Had open wifi because in the middle of nowhere

>had open wifi because in the middle of nowhere
>suddenly get 300-500ms+ latency spikes
>3-10mbit+ usage up and down every couple of seconds
>put wifi password on
>it stops

the fuck brehs im freaking out

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ur gettin rekt in ur net m8

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck im freaaaaaaaaaaaaking ouuuuuuuuuuuut

>had open wifi for years
>disabled dhcp and put mac address filtering
>never been hacked

brehs like how is the possible?

the nearest house is over a 1km away!?

Look up marine wifi antennaes. They're made to pick up WiFi at long distances and your router just happened to be open. Now the guy's probably disappointed he's not getting free WiFi anymore lmao.

problem is the usage wasnt consistent it was small bursts

the fk

>live in student residency
>cable to my room broke
>owner too lazy to fix it
>find that some neighbour has an open network
>enter network, log into router with default credentials
>set password
>set up mac filtering
>owner locked out of their own network

top kek

If there are no obstacles, it's really possible.

Sly plane. The government was on your network.

No dhcp means other users can't connect and get a free internal IP for free.
Mac address means all except the devices he own will be blocked

Pringles can bitch, do you even Mr. Robot?

yeah im on top of a hill but even if i go stand outside with my phone or laptop or whatever the wifi signal is really weak like 15m+ away from the router which is inside

the fuck

"Monitoring Wi-Fi... never fail"

If you want to share it out you need to get a router with QoS capability. Anything that supports ddwrt should have it.

Heh i have ddwrt on it

Then just set his mac to a static ip and then throttle him down to like 56k or something.

Here. youtu.be/EjCb5P302Ms

nah i have shared folders on the network fuck that

As i said im in the middle of nowhere

heavy trees behind me as well

Most systems password protect shares so your probably ok there unless you've set it up otherwise.

The hack is coming from inside your house. I suggest you go into your basement with a rifle and search it thoroughly. Go outside and build a 10 feet tall fence around your house, and set up turrets on your porch that fire upon any movement. Good luck OP, you're gonna need it.