/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux

CloverOS GNU/Linux

Official homepage: cloveros.ga
Current ISO: cloveros.ga/s/CloverOS-x86_64-20170921.iso
Git: gitgud.io/cloveros/cloveros
Package count: 3025 cloveros.ga/s/packages.html
Official IRC channel: #cloveros on Rizon
GPG: 78F5 AC55 A120 07F2 2DF9 A28A 78B9 3F76 B8E4 2805
License: WTFPL
Mirrors: useast.cloveros.ga uswest.cloveros.ga fr.cloveros.ga uk.cloveros.ga nl.cloveros.ga
Current CFLAGS: CFLAGS="-Ofast -mmmx -mssse3 -pipe -funroll-loops -flto=8 -floop-block -floop-interchange -floop-strip-mine -ftree-loop-distribution"
Previous threads: warosu.org/g/?task=search2&search_subject=cloveros
Video: a.doko.moe/cngnzh.mp4
CloverOS memes: cloveros.booru.org
Validate ISO:

gpg --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-key "78F5 AC55 A120 07F2 2DF9 A28A 78B9 3F76 B8E4 2805"
wget cloveros.ga/s/signatures/s/CloverOS-x86_64-20170921.iso.asc
gpg --verify CloverOS-x86_64-20170921.iso.asc CloverOS-x86_64-20170921.iso

Other urls found in this thread:


first for GalliumOS :^)

need some more tablet applications. Arch wiki had a few, but I can't remember them off the top of my head.

I almost thought CloverOS is basically gentoo with binary packages


That's all it is, just Gentoo with /etc/portage/make.conf changed and packages installed

it is?

I meant about the minimalistic feature (being able to install the most basic things and dont have to install more)

It's pretty minimalistic, twm, no pulse, no systemD, xfe, and urvxt. Only heavy stuff would be firefox and gimp.

Mhm. I meant rather being able to use it on server or smth, where you dont need these graphical tweaks and stuff. I meant about something like what you get just right after fresh, basic install of gentoo

>no systemd
d r o p p e d

I use CloverOS as a server since it's basically Gentoo. I run LAMP on my thinkpad for testing webdev stuff, seeding, media server, and ssh server.

Are the more advanced packages working okay on it? Just asking. Really, if it's THAT good, probably gonna switch to it soon from my guntoo OS :D

advanced packages such as?

Eh. Systemd is trash but PulseAudio has actually started to become okay. What's your alternative? Just pure alsa+dmix or jack or something?

Sounds like installing CloverOS and doing emerge --unmerge $(cat /var/lib/portage/world}

Like FreeCAD or some heavy-dependency stuff.


If anything's not there, see if it's in here:


and I'll put it in

Eventually, is there any way to use custom flags for one package and just then build that package from gentoo repos?

Just edit /etc/portage/make.conf or use cloveros_settings.sh to change to source.

Then add your settings to /etc/portage/package.use

So, I can change to source some packages while keep the others as binary, right?

What WM is that? Openbox? Does it come set up like that as default or is that your own rice? Could you share the rc.conf?
Also check out pic related

Yeah, keep a list of packages you emerged as source, then update like this:

change to binary
emerge -uvD world
change to source
emerge [source packages here]

twm, that's the default install. /etc/rc.conf is default to Gentoo as everything else is


I'm really thinking about giving it a try. How serious are you guys about it? Is it going to be a long term system or just a meme?

**Also finish the fucking website.**

>Package count: 3025
Not minimalistic.

That's in repo, not in ISO.


Considering CloverOS is just Gentoo and we use Gentoo as our primary OSes, CloverOS isn't going away anytime soon.


This is the correct way to make a distro. Don't reinvent what you don't have to and help with existing projects.


does xfe have server mounting? or do I have to manually mount everything?

Make it run on Librem phone and then we'll talk, for now its just an arch or gentoo clone.

You mean network drive? I just do sudo mount -o vers=3.0,user=youruser //ip/share folder

I can't get xfe's drive mount feature to work, I've been looking for a gui thing.

Well that looks complicated, especially if I wanted to mount a sftp or ftp server. other file managers have network mounting, I just don't understand why xfe's mounting doesn't work.

sudo emerge sshfs
sudo mount ip:/directory folder


oh it was a separate thing. man, other distros held my hand too much.

cell writer and xournal sound pretty good

Other file managers use GVFS or KIO, both of which suck. Just use sshfs/curlftpfs/mount.nfs/mount.cifs from the shell.

bumping before i sleep

should make a cloverOS wallpaper thread on /w/.


Can I KDE this?

Why so many ricer cflags?
-funroll-loops does more harm than good especially when used system wide like that

>claim to be a minimal distro
>only minimal in functionality and usability
and binary size has side effects other than just taking up more disk space

Yes, press k when you log in

why does the tty show invalid characters when I run some terminal application? ncmpcpp runs fine in tty on other distros, but spits out invalid characters on gentoo.

Don't even question it, anyone dumb enough to run CloverOS deserves this placebo autism the Gentoo Wiki literally explains is completely fucking useless.

t. actual Gentooman

pulseaudio is totally fine imho