Have you installed AdNauseam yet? Are you helping us slay the big evil Google, Sup Forums? This thread will be full of shills who will claim this is doing nothing to Google... but they're just doing damage control for the big brother. In reality, fake traffic is killing Google and is destroying the trust between them and advertisers. Destroy the trust and you've destroyed Google's ability to make Billions and censor the web. When you send random fake clicks, you're destroying the value of thier data and their ability to train their algos to target innocent people.
So if you haven't already, install AdNauseam and run it. If you have been running it, tell us how many dollars have you cost this pure fucking evil.
>Google and Its Partners Will Issue Refunds to Advertisers Over Fake Traffic >Company says several major online ad ‘exchanges’ have agreed to cooperate >Alphabet Inc.’s Google confirmed Thursday it will issue refunds for ads bought through its systems that ran on websites with fake traffic, and said a handful of its partners have agreed to do the same.
Adnauseam is a dishonestly advertised botnet shilled by a samefag group of Discord ludites who cite an article about pajeet clickfarms that they falsely attribute to their meme virus. The assertion that they work in packs is evidenced by the appearance of these threads on many different chans almost at the same time and often with the same wording. Similarly, they self-bump with their own pasta and fake "Tell me more" posts to give the illusion that the real anons support their botnet.
What's critically important to know is that these nu/g/ faggots will try to undermine your concerns about the unavoidable tcp/ip pings you send Google while running Adnauseam by insinuating that you are a Google employee who is incidentally browsing a Vietnamese mudpainting image board at the same time they are. Either that or you are a small business neet who runs adsense and are so insensed by the .3 pennies you theortically could lose that you would lie about basic Network-layer protocols in order to shut down a meme add-on. Not to mention that every clicked ad is saved IN MEMORY for you to view. Believe it or not, this is a point of pride for the adnauseam shill, "Show me your ads, user!" If I were Google and I wanted people who used adblockers to actually look at my ads, adnauseam would be exactly what I'd invest in.
>What if these guys are just retards who mean well? Any idea that adnauseam shills have your best interest at heart goes out the window once you suggest to them any modicum of responsible behavior. Advise that users proceed with caution and use a VPN and the pack will REEE like you have never seen before. If this doesn't illustrate loud and clear that there's something fishy going on, I don't know what will.
Do not harm your freedoms with this Google pinging placebo and just block javascript. Now, watch this pack of adnauseam faggots call me a shill for unmasking them, and shout "ITS WORKING THE GOOGLE IS MAD XD".
Samuel Parker
Matthew Fisher
Hunter Wood
Google/Adtech shill playbook:
>It does not work, the ads are designed to be clicked and you will never do any damage to Google.
>It is also illegal to click on ads you do not buy.
>It is also a scam to benefit Google's competitors.
>It is also illegal hacking because you are making fake clicks when you did not actually press the mouse button.
>It is also a Jewish propaganda because it is for Google to monitor you ads so they can police your questionable political ideas.
>It is also a paid shill shilling for it because Google is paying for it.
>It is also terrorism because you are sending too many clicks and the adverts cannot take all the clicking.
>It is also a false campaign to make people fall for it and it is a scam.
>It is literally a suicide if you click on the ads with adnausememe because it is just like terrorists.
>If you click on the ads more than you can afford you are actually benefitting Google and make them money because the money comes from advertisers who paid for the clicks.
>It is also against the rule of Sup Forums to promote a plug in. Because advertisement is not allowed and you should not click on it.
>If any of you click on the adverts I will call Google police and they will hack your IP address and make you delete your adnausememe because it is illegal software. And a scam.
James Roberts
There's nothing in that list about the fact that it phones home to Google. Jew. Because none of you Sup Forumstards understand network protocol doesn't mean everyone else who DOESN'T want to sign up for your botnet is out to get you.
Isaiah Long
>Jew reverse psychology. nice try.
Jacob Sullivan
>it phones home to Google Which part of "data obfuscation" do you not understand? That is exactly how it works. It phones Google until they don't want it anymore and it keeps calling and calling. Why so mad if you can't even understand how it works?
You should have degoogled yourself either way.
Samuel Kelly
>Do you think a few people running it will make any impact? Of course not, that is exactly why everyone needs to download it.
This is the only thing in the world right now which has the power to kill Google. It may not be doing much today, that could be true, but remember that anyone can download and run this thing. That is the key different between this and a click farm somewhere in a village. A click farm does not have the capacity to grow exponentially and completely destroy the advert giant. This thing absolutely can.
And when it does, Google dies. This is a cultural war of changing the way people block ads as well as a technical one of spreading it. This is something we can all be part of, from small numbers, to big numbers, but it begins with each single one of us. So when you say it does not work, of course it does, you just need to be part of it. Install AdNauseam and join the fight. Altogether we kill Google.
Eli Diaz
disclaimer: ive used adnauseum for months now
i use it purely for obfuscation and not to "kill google" or whatever
im wondering what peoples' thoughts are on legitimately good services that cant possibly exist without ads
most video oriented services (twitch or youtube) are expensive on infrastructure and aren't even profitable as is. if clicks became less valuable (because tracking users became less reliable or whatever), it seems like it will be less likely for newer services operating on a free model to ever be made
tdlr: how to balance autistic paranoia vs killing the major profit model for 95% of the internet
Charles Clark
You equate Google with 95% of the internet. Simply wrong.
You equate this as killing the advert industry, also wrong. This kills one specific advert model. It does not stop people from normally clicking ads and buying stuff. Adverts existed before the internet. Google turned the advert into spyware and turned you into the product. There is no paranoia, just facts.
To say services cannot run because the ads are not profitable enough, that is paranoia.
James Lewis
almost all sites are dependent on ads and almost all ads are tracked.
Sebastian Morris
Any settings in about:config that stop ads from showing up? Getting hardly any ads and on a fresh FF profile it finds 34 on a forbes page but when I add my user.js to this profile it only gets 1
Jaxon Thompson
The targets are not happy with the current solution to the financial support problem, I don't have to convince you since you yourself admit to not liking some aspect of it, be it adverts, tracking, something else, or some combination.
It's unfair in favor of the marketers and their clients, the targets get the bad end of the deal. We already have alternative ways of supporting people and new methods are popping up, regardless of anything the death of this unfair model would inevitably bring a better solution, even if people get hurt in the transition, although collateral damage is not necessary, a painless transition to a new model is totally possible.
The obvious alternatives are subscriptions (been around forever, work fine for most), donations (flattr, patreon, direct payments, et al.), Hashcash 2.0 (these cryptocurrency miners), and the best one is distribution hosting solutions (lower, distribute, or even eliminate costs).
It does not matter which of these (or something new) prevails but the market must be shaken up since more and more people seem upset with the current model while nothing else is being tried, the only ones that are happy now are those being paid, the other side feels exploited and/or rightfully paranoid.
Asher Green
Adnauseam clicks all ads, not just Google ads
Dylan Morris
This shit needs to stay on Sup Forums, they are never technology related they're just FUCK GOOGLE KEKS SJWS etc.
Caleb Martinez
I'm having so much fun laughing at shills.
Hudson Jones
The shills are still there, thread after thread.
I love it. They push back so hard, it must be very effective.
Cameron Taylor
Typical Sup Forums >you're a shill
Fuck off back to your containment board you cancer
James Collins
Do you think clicking on ads destroys your profiling? Sup Forumstards are so dumb
Cooper Morgan
>They push back so hard, it must be very effective. This. The fear is how I know it's working, it's something to witness.
Asher King
i dont even know who's falseflagging what
Ian Morgan
Not an argument, shill.
John Bailey
Clicking on every ad, yes. If you were google, how would you stop adnauseum users? You have several options, and one of them is blacklisting those that produce data that's too noisy; IE, adnausium users, so that they stop generating statistics for their advertising machine.
Colton Phillips
>You have several options, and one of them is blacklisting those that produce data that's too noisy; IE, adnausium users, so that they stop generating statistics for their advertising machine. Except you can change settings in AdNauseam to click only on X% of the ads.
Google can't see us, and they're so fucking mad they're trying to ban the addon.
Dylan Bennett
I bet you use other Google services, hell, they even gather data from your gmail. And do you think a multi billion company can't figure out an algorithm to filter out noisy data?
Noah Roberts
>there are several people per thread devoting their time to bailing out their sinking ship instead of building a new one or jumping to another one I almost feel bad, but they need to adapt or die, throwing a tantrum is not going to help you at all.
Gavin Murphy
>18 replies after two hours Yeah, I can tell their desperation
Dominic Gray
Thanks for helping my case.
Cooper Bell
>Run this once a day to destroy AdSense: jsfiddle.net/codefag/3t9r045q/ You may want to suppress the "Referer" HTTP header in your browser. It would be trivial for Google to ignore anything that it sees coming from that page
Jason Jones
You can't filter out noise. Think about it like this; it's like filtering milk from tea. You can't do it.
Hunter Evans
>data obfuscation Nice buzzwords. As expected of a mouth breething brainlet. In your own words, explain to me what happens when someone makes an xmlhttp request to a server, and use all the OSI layers in your explaination. Its beginner CS material, you should know it. I mean, you're on this board because you're genuinely interested in technology and you aren't a shill or anything.
Dominic James
>all that retardation packed with all that sincerity
Lucas Butler
Austin Reed
Posting in a shill thread.
Ethan Hernandez
>You may want to suppress the "Referer" HTTP header in your browser How? Pls teach me senpai.
Joseph Jones
>running something that LOADS ads and their malicious js my little Sup Forumsturd can't be this stupid
Adam Harris
>OSI layers >beginner CS material
Tech support detected. CS doesn't give a fuck about the OSI model.
Kayden Richardson
Nobody has explained to me why loading malicious JS would ever be a problem if it's not being interpreted. This sound like the equivalent of downloading malware and not executing it, where is the threat?
People posted images with embedded scripts in them all the time on this very site and it was never a problem until people executed it manually on purpose.
Jacob Gomez
Depends on your browser, but either there will be an option to remove HTTP referer or a plugin to suppress it for you
Kayden Robinson
that guy is just a shill spreading FUD.
Nolan Powell
To put it simply, if you upload some virus to a computer constructed by aliens from outer space, it wouldn't work because the alien computer don't run JS.
Lucas Gutierrez
daily reminder that OP is a shill
saged and reported
Logan Miller
In other news, Google hires 1000 SJW to mass produce fake news: archive.is/RLKRw
Bentley Cook
>Le botnet ML deep filtering traffic
Hereby I challenge everyone in this thread to create shill filter for Sup Forums, so that I only read legit posts
Samuel Rivera
autistic google will break ww3 in their hissyfit they can't mindcontrol people
Angel Martin
There is a board called Reddit where you can choose an echo chamber to be in and not worry about any noise from the outside. I highly recommend it, it is a very safe space. Just Google it.
Alexander Campbell
They sold their robots to the Japanese, so no terminators to fight anymore.
Jaxson Hall
HA, bullshit, OSI is a large part of Networking 1
Grayson Powell
Guys is it retarded to run codefag's script when logged into my google account on chrome ? I'm not interested in destroying google, just want to spoof my interests jsfiddle.net/codefag/3t9r045q/
Hunter Martinez
so you agree it is way too hard, thought so
Benjamin Edwards
Thank you for this
Jordan Reed
Yes, remember to upvote everything and downvote everything else.
Luke Stewart
> 11% of users use adblock > 0.1% of users use AdNauseam
Sup Forums in its finest
Isaac Hall
how is blocking JS better for google than this shit plugin, dumbass?
Joshua Robinson
Doesn't work with Waterfox and Firefox ESR either.
Mason Hall
Reminder to choose your ADN settings according to your goal
>At the right extreme, when all ads are clicked, there is a higher likelihood the adversary will infer the use of AdNauseam and may choose to discard all click data from the user in question. In this case personal protection may be achieved as the user is no longer profiled, but there is no immediate gain in social protection.
>At the extreme left, the tool’s clicks are undetectable (as there are none), and AdNauseam then functions like a standard blocker, simply blocking and hiding ads.
Jason Reed
Anthony Cooper
>I bet you use other Google services no i don't faggot
Blake Miller
they need ads to bait customers, but they dont need specifically an internet ads for this
Leo Martinez
>11% use adblock >google doesnt give a fuck >few people started using adnau >immediately banned from chrome and palecuck
Oliver Powell
blocking doesnt harm google, you just dont exists in their statistics
Lincoln Taylor
> Shilling AdNauseam for obfuscation, Not shilling TrackMeNot.
TrackMeNot is developed by the same people as AdNauseam.
Has an options to do random google searches in a separate tab. Combine that with AdNauseam.
These two are made to be used together.
Levi Jackson
can i use custom list of keywords to search?
Carson Robinson
Don't know, I just use default settings and call it a day
Ryan Gutierrez
>being this retarded He's talking about websites that rely on getting paid to host ads, retard.
Julian Wood
so google, im ok with them all dying.theres literally not a single reason why some random timmy should ever care about these companies, no matter if its huge or a small company
Blake Sanchez
Also Sup Forums, twitch, most news sites etc. Almost every website relies on ads at least partially.
Colton Cruz
once google is dead, this site can go to hell as well
Aiden Torres
Good, there's no shortage of websites that will adapt to the new order. Let the old boring stagnant shitholes die.
Wyatt Young
Why does running a VPN change AdNauseam Zealots' stance? I have never seen this happening.
Noah Jackson
Sup Forums will change Sup Forums pass to subscription model, monthly fee
Aaron Nelson
reminder that adnau is at least 3 years old at this point and it hasn't made a dent
Easton Bennett
less than 1000 people were using it last month, its around 20k now, thanks to that google report
Easton Moore
>Sup Forums without ad blockers : ads >Sup Forums with adnauseam : no ads, no ads detected, no ads clicked what the fug?
Ryan White
adnau is sponsored by hiroshima, also that jew who created it browses pol
Hunter Gutierrez
>Do you think a few people running it will make any impact? Of course not, that is exactly why everyone needs to download it.
This is the only thing in the world right now which has the power to kill Google. It may not be doing much today, that could be true, but remember that anyone can download and run this thing. That is the key different between this and a click farm somewhere in a village. A click farm does not have the capacity to grow exponentially and completely destroy the advert giant. This thing absolutely can.
And when it does, Google dies. This is a cultural war of changing the way people block ads as well as a technical one of spreading it. This is something we can all be part of, from small numbers, to big numbers, but it begins with each single one of us. So when you say it does not work, of course it does, you just need to be part of it. Install AdNauseam and join the fight. Altogether we kill Google.
In the grand scheme of things, it is a giant system with a very large feed-back loop, so time must be allowed for the slow pace everything seems to be happening at. But fear not, as the user base grow and grow and we have more data to work with, we will steadily spread, and it won't be obvious until we reach some critical point where it becomes unstoppable by anyone.
Google knows this too well and that is why the suppression is unreal. The browser blocks, the damage control press releases, and the constant disproportionate amount of shilling, the auto-refund schemes... all of these are simply what it is - damage control of a dying animal.
Angel Russell
It's almost as if adnauseum actually stops people from serving you ads. They stop tracking you because the extension is just sending them fake data, they stop serving you ads because you can't be trusted to not fake clicking on them, and they opt you out of the botnet because you have nothing valuable worth collecting.
Nathaniel Sullivan
Hello goolag employee
Easton Young
Why though? What has Google done to you?
Brayden Peterson
raped my mother
Daniel Diaz
Lol the goolag shills in full force
Luis Reed
They are the future skynet
David Nelson
Is it normal that I don't see any google ads in the ad vault?
Matthew James
>google ads it doesn't say "google" even if it is google
Kayden Williams
I just don't like the G letter.
Off you go shill
Aiden Richardson
I can distinguish google ads from malicious and clickbait ads
Adam Foster
what websites are you even visiting?
Christopher Baker
this east-european stamp collecting forum, jewtube and some forums mainly
Xavier Rodriguez
worse than nazis
it is explained in the whitepaper, if you click 100% of the ads it will essentially opt you out of advertising, which is one of the goals. Clicking 0% of the ads makes adn a simple adblocker. Somewhere in between it is a tool to protest
>A second reason for clicking, as opposed to simply blocking, is that AdNauseam seeks concurrently to achieve the goal of expressive resistance to tracking through protest. And since protest generally involves being vocal, AdNauseam’s design seeks to give voice to users. Rather than enacting privacy as concealment, AdNauseam provides a means for users to express, in plain sight, their dissent by disrupting the dominant model of commercial surveillance.
Julian Thomas
>Additionally we have applied the principle of data minimization to our ad export feature, which allows users to export their aggregate ad collection (as JSON) in order to sync or migrate between machines, to backup, or to share.
anyone wants to share his rare ads?
Oliver Torres
Is adnauseam open source ? If so, has somebody in here checked whether it's safe or not ? Yesterday I've had a minor incident which I believe was caused by adnau - logged into my evernote account, couldn't display notes, when logged again via chrome I've noticed that the notes which were opened in FF with adnau were empty, however they weren't supposed to be and modified date was corresponding with the time when I opened my notes with FF.
Am I retarded or is adnau a fucking malware ?
Bentley Brooks
Oliver Collins
>I believe I believe you are retarded
Mason Peterson
Then how is it possible that my notes were magically modified without my interaction ?
Carter Allen
its out for 3 years already, shills just screech this shit all the time but not a single one can point to a line with malware, it just isnt
Robert Rivera
I love these threads. It's getting emotional and aggressive very fast and this simple fact shows that there are powers working. Probably Google shits its pants and really has its shills here. KEK
Logan Scott
This is the only thing in the world right now which has the power to kill Google.
It may not be doing much today, that could be true, but remember that anyone can download and run this thing. That is the key different between this and a click farm somewhere in a village. A click farm does not have the capacity to grow exponentially and completely destroy the advert giant. This thing absolutely can.
And when it does, Google dies.
Jose Ross
very well but has somebody checked its source code ? the fact that it's been here for some time already does not mean that it is safe you know
>inb4 shill fuck off, if you can't provide any proof whatsoever that your little modified adblocker isn't an NSA spyware then you might as well kys