Pic says it all

Pic says it all.

I'm more of a vim guy myself

Honestly that does look pretty comfy. Nowadays most word processors try to do too much. Except for the open source ones though. I wish they'd do more.

that looks ugly as balls

>mfw I wrote papers in high school using similar software
My oh my how time flies when you live with your parents.

>Nowadays most word processors try to do too much.

I cant help but feel like open source word processors just try to clone MS' software instead of just being good word processors

btw when's her next blacked episode?

I can do the same in nano

I use notepad++ as a word processor. I just need something that looks black so my eyes don't hurt after hours of typing.

I'm a writer.

>not wordperfect


install Q10

pretty comfy font, op

Fuck that's comfy

I'm going to find a Sublime theme that emulates that at work tomorrow

>tfw writing thesis in MS Word
>121 pages and undo is unbearably slow
>crashes are starting to happen
Jesus Christ how can people stand this shit? I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't have to hand in as .docx with some very precise formatting requirements

You realize you could just write it on fucking anything else and then open the file in Word and format it after you're done

Well, fuck. I didn't think of that and now it's too late.

How are you even alive

I don't know, but I have a master's degree from the UK in law now?

Do you have the death penalty there


that's what you get for using msbloat

you all niggers won't ever experience the awe of going from word perfect 5.0 to 6.0

My parents didn't buy software at the dollar store, no


WordPerfect was better tbqh.

WordGrinder > WordStar > MS Word for DOS

how the fuck do you chink customize your gui and or shell like that?

CSS please

Top kek, please be real.


lel, olde tyme dialog box lingo

You can change the fontface on that shit?