What happened to software efficiency?

What happened to software efficiency?
While trying browsers, I gave Opera a shot (with a few extensions), and it is using nearly 900Mb of RAM.
900Mb for a fucking browser.

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It's such a terrible causation to make another cute anime girl sad. I will be your savior OP

Welcome to the 21st century where ram, processing power, and storage are no longer at a premium! But instead of continuing trying to keep applications relatively efficient, they just let them bloat up and up because programmers are lazy!

with 3 addons(one is tampermonkey with 10 scripts) and 6 pages

The bureaucracy will expand to meet the expanding needs of the bureaucracy.

Programs are ecosystems now. Codebases are written with a fuckton of different languages importing a fuckton of libraries so there's a bunch of unused shit because:

1. Devs are lazy
2. Devs that aren't lazy cost more
3. There is only a finite amount of money to pay devs with
4. Increasingly powerful hardware means the difference in lazy code vs not-lazy code is minimal


unused ram is wasted ram.

>wanting to run at 100% ram usage all the time

nice autistic stuttering dude

I'm guessing they have to allocate a ton of memory from the OS in a pool to deal with memory fragmentation in some shitty half working garbage collector that slowly got patched into the browser since manual memory allocation is too fucking hard.

>in some shitty half working garbage collector that slowly got patched into the browser since manual memory allocation is too fucking hard
this is not 2008. gcs in javascript engines are crazy advanced now

And how do you make a GC fast when the design is shit and plays poorly with the rest of the browser? You malloc/new a fuck ton of memory.

>And how do you make a GC fast? You malloc/new some memory.

>gcs in javascript engines are crazy advanced now
user, I...

wow you sure convinced me

You can't just malloc/new and free/delete every time. You have to build a pool. What C and C++ programmers forget is that malloc and new are expensive as fuck.

developers nolonger see themselves as haviing to be responsible or accountable.
Because you bought 8-64GB of ram they assume its a-ok for them to USE 8-64GB of ram, because thats what its there for right? Its not like youre doing anything else.

They used to know this. A lot of old programs (which also expected to have to deal with DOS memory limits and shit) would try to malloc() all the memory they expected to use soon after starting execution. If they got it they wouldn't allocate anymore, if they didn't they'd exit with an insufficient-memory message.

Best way I've heard it put is that once upon a time computer time was more expensive than developer time, and then computers got cheaper and developers got more expensive.

>Best way I've heard it put is that once upon a time computer time was more expensive than developer time
I believe youre talking about soviet era computer science where they had to make their code as efficient as possible to get as much of their own work done in the cycle allotted to them, and that is why soviet/russian programmers are regarded as "so good"

What do you expect from CHROME

Sounds pretty good to me. You can still run it on the shitty orange pi zero with 256MB RAM.

What are you talking about? That sounds like the majority of video games on the planet. You load all assets during the loading screens. You do not use dynamic allocation during the game loop except to dynamically load assets in open world games like GTA et al.

w3c is to blame. Every single web standard is a pile of bloat and browser vendors are forced to implement in full to be compliant. On top of that, the web standards are so bad that no developer wants to interact with them directly so they resort to using third party frameworks like React, adding more layers of bloat.

Im talking about soviet era computer science.
They didnt have the money for many computers and the stuff they had was very outdated. Inorder to not have 20 guys overload a machine they all had to optimize fucking everything.

Remember when IE was the only "bad guy" and Firefox was everybody's savior? You could simply download firefox knowing it was safer and faster.

Good times, now everything is trash, including firefox.

>programmers are lazy
Code your own shit then.

My 20GB of RAM laughs at OP
>Also, I use Opera Presto

>programs require more and more ram to run properly
>ram prices per GB keep increasing year after year even though manufacturing costs are decreasing



using free ram is good. it probably loads some kind of preloaded things faster because of that

Browsers could be more efficient but understand that the browser is much heavier today than it was in the days of Netscape.

A browser has a virtual machine to run JavaScript as well as a parsing and rendering engine for html and css.

Now look at how content heavy most websites are and you'll see where your nearly 1GB of RAM is going.

Next install adblock and noscript and you may see a slight drop in RAM usage but now you're using extensions.

The browser is an operating system unto itself. Why are you surprised that its consuming the majority of your resources?

I hope so! I hope all the software goes to shit and they once again need to hire those well versed in C, assembler, and computer science fundamentals.

>A browser has a virtual machine to run JavaScript
this was a mistake

>Firefox was everybody's savior?
That was opera. Firefox just copied them.
>Good times, now everything is trash, including firefox.
Thanks to google, ms and w3c.

>browser has a virtual machine to run JavaScript
>tfw javascript runs as a bytecode in your browser
