t-thanks Applel, iPhone X is truly revolutionary.
Angry app developer
What it looks like on a normal fucking phone
holy fuck is this real
very real
Goddamnit, I just realized you can rotate it the other way around.
This is not even my final form.
So what poordroid?
Still better than you exploding phone
In portrait it isn't too bad.
They really should have made the notches at the top solid black with status indicators on at all times. With modern OLED I'd imagine it'd work very well.
That gesture section... yeah that just needs to fuck right off.
what's wrong? ran out of your autism medication? seek help before you kill your parents.,.. you fucking nutjob
Do you think it's over yet?
nope, you must fix the fucking settings menu too!
why don't you just leave it destroyed so users will get frustrated? maybe with enough hate apple will realize what a fucking stupid idea this is
Wtf, this can't be real.
Apple will just reject the app and fuck me.
holy fuck that's aids. took me a second to realize.
can't cover notch with clock & battery in landscape mode
>tfw can't decide if you want to buy the iphone x or an ipad pro + pencil
I had to do this in MS paint but why not do something like this?
>making an app everyone has built in
audible kek
>access to brackets from portrait mode
>sequence of operations visible in smaller font below the current value
It’s already a massive improvement with that alone, as long as it doesn’t look like aids at the end of it, it wouldn’t be a bad app.
I don’t understand why you have all this white space at the top with seemingly randomly placed UI objects, it makes me uncomfortable not knowing where a button is supposed to begin and end
you should hide some special features behind that notch
Just block off the fucking notch with a black stripe in landscape.
I'm not OP
That looks so fucking ugly holy shit
I think apple don't like that. Correct me if I'm wrong
believe or not, the iPad doesn’t have one, meaning 99% of iPad users probably uses adware to calculate 1 +1
Come home, user. Many delicious sweets abide here.
>be developer trying to make a living
>lagdroid fanboys calling you to develop a platform where users never pay for anything even when they’re supposed to
I’m sure he’ll get right on that
enjoy having your app rejected
Then do this.
Actually alright
God that swipe area is hideous. As if they couldn’t make the UI any more disgusting.
Why are we doing OP's job for him?
why not
you can’t put buttons outside of the safe area.
Holy fuck this can't be real
So essentially build the app in the safe area and ignore the rest. Apple's restrictions really defeat the purpose of the extra screen area.
That's what they're telling developers to do if they don't want a notch. The proportions of the screen are deliberately made so that if the "wings" are blacked out you're left with a perfectly proportioned 16:9 screen area.
OP here, I know what to do. The problem is that I will have to fix a ton of constraints and add a hundred lines of code just to support the snowflake iPhone, and it will look like shit, users will probably blame me as well.
I don't want your app. What's wrong with the built-in calculator?
It’s targeted at iPad users mainly.
TADA Someone gets it
You need to use a different background color instead of white. For example. That way it doesn't look so out of place.
Just add notches on everything...
Don't do that.
The notches actually makes the spacing between buttons look a lot better.
Think different™
No brackets in portrait mode, have to exit app, unlock orientation, open again, then rotate to click bracket function. And then you can’t even see your whole function, only the current value.
You don’t know how fucking annoying it is when I’m trying to calculate what to expect on my paycheque, and I can’t see the whole thing I've typed in, in real time on top of having to fuck around with the UI for an extra 10 seconds just to add 10*14*16 + (45*10) or some shit for example. I retype the whole function every time just in case I misclicked something because I can only see my current value
So retarded it might just actually work.
the problem is not portrait mode, it's landscape mode. Look at pic related, that was made by Apple, and looks completely out of place (at least for me)
Everything looks like shit on landscape mode.
Wait, you're telling me that iOS makes you exit your app to change basic ass settings like rotation lock?
I'm working on a solution for your app. Just give me a min.
What the fuck xD lmao xD
It’s true. What a frustrating ordeal. I can’t wait to start developing something of my own on this. I’m a masochist.
Also, OP, why not mimic the iOS calculator theme a bit more and use white on black, wouldn’t everything blend that much nicer? Although I guess white on black can’t be the answer to every problem
Well kinda, because the control Center is reached by swiping up, and when you’re in calculator or a text input screen, it’s virtually impossible to do, because swipe up detection area moves to the centre of the screen and a little patch of screen area so you can click the text entry field or the other UI buttons, AND it’s more finicky, to make sure you’re not touching the UI I guess (you got the home button in the way to accidentally click but have to swipe up from the bottom of the screen directly above that and hit the screen at exactly the border), AND in the last iOS you had to do it twice in a row, because the first swipe only brings up a little notch like pic related, and if you fuck up the second swipe it clicks the screen instead and puts the notch down, so you gotta fumble to close the keyboard or clear your UI input and try all over again. Seems in this update it only makes you do that in full screen so it’s actually easier now, and I can use the whole bottom of the screen again in calculator and messenger, but it’s still finicky about the border unless you’re on home screen or something without buttons sitting on the screen border.
On future versions I will do this kind of design. My current code didn't expect that fucking notch, on future versions I will use another approach so I will be able to adapt to anything.
>he installed iOS 11
Programed Obsolency TM
Like, iOS 11 actually seems to improve this complaint (shocking) but I still try to swipe up, and end up with multiple inputs for one gesture, bringing up control centre AND clicking the 6 key or the . key for some fucked up reason.
Best I can do in the little time I tried. You get the idea. You could fuck with button size to keep the answer portion smaller.
>every single iPhone will have the notch from now on
It’s give and take. Control centre was legitimately worse and more difficult to access before.
Op is a fucking retard. He will need to make the app background black anyway or it will get rejected.
Oh wait, iOS has a built in calculator
Holy shit do this, this is the most beautiful it’s gonna get.
How can OP even compete?
We need a new Steve Jobs.
>he uploads 2.5 MB .png files
Do yourself a favour and download Workflow.
256GB phone
What's that storage issue you talking about?
>not using readyboost ram substitute on a USB 2.0 flash drive
Why even live?
>storage issue
>not data issue
>screenshots need to be 3MB
OP here, it looks nice until the user flips it the other way around.
Seriously though get Workflow and fuck around with it. It automates tasks to your custom desires and creates shortcuts you can put on the home screen, the today screen widget area, or as options in the context menus of virtually anything. It handles phone functions, commands to other apps, file management, tons of ridiculous shit.
Why even bother dude. The stock calculator fucks yours in every posible way
Just anchor the right side UI to the left when it detects landscape flipped.
too much code to just support the special snowflake iPhone tbqh.
I don't get it
Never design anything ever you mongoloid.
Bullshit aside is the ios11 music app still laggy and full of visual bugs?
Why am I being so triggered by this, I'm just a notch above a normie but looking at this shit is giving me cold sweats.
I’ll level with you. I don’t listen to music. Ever. I’m dead serious. I have never opened the music app before on iPhone.
You won't notice it with the amoled display
People would have the right to complain of the bezels were white.
Would you mind posting a white image on the screen? (Opening a white image So I can crop it using photoshop) I need a render of the screen but can't download xcode
It shouldn't take any code, constraints should be able to do it on their own.
You realize you would have to detect which way it rotated to right? That would require some special library (at least).
Very true. What a joke this device is becoming. I don’t usually give a shit what devices people use, but I’m actually mad people want to buy this piece of shit.
im full autist and i really like the new screen design. just get better m8
Think it's bad now? Just wait until 2018/2019 when iPhone XI comes out with a slightly different size/shape and you have to do this all over again while maintaining the look for this old iPhone X.
This post is actually funnier than any YLYL post I have ever been in Sup Forums.
Can you not do rotation constraints like you can size profiles? I assumed you could.
sure thing bro
Probably but they’ve never been designed to differentiate anything other than simply landscape/portrait before because it never mattered before.