I want to learn how to use fl studio, anybody have any tutorial or class recommendations?
FL Studio
Lookup frankjavcee on youtube
Decent tutorials on YouTube aren't hard to come by.
I've seen relatively good tutorials by Mr. Bill but he only does Ableton. You may learn quite a lot from his stuff though, even if you only use FL studio.
Thanks, i'll check these out for sure
also consider using LMMS as a free replacement until you're familiar with it, unless you have FLS for free already. They have essentially the same (though I'll admit FLS is more visually pleasing) layout
If you can't learn this turd you shouldn't be making music anyway. Not like fruity loops is music
Just stop
YouTube, or go in blind and make some garbage out of presets
Learn what effects do what sounds, and how to edit audio samples to repurpose them
And learn the fucking keyboard shortcuts
Why does FL Studio have to be so ugly? It's an inconsistent mess. Gives me fucking eye cancer.
Looks pretty damn consistent to me
Wow that looks sexy nowadays desu
That picture is Ableton, not FL Studio.
How long until they remove session mode entirely, thus alienating the 80% of users who are just fuccbois wanting to play the latest songs from itunes using a DAW to look cool
Yeah i saw the filename because I can read
Why do people bother shilling this? It's completely subpar to mainstream options and people learning a DAW can use the free trial or pirate until they decide to purchase it.
use ableton instead
watch for shadowick productions. don't know if he does fl studio because he does a lot of stuff. cool guy, explained everything for NI Massiv what anyone else would sell for money
Ableton is trash,piano roll make me wanna puke.
Hmmm but that midi roll with the waveform on each note in OP is a nicer alternative?
That’s not a piano roll. It’s a Melodyne style pitch corrector.
Hexadecimal note entry is where it's at
I'm not talking about newtone or the 99% of vsts working the exact same way as a midi roll
>13,059's of truth
What do people think about Reaper?
how is fl studio's better?
just learn Renoise, real men sequence vertically
Buy The FL Studio Bible. It's worth it.
LMMS is shit. I tried using it for years and it's simply not worth the effort. It tries to be FL Studio but it's just a shitty cheap knock off.
Live looks dull as shit.
Nothing these days looks as good as the old DAW's.
lmao that dude just got trolled
lmfao i can't
They were ugly as fuck, you're just nostalgic.
And Abletons dullness is very comfy for working on it for hours, at least for to me.
Nah, not nostalgic at all. I came from having a 100% hardware based studio in my apartment. Made the transition to software shit better and it made the most logical sense.
Thankfully a lot of VST's still keep with that motif.
SeamlessR does some decent videos. I wouldn't recommend his sound design videos for anything other than the technical info.
This guy has really good tutorials, hope it helps!
Press F1
good choice. flstudio is underrated and ableton is supremely overrated and geared towards edgy hipsters
Goddamn FL Studio is looking ugly as of late. But yeah, tutorials are going to be out there everywhere. However, one tutorial you can't get is synth creation. Now, of course, you can use tutorials for making specific sounds, but imo it's always been much better to "play by ear" in that respect. Once you get ingrained with the fundamentals of synthesizer creation with a plugin as varied as Harmor or Sytrus, you'll never want to go back.
Also, I HIGHLY recommend using the "stock" VST's, because you never know if a VST you import into FL studio is going to let you use control envelopes for "knobs". Honestly every sound you could ever want can be done with a few plugins, unless if you want VST's to make very specific sounds, such as Massive for the wobbles (which actually have some decent support for control envelopes) or some other very expensive VST's for synthesizing real instruments.
>open fl studio
>want to recreate a melody from a favorite song
>open piano roll
>I don't even know music notation
>never get the sound or the tempo right
>close fl studio
shoulda taken band in middle/high school kiddo
oh and btw I'm the same poster as , but if you don't know music, you should highly consider importing MIDI of that favourite song, whatever that is. That'll get you the melody you want.
Thing is I'd like to recreate it myself on piano roll.
I think that would be a good skill to learn and I'd have fun, but oh well.
>Also, I HIGHLY recommend using the "stock" VST's, because you never know if a VST you import into FL studio is going to let you use control envelopes for "knobs".
There's a menu option to Automate Last Tweaked Control. I think it's under Tools or something. I just wish it was easier to use because I use it all the time for stuff you can't right-click to automate, like most VSTs.
Live looks disgusting
tried both fl studio, and ableton live, but renoise is right up my alley