Music players

What is the best pc music player?
what does g/ use?

Other urls found in this thread:

spotify desktop

MusicBee for Windows
Lollypop for Gnome
Clementine for KDE

Is this the new meme? Is foobar old and busted now?

I don't use software because of memeing, so no. Don't use foobar since 2009.


Audacious everywhere

I have mpd running on an htpc connected to my sound system and I control it via ncmpcpp on my pc, MPDroid on my phone and guests can connect to my network and control it via a webinterface.


bee is comfy

foobar if you like to customize, musicbee if you don't

I use Clementine right now but Idk if I should switch to a terminal-based one or not


Why waste space? Just use vlc

Kys ifag

gayman pc: foobar2000
macbook: Vox

>new meme
Musicbee has been great for several years by now.


theme pleasE?

The only sane person in this thread. How's it feel to be a kin/g/ among trash?

ThresholdLight, it's in the Neutral folder.

Foobar or ncmpcpp if lincuck

What happened to the board.

Spotify desktop

AIMP is the only answer.

>the current state of Sup Forums

>Why waste space?
>Just use vlc

But user, that is wasting space.

Linux terminal mocp

musicbee a CUTE


Testing this out:
and i like it. It is in beta so there are some bugs

why not use both

because it doesn't ask to iimport files into library.
But it cannot play the few files I have in shitty wma format.

So I'm taking advice for player without library.
(Winamp is good but only usable in winshit mess)



get some taste kevin

enjoy not being able to disable wifi or bluetooth in the next MacOS update

'tunes on mac, acme+ffplay on unices or windows

I have the most flavor

Someone: did you listen to Taylor Swift's new song? Me, a punk: sorry i dont listen to shitty pop music i only listen toREALMUSIC and PUNK ROCK like Green Day

I will, thanks.

MusicBee is great for mass editing meta data

kill it with fire

ALl the people recommending garbage like iTunes and MusicBee etc. seem to have SHIT FUCKING NORMIE TASTE.

Sup Forums was a fucking mistake. I just want normalfags to leave.


the fuck you said about my taste []
>saying normalfag unironically


post your music collection

Sorry for respecting wamin

>all caps

I finished music years ago kid. I am post-music.

I'm currently reading through western canon.


Ricardo? I thought you were dead!


>greentexting unironically
Get the fuck out, shill.

Foobar 1.1.2
I don't know how old this version is


mods pls nuke the thread

Humanity actually finished that and moved on to music, video games and film series

No, isn't.
I use VLC for videos already, is it makes more sense to use for music too.

Customised Foobar2000.

can you remove this by any chance? I really don't need to be reminded what music player I'm using

Poweramp on Android
mpd on Linux
Musicbee on Windows

Rhythmbox is pretty comfy

MPD is the best.

So edgy

>not mpd + ncmpcpp


Still using winamp since always.

I just use mpv because it just werks

>Hey Sup Forums, didn't want to waste a post for this question.
I moved recently to gnu/linux and have a bunch of flacs which I want to reencode to opus 128-160kbps for my phone. Before I was using foobar's converter to do this, what software you recommend me to use Sup Forums?


I recommend beets with the convert plugin, but you can just use ffmpeg, too.

for i in *.flac;
do name=`echo $i | cut -d'.' -f1`;
ffmpeg -i "$i" -acodec libopus -b:a 128k "${name}.opus";