What's the most jewish thing you've ever done technology wise?
What's the most jewish thing you've ever done technology wise?
Adding "technology wise" to the end of your post doesn't make it technology related.
Accidentally fed my Raspberry Pi 12 volts instead of 5. Took it back to the store and said it doesn't work, got a new one for free.
Bought a heat gun needed to finish a product and returned it when I was done. Wasn't going to use it again so didn't make sense to keep it.
Also, signed up for that Nvidia class action suit for the 970 when I was asked to join. Got $30 out of it goy
Implemented a DRM scheme for a video streaming website.
Bought intel stuff and used google as my home page.
One time, I told my friend that Intel was far superior to AMD.
Unironically liked Google for a while.
good goy
Selling my ps1 at extraorbitant price to some audiophile.
some years back i built a pc for a pleb cousin, all the parts ordered from the same online store.
the cpu i ordered was Athlon x2 4400+ but i got a 6000+ instead
our latent jewish genes immediately activated and we laughed and rubbed our hands together
Keep using google, although I know they're a bunch of leftards, because they're objectively the best, unfortunately.
Built a desktop pc for a costumer.
Swap his 1060 6Gb for my 660 (not a gamer or tech wise at all).
I saved 300 shekels.
Posted on Sup Forums with a Jewish flag.
I'm Israeli.
>I'm Israeli.
no, i'm pretty sure you're just a filthy kike
what's the difference?
Killed a guy named Jesus in TF2.
Used MIT licensed software.
fuck you netfilx
what's jewish about that?
never seed after I torrent.
I connected my VPN to an Israeli server and then went to pornhub.
>Took some GNU Licensed Software
>Removed all the licensing and credit
>Added some extra pointless code
>Called it my own product and sold it to a small business
I mine coins with my single RX 470 and i3 7100. And my grandma pays for electricity.
Lmao as for me I'm a Jewish Intel fan.
Not Netflix, but the company and site in question is out of business now :)
If they are out of business because you helped them implement DRM on purpose in a shitty way, thank you, you did a great job.
ordered a laptop from Amazon and said it never came and got a refund circa 2014.
calm down kike, there's no safe space for you on earth, it's in your nature to make yourselves undesirable through your behaviour, everywhere you go.
you are the defininition of a cursed race
I needed money and a relative PC died and they needed it fixed and needed images recovered. Local PC shop inspected it and have them a minimum quote of $350. They came to me and I done it all for $340 which was a new PSU then ran chkdsk on the hard drive then it worked then i extracted data, backed it up to external hd they bought then i put it back into their PC reinstalled windows and disabled SMART warnings on the hard drive as i told them i bought a new one. also the PSU was for free from a garage sale i went to it was some think no brand from the early 2000s after i wrote up a report of bullshit and pretended it wouldve cost them 650 at a pc shop
This is quite Jewish indeed.
I use to buy stuff off people from Facebook or craigslist and give them a bogus name then pay via paypal then 40 days later I'd refund what i paid. Someone jewed me once with an iPhone 7plus just before i was about to refund the money the phone IMEI got blocked
this, unless the tracker requires I do so.
I stole RAM from computers at school during lunch period so I could resell them online
When amazon fucks up I hound them for it.
So due to many different failures, I'm sitting on 6 extra free months of prime. Come at them for every little error. They can afford it.
>be NEET
>"""Join a startup""""
>ask me to program an arm micro controller
>no idea what do because im a fuckiin automobile engineer
>got to mbed
>see supported device
>make them buy one dev kit from everything
>open the examples and change a cuple of lines
>drag and drop it inside the muC
>starts working
>they ask to add new features
>pretend its hardwork.
>take weeks and then again edit example
>they have no clue its that simple
>get salary every month for this for last 6months
I didn't push any buttons on a Saturday.
I spilled sode all over my brand new nintendo switch fucked up the remote controls and the inside was filled with soda.
Went to bestbuy since i had a insurance on it and said my controller wasnt latching and it didnt want to recharge it.
Walk away with a brand new switch hehheh i also kept the older charger so now i have 2 :v)
>I'm Israeli.
Did your grandma or grandpa lived there before 1948?
If the answer is no, you're not an israeli, you're just a khazar impostor who doesn't belong there, just like Pygmies do not belong in Iceland
how did you convince them it never came?
didn't you had to sign some receipt on delivery?
i copy pasted gpl code into my code and didn't include the license
there are ways. There used to be entire forums for this stuff. I know a kid who paid for most of his college by ordering macbooks to drop houses with bought Amazon accounts with history. Usually you paid the SE 10% of the item.
unironically defending systemd
t. redhat employee
> When you're a NEET, whose sole way of making himself feel better is to spread identify politics.
Back to your fucking containment board, please.
Became competent at a skill and made money.
no one cares as long as your shitty code resides on your shitty laptop, where maybe just you and your mom can give a peep
RMS clarified himself that you need to paste the license when you're redistributing at large
Back to pol you fucken racist.
אוי ואי! עלו עלינו!
In English Kike this is a English Vietnamese Anime image site.
Added a Bitcoin address to my blog in case someone wants to donate. Nobody reads it anyway as there is literally no content right now
>mfw literal kikes on my board
And the issue?
Hate to break it to (((you))) but kikes are not welcome anywhere, real life or image boards.
You are literally the cancer of this world, and I somehow don't even hate you for this, you guys do not belong in the natural world, you're repulsive, it's just..sad
I have never seeded torrent after I got what I wanted.
I sold an iPhone 4s to a sandniglet for $100 and then iCloud locked it
While I was working for a reputable IT corporation I've sold about 30,000's employees' personal data in exchange for 10 grand. To this day I believe I've been jewed myself
>posts a Nazi frog
How 'bout you fuck off back to pol
You were, you could make 50 off that ez
Do go on user. Please tell us, your fellow Sup Forums users, more.
>nazi frog
You jews are becoming more and more dickhurt lately whenever you see a green cartoon frog.
What are you afraid of?
Received 50 dollars in xbox cards in the mail from best buy but they weren't activated. Called best buy and they sent me new ones. Called Microsoft and said best buy wouldn't sent me new ones. Showed them proof of purchase and they credited 50 dollars to my account. Made 50 free dollars and bought 2 games instead of 1.
We always knew you were shills.
Unfortunately for all humans, the God of Israel is the true living God. You will be judged. Enjoy
you're not safe here, we can smell you
You fuck off.
Anti/pol/ites are the whiniest people in all boards.
Uncle Sup Forums does good things.
not him but, in general, I'm sick of seeing posts by frogposters
the meme has already gotten stale. yet normal faggots from reddit and elsewhere keep posting it
This. Sup Forums is based as fuck.
>not him but blablabla
Fuck off jew
not an argument
>Be coder at kikebook
>selectively pick alt-right and frogposters and group them with my own alghorithm
>get 12k bonus for 12 months
>jewing is comfy af
you're a disgusting race of subhuman fucking savage scum. fucking dick chopping blood drinking parasites. fucking sick jew nigger kikes.
The guy on the right is too white for Sup Forums.
you mutilate your newborns' genitals because muh tradition and your lust for blood.
and you expect the civilised world to accept and support your barbaric practices.
j u s t End yourselves you fucking savages
not even jewish you sick fuck
>not even jewish
well your parents definitely fell for the circumcision jew, since they allowed the jew doctor to cut your prepuce off because sanitary reasons n shit
you are a victim of the jewish propaganda and you can't do anything about it no more
pity is all i can feel for you
Post on Sup Forums
Shlomo please, you'll have to bring something better to the game
Grow up
Tell that to your prepuce
Haha getting this worked up. If by some chance you "white" goys have children then your grandchildren with either be brown or black in my America. The software you use will be completely made by Indians.
we get it, you are chopped. you will never feel real pleasure from fellatio or sex because you lack the very skin that makes said pleasure possible.
you were depraved of this pleasure just days after you were born. say after me: thank you based jewish people
Are you in the US? I'm in the UK and they screwed up my order pretty bad, but I only get generic responses from people from service representatives saying who don't know English very well. I could only pester them and get the "hurr durr sorry" response so many times. They'd literally send the same shit copied and pasted
You're a sand nigger.
Sup Forums is annoying as fuck, but the people that complain about it iun every single thread aren't any better
>back to tumblr you go
>be me
>need new monitor but don't want to fork out the money
>work has lots of premium dell 1080p monitors
>someone leaves the job, quietly snag one of the monitors at the desk since it's a cubicle
>6 months later, some pixels start fading on part of the screen, keeps getting worse
>well shit
>take monitor off stand, place in a large duffel bag, sneak back in on a weekend
>swap the defective monitor out with a different one of the same model
>viola, good as new again
this probably happens all the time on android forums.
>need to root my phone
>go to android forums
>lots of other people trying to find a way to root phone
>5 months later somebody finds root
>it's very complicated (needed to connect your phone to the computer and use a commandline)
>over the next 2 weeks, see a dozen or so posts of "lol bricked my phone, gonna go to the store and return it and get a new one for free"
after that i realized why they lock down these phones.
>hey, let's just let self-entitled white people think that Sup Forums is the place to talk about their insecurities!
How about not. This is a technology board and Sup Forums needs to fuck off.