldn't really surprise me all that much if Apple had already caught up.
No that is talking about the 2.0 ghz dual core i5 in the 2016 MBP. But again, lord knows wtf is up with the benchmark, because that makes no goddamn sense.
>However, Poole provided the important caveat that laptops are better at delivering sustained performance over a longer period of time, as opposed to the shorter max burst performance that benchmarks like Geekbench 4 are designed to measure.
>Geekbench is SH*T.
>It actually seems to have gottenworsewith version 3, which you should be aware of. On ARM64, that SHA1 performance is hardware-assisted. I don't know if SHA2 is too, but Aarch64 does apparently do SHA256 in the crypto unit, so it might be fully or partially so.
>And on both ARM and x86, the AES numbers are similarly just about the crypto unit.
>So basically a quarter to a third of the "integer" workloads are just utter BS. They are not comparable across architectures due to the crypto units, and even within one architecture the numbers just don'tmeanmuch of anything.
>And quite frankly, it's not even just the crypto ones. Looking at the other GB3 "benchmarks", they are mainly small kernels: not really much different from dhrystone. I suspect most of them have a code footprint that basically fits in a L1I cache.
WTF, why isn't OnePlus 5 called simply 6?
Yeah you definitely didn’t need the green
Because Geekbench is fucking useless, I'll give you an idea why.
When you run an thread through a CPU core you pretty much lock that CPU core except for hyperthreading, where you might be able to squeeze a second thread into the core as well.
So depending on how complex the thread you are running is you can underutilize the core while your thread is running in it.
What this can translate to is that when you have smaller cores they can move onto the next part of the thread sooner than larger cores, but when you get a more complex thread a bigger core can do more in a single clock than these smaller cores.
What we have in the case of ARM, and particularly Apple's processors, is these small cores that are really optimized for these burst mobile applications but they suck for actual computing.
Geekbench uses tiny workloads that don't in any way represent real world loads and so you get really high scores, while performing terribly in actual work loads, especially where things aren't accelerated by hardware, like encoding/decoding video, hashing and encrypting.
I'm talking about heat dissipation.
>No S8+
>iPhone 8 and 8+
>No 7 and 7+
Fuck consistency, am I right?
Just show that there's practically just a minor difference between 7 and 8.
iPhone 8 should have been called 7s.
Apple can process data 18,000x faster than 4g can deliver it instead of only 11,000x faster
The iPhone 8/X has an RF transmitter that infects nearby android devices with malware and uses them for mining
Macbooks are prone to thermal throttling even at light loads.
>arm apple shitcore scores double than i5
>why doesn't qm fire engineersm
Why the fuck do you use geekbench to compare cores?
Hmmm.... Anyone knows that kind of tests does geekbench perform?
I am thinking Volkswagen for some reason.
Also we already had this thread 38945398 times
But if it has such a good processor it should just mine it itself
This, people getting 4k on 5.5inch screens and octacores with 4gb RAM just to f@cking use Facebook and Whatsapp,21 MP cameras that they barely use,wasting money, really gets my nogging jogging,
Because it's a meaningless benchmark. Apple would have abandoned x64 on laptops by now if those figures were even slightly accurate.
Because x86/64 ruined all the fun. Can't wait till it dies
>Geekbench Score: The Geekbench score is the weighted arithmetic mean of the four subsection scores. The Geekbench score provides a way to quickly compare performance across different computers and different platforms without getting bogged down in details
So it is fake
>comparing different architectures with geekbench
Stopped reading there.
The kind of difference expected from a one trillion dollar company.
remember how dominant was iphone 7 on the same bench?
remeber how slow and useless iphone 7 really was in real life workloads?
When its replicated across multiple benchmarks then I'll pay attention.
I simply don't believe from the perspective of physics that the iPhone chip is the much faster than a recent Intel i5.
What seems more likely is geekbench is not accurately scaling across the different platforms. And/ or apple is doing some jewy magic at the instruction set.
The amount of doublethink in this thread is hilarious
Droid/g/eets just recognize Android needs to be scrapped entirely, and that Apple will ditch Intel in favor of their own (superior) chips very soon
Apple is so far ahead in terms of HW+SW performance for the phone market it almost seems unfair
>iShills still this mad Android has completely obliterated iOS
This is exactly right and you also have to remember the iphone knows when geekbench is being run and it certainly has an optimization mode to get a high score.
The A11 is faster than an i5, deal with it.
The die is like 4x the size of an i5. It has 4x the transistors. The A11 is a beast of a chip.
So lets say there's an earthquake and you are buried under a collapsed school, or there is hurricane and you are in a car that has just been enveloped in a flood surge.
How does having a 60% faster iPhone 8 help you more than a Galaxy S8?
Posting Geekbench should be a bannable offense. Not kidding.
You make a call 60% faster and help comes quicker, retard
>"an i5"
It's like as if you said that the Ford GT is faster than a Mercedes.
And can you prove that the A11 has higher performance in anything than any current Kaby Lake processor? Geekbench is literally an invalind benchmarks by like, everyone's standards.
And again, care to provide the die size and transistor figures for both chips?
Qualcomm is staffed by smelly indians in their dirty unwashed clothes who roll in at noon and leave at three. They're done except for making second rate shit for OEM ad tracking devices.
at this rate you guys are still going to be shitposting hard by the time the next iphone gets announced, might as well get an early start on next year.
it's not funny
Why does it says it's stronger than the Dell XPS 13??
It's wrong.
A11 4.3b transistors
Snapdragon 835 3b transistors
Ryzen 8 core 4.8b transistors
The future is Apple.
How cute, Snapgragon and A11 count their GPUs as part of the transistor count to inflate the numbers.
He speaks about the I5 only and the 7th gen not the 8 one.
Any encoding software on iOS? Try doing that on the iphone 8 and compare it to the s8
Nice keks
AMD does the same with their APU’s
I'd actually be surprised if they didn't, considering they are systems on a chip.
iOS Video Encoding or iConv: Video Converter/Editor??
apple shills are in full force today
Linus confirmed more powerful and more evil than Satan himself.