Windows is fucking horrible. How can normalfags put up with this shit?
I need a Windows VM for work and the more I use Windows the more I hate it.
Windows is fucking horrible. How can normalfags put up with this shit?
when you have a low IQ you can't imagine any alternatives and when you look over linux wikis your head spins and it all seems like confusing gobbledigook
Is Finland freedom respecting with internet/tech laws?
I know there's a Finn here somewhere
You know HOI4 works on GNU/Linux, right?
when you need to use wikis to figure out how to use your operating system
>put windows on desktop to see if I miss something
>fucking shit just sits there and won't let me do anything
All my applications and the stuff I use daily are irreplaceable. And the smoothness I get can't be done on windows.
Is 2017, all applications are on GNU/Linux, windows is dead.
What if all I do is Games what would be great reasons to switch to Linux ?
You are already implying "Linux no gaymes". This is bait.
art programs suck on linux, gimp is gimped
So I'd be able to play my GAMES on Linux I usually play through steam and origin
Microsoft shitposting commando came, time to shut it down boys.
I don't play vidya at work user
what do you mean freedom respecting?
when the alternative is using an unusable os i think that sounds like a pretty good thing
You would need that even more with Windows. A more non-intuitive and difficult os to use than Windows 10 is hard to imagine
>I need a Windows VM for work
>Linux is useless for games
>Linux is useless for work unless your work is keeping a server running
Desktop Linux is literally a shitposting machine, that's why 9 out of 10 NEETs swear by it
That's a penis.
they say f*****d is the #1 country in tech
Muh angry birds
Games aside, Finland is contributing well in tech field, many great world-wide known inventions. Like heart-rate monitor, irc, sms and linux for example.
We have cheap, fast and uncapped internet, and it's not monitored. You can pirate and do pretty much anything online and no one gives a shit, but just because you can doesn't mean you should.
i only use it because muh gayms
tapu tapu
>b-but I also watch anime in le based mpv and write python helloworlds in emacs, user
as a long-year windows user I had to look things up or ask more adept people many, many times.
Well I'm definitely not a normalfag, but honestly I've been using windows for a very long time and it just doesn't bother me anymore. I've also got a usb so I can boot into my Mint distro whenever I feel like it if I need that sort of freedom (or if I feel like being a total jackass, I can boot into my own version of suse lol).
Otherwise here's what I'm going to need on a daily basis:
>Adobe Photoshop
>Adobe Illustrator
>Adobe Bridge
>FL Studio
>Virtual DJ
And that's just if I'm working, don't even get me started about games support. If you can find a way to run all of these programs on Linux, then please let me know because I would switch over in a heartbeat. However, for my own sake, I don't run 10, but I still run my version of win 7. However, the GUI elements of win 10 are so much nicer imo. God that windowing system makes me rock hard.
This. Linux gui is horrible no matter how much you rice it. This is why i run Windows 10 and for any programming work, I tunnel into my handy dandy headless Raspberry Pi.
Winland, ebin!