My girlfriend is upset that I don't check in with her frequently enough...

My girlfriend is upset that I don't check in with her frequently enough. I sincerely feel that I check in with her plenty... I love her to death, but I just can't depend on consistently get out my phone and use it to talk to her more frequently than I already do.

It's kind of like asking a fat middle aged female state worker with a diet Pepsi addiction to drink more water. Even if she liked water like a normal person ( which analogously I do love my girlfriend ), she's pretty much just to damn fat and lazy to make the trip to the water fountain.

The solution in my mind would be some kind of message automation similar to the following:

"Hey baby thinking about you"
"How are you doing?"
"What are you up to?"
... etc
mtwtf :: 10 am :: 30 m :: 30 s :: platform :: contact

and in English: "send any one of the messages from this bank one time each day of the week ( weekends excluded ) at some time staggered along 30 second intervals between 9:30 am and 10:30 am to ~~John Doe via ~~messenger" where John Doe could be anyone and messenger could be SMS or Discord or KIK or whatever the fuck your girlfriend uses.

The only apps I can find with similar functionality are limited to SMS and email, and none that I know of can stagger messages or choose randomly from thematic message banks

Does anyone know of an app which does what I want, or does anyone have a different solution?

Other urls found in this thread:

what the fuck user

>My girlfriend is upset that I don't check in with her frequently enough.
I hate this shit the most. Goddammit bitch, can I just be alone for a day or two without texting you some irrelevant bullshit? No, I don't want to go for a walk. I'd rather spend my day figuring out how to install gentoo.

Sounds likes sarcasm. I really do love my girlfriend. But she needs to learn that I don't want to depend on my phone, and that we already communicate an acceptable amount.

Your girlfriend is cheating on you and wants to make sure you haven't figured it out yet.

Impossible. I know everything she does.

How about you straight up tell her instead of being a pussy and asking help on a website filled with virgins ? Sounds like you don't even deserve a gf in the first place, only a matter of time before you display your autism and she notices

She's seen my autism. She rejects the idea that I have anything wrong with me. I keep telling her though. She's here to stay, and I'm here to find a technological exploit to make her not feel insecure

straight people are faggots

Women are a meme.
Spoiled pieces of shit that will divorce you and take your kids after they find someone better, because they can always do better than you.

No one cares about your normie problems tbqh

Are you literally me?

lol possibly.

install gentoo

I cannot fathom this feel, I literally can't go more than a few hours without sending my gf a text, even if it's just about nothing


Fuck sakes if she werent pretty I wouldve ended it already

Dump her, she's fast becoming your 2nd mom. Imagine what hell your kids will be going through?

But in lieu of you growing a spine -- just set-up a cronjob that texts her canned messages very 2-8 hours, depending on how much of a push-over you are.

Just dump her, paranoid bitches are never worth it, and I'm being serious.

So the thread consensus is > Install Gentoo > setup a cronjob ?

Dump her you beta cuck

Work on yourself so you'll attract healthy women and be able to dump your gf

Besides the installing Gentoo part I agree 100%

But remember user for some reason relationships are all about the girl no matter what

I wish I could just end it but I feel really bad

How to do setup a crontob that texts from your phone number, what script or program does that

>she's fast becoming your 2nd mom
Not OP but isn't this a good thing?

Just write your own app.

>deserve a gf
that moment when virgins will realize that a girlfriend isn't some high goal to aspire to they will have greater chances of not being virgins anymore

>Women are a meme.
this is some peak Sup Forums right here

>tldr: I picked a shitty parter but I'm too scared to let her go because I'm a loser who can't pick up a woman who isn't a needy cunt. But it's ok, I'll just trick her in order not to put up with her bullshit :^).

My friend does the checking every minute, even when we are playing games in ranked mode. He destroys our fun but we don't blame him.

ITT: Bitter virgins who have never experienced true love. OP is a fag also. If you don't want to spend every waking moment talking and being with her, she isn't the one.

This. Sup Forums is a breeding ground for these types of people though since most of them are even more socially retarded than your average Sup Forums shitposter

This may be relevant


Do you use Telegram?
install this and set a cronjob

>using the smiley with a carat nose

>using the using the smiley with a carat nose

>implying "her" existence

Well, this thread went to shit. Good.

>If you don't want to spend every waking moment talking and being with her, she isn't the one.
assessing value of talking to you
no value detected.
continuing with my day.

>implying it wasnt shit all along


>If you don't want to spend every waking moment talking and being with her, she isn't the one.

Not OP but I've got the same problem. It isn't about not wanting to spend every waking moment with her, it's about not wanting to spend every waking moment staring into your phone screen sending inane messages that are no replacement for real life interaction.




Just text her more and be happy that you have a girlfriend you can text with. Because majority of people here on Sup Forums don't have girlfriend/wife/whatever to text with.

Just be happy and enjoy your relationship. That's why we humans make and maintain our relationships because it makes (and others) feel better and it brings us enjoyment.

Also you might want to consider your life priorities again.

t: Married oldfag with 2 kids and wife who was in somewhat similar situation once...


>with 2 kids
Have you checked that they are yours?

Women are fucking annoying, holy shit. I would literally tell her to fuck off.


>My girlfriend

Thanks oldanon

Most of Sup Forums:
>Fuck I wish I had a girlfriend, even a trap would be fine!

>Fuck I wish my girlfriend would stop asking me to talk to her on a regular basis. It's almost as if she thinks a romantic relationship is based on regular communication. I know, I'll make a bot to talk to her so I don't have to.

What is this retarded thread? I'm going back to the cripple board.

>relationshipfags are this cucked

Just set it up in your calendar... You might go to and see if you can use the sms stuff there.

>My girlfriend is upset that I don't check in with her frequently enough
That sucks man, I really hate the idea of texting desu, I only text when I need to her inform her of something or ask to buy stuff. I prefer to communicate with an actual keyboard too, I hate those tiny fucking keypads even blackberries are shit to me.

Setting up an sms bot is romantic and the girls like the attention. As long as there are enough canned messages and even variations in the times it is sent.

>letting your gf decide your life for you

Just tell her (1) you value your alone time; (2) you will reply when you actually want to talk to her and not out of social obligation; (3) if she doesn't like it, she can pack her things and leave because there are other non-clingy women in this world.

And don't forget the (3). It's the (3) that really makes your will be done.

fuck that noise user
i hate being on my phone but bitch wants to just talk for hours every single day like calm down

user, it's not hard. You can be fairly autistic and have a gf. You just have to be born not fucked, unlike you. You're hopeless.

You can sent message on Line using sms/mail so my bot does just that. dunno about other messengers.

no, I don't have a solution to your problem but

>this thread still existing

Tfw I text my gf all the time but we're pretty quiet when together in a non-awkward way


Just give her good ass shattering rapings instead of compiling shitty apps with your dickhole

Write a script to text her after a random amount of time

I could do it in Android easily


You asked for it user

kys yourself.

OP here. Kind of envy you... still would rather less phone obligation.

So could I, but I lack the experience and knowledge to include support for multiple platforms like messenger, kik, discord, and whatever else ---which is the real catch because I don't actually have phone service right now and we don't use email to talk to each other. So I need it to support these platforms, time staggering and message banking

This is the most autistic post on Sup Forums atm.

>> something I don't like is successful... it's probably retarded
You know this is the mentality that keeps you from growing past the mental age of 12

If you don't care about your girlfriend enough to pull out your fucking phone and send her a text maybe she should find someone else.